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A photo manipulation?


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It has been a while ago since I made a photomanipulation, except for those I made when I worked together with navy at his shop.




I wanted to make a bigger one, so I started looking for a nice photo yesterday. The result... :shame:


Today I started searching again, and I found this random image from the guitarist of 'Audioslave'. Never heard any of their music, but the photo was useful.




Please tell me if you like it, and what needs to improve.




There are some things to improve, the longer I look at it the more I want to change it. <.<












[hide=The result]audioslavecopy2aa8.png[/hide]




[hide=The Result - with fibers]audioslavecopy1gu8.png[/hide]



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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its ok, but there isn't much difference between the original and the result, except for the colors(which I find personally to make the picture worse).




But you can't rely on just my opinion, since I am very new to graphics.

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I like the effect on the floor but the person seems to have some colour fringing.




Personally, I'd do this:




Duplicate the background layer.


Apply the effect on the copied layer.


Select eraser and erase the part of the copied layer with the person on it.


Adjust opacity of the edited layer to suit and merge the two layers.




That's what I'd do so you get the effect on the floor but not the fringing on the person.

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Honestly I think it just looks like the ink is running out on your printer.




Its not my photo, Someone else posted it on DA.




But thanks for your opinion. :)








I mean the messed up colours YOU added to the photo looks like someone tried to print it off on a printer with low ink.

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