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Recommend me a video card.


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Basically I need a newer video card.




Here are my specs:




Processor: Intel Celeron D 330, 2.66 GHz, 533 FSB, 256Kb; overclocked to 3.4 GHz, 680 FSB.


RAM: 1 Stick 1024MB, another stick 512 MB DDR, pc3200 working at 212 Mhz instead of 170 Mhz original. (My motherboard supports up to PC2700 but recognizes PC3200)


Motherboard: 8pe800 rs, Revision 2.0


Current video card: ATI Radeon 9600XT, 128MB RAM, 500/324. (Not overclocked, source engine doesn't like video card overclocking)


AGP slot: 8x




I'm not looking for ultra performance because I know I'm not going to get it with the Celeron and AGP, I'm looking for something to replace my current video card, while making sure it's not going to be too fast, since I know if I'm going to pick something like this, my cpu will be bottlenecked.




Video card that's something like this or XFX NVidia GeForce 6800 GS 256mb is preferred, except 512 MB instead of 256 MB (if possible)




As well as the card recommendation, please include how much of an FPS boost I should expect and on which games.




P.S Buying a new system isn't an option, I know I'm delaying the inevitable but for as long as I don't work, I'm not getting anything big, especially a whole new system.




Thanks in advance, now time to sleep.

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I'm also looking for a new graphics card as well, with a similar system to yours (P4 2.7ghz, 1.2gb ram).




Take a look at this. It's a 512mb MSI 7600GT, which would run fairly well.




This would also run well. This is a 256mb 7600GT, but has DDR3 onboard (MSI has DDR2 onboard)




I've seen the MSI 512mb card going for about $160 Australian (About $140 US), but it is a little hard to find.



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Before I recommend any cards can you tell me three things;


*Your PSU wattage (and make if possible)


*Your budget


*Which games your planning on playing.


The PSU is important as the higher spec cars need more juice, if your PSU isn't good enough you could need up buying one of them too.


The budget is a bug factor there's no use in me recommending you a $300 card if you only have $150 to spend.


The games are also important as ATI and nVidia cards perform better on different games (usually only a small difference, but on a few there's a big gap.) plus some games tend to use the CPU/RAM more (meaning the gpu upgrade might only help a little)


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