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D�������©j�������  Vu


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Sometimes I even have dreams about what will happen the next day.


I think this is what happened to me.






Last year I had a dream about some kids stealing a purse from a table.


Maybe a couple months later during class I was thinking about that same dream when my teacher said that someone stole her purse during her lunch break. I asked where did she put it and she said on the table.








I think I have Deja Vu alot but I don't realize it.

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Sometimes I even have dreams about what will happen the next day.


I think this is what happened to me.






Last year I had a dream about some kids stealing a purse from a table.


Maybe a couple months later during class I was thinking about that same dream when my teacher said that someone stole her purse during her lunch break. I asked where did she put it and she said on the table.








I think I have Deja Vu alot but I don't realize it.




I think everyone is psycic but we can't access it at will, only subconciously.




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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For me Deja vu is experiencing something and feeling that you have experienced it exactly the same way before.




It happens to me often, I say something, hear something or express an emotion, look up at my surroundings and the people nearby and I sometimes get the feeling that I have been in this same place, with the same people, saying the same things, with the same emotions some time before. But alot of times it's not even plausible that it wasn't a mind trick and that it is something that I really did experience, because the deja vu happens most often with someone I just met, or a place I've never been to, or a party that hasn't happened before.

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