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I plan on dking in about a month, 2 weeks at aviensas to make cash and the other 2 because I have no idea when my parents are going to let me be p2p again. I have guthans and will have veracs and other stuff so i should have pretty much everything. If there are any good guides out there besides the tip.it one or what not Id like for you to post a link.




Also could anyone explain the suiciding thing for me and how to solo them incase I cant find a partner. Pictures are also greatly welcomed, would help a lot

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basically a suicider distracts all of the kings so you can get in without getting prime and supreme on you, once he has them distracted he pms or says on clan chat "go" and then you climb down ladder and run along south edge to far most east( i think east) part of the lair. then whenever rex gets close, just mage him and lure him to the safespot. i've never gone solo, bu that's how you do it with a suicider.

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