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Hot Air Balloon Travel


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Well I'm doing the Varrock achievement diary at the moment and travelling from Varrock to Taverly with the hot air balloon is a task. The problem is, I did the quest a few days after it came out, and that was a while ago. I forgot everything about it :wall: and I never use that travelling method.




Can someone tell me what items and logs I need for those locations and what I have to do after I get those items.





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if I recall you need 10 willow logs (i take 20 in case of messing up) and a tinderbox. Talk to the dude on entrana (west side) and you will then do the minigame. It might take a couple of goes (it did for me). Best of luck.




For further advice, read the quest guide relating to that quest or the getting around guide stated above.


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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I used after quest dont remember tip.it or runehq.com guide (i using both websites) and ulocked all routes and forgetted and using when i need it:)

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


Visit my exp track

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