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More racism please


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With the English election coming up I find it so stupid that most of the partys are still trying to [kitty]foot around the immigration issue, or just plan measures that wont really help at all.








What the immigration policy as it is thousands of people who can't do anything particulary useful are let in every year and a good amount of them go on to participate in criminal activities, petty crimes and in some cases, unbelievably, the goverment lets people with STD's in and then, when they have spread the disease, they sponser million pound initiatives to help them, regardless of the fact that they have probably not paid any significant amount to the goverment or contributed anything at all to the working force in britain. All this just because everyone has the stupid idea that saying no to a black person or any other ethnic 'minority' is racist.








This is not a racist view, if it were racist I'd be talking about deporting everyone who couldn't confirm an english bloodline down seven generations, I'm not, I know plenty of people who have come to this country and contribute to the entire system, they of course should not be affected, and In fact I wouldn't want them to be.








However, the disgusting individuals who come into this country purely on the basis that they feel things are too bad for them at home, because they feel that living in britain would be easier or even worse to participate in any kind of crime, should be deported immediately and I really don't care if your sending them back to an area that makes their skin fall off when they touch the ground or if they get thrown in a rat infested cell by police.

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More racism please.











This is not a racist view.








I beg to differ.








beg all you like, the goverment has gone so far arsefaced in so many directions that their actually working against the people their supposed to govern for simply because their so afraid of a racist label because of idiots who starts screaming about Neo-Nazi's and the rise of the ressurection of the third reich every time a black drug dealer is arrested.

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afraid of a racist label because of idiots who starts screaming about Neo-Nazi's and the rise of the ressurection of the third reich every time a black drug dealer is arrested.
This I agree with. Political correctness has become being opinionless.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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afraid of a racist label because of idiots who starts screaming about Neo-Nazi's and the rise of the ressurection of the third reich every time a black drug dealer is arrested.
This I agree with. Political correctness has become being opinionless.








More like irrational, pathetic and a waste of everyones time, pretty much the same as just about anything in politics, on a larger scale.

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Wanting to stop illegal immigrants is not racist, and it's because so many people tried to portray that it IS that we're in the situation we're in now.








Contrary to what was said a few years back, Britain HAS become a soft touch.








Hence my choice of party in the upcoming election.

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Don't forget about the potential terrorists they're letting into our country :?








That's just funny, but no, your country has already passed a law which allows the imprisonment of an islamic person for no real reason at all by the decision of the police. Judging 1.5 billion islamic people, 1,500,000,000 based on what 19 of them did in 2001 is really smart.








Though, I agree with the race issue: Just because you say "sorry, but no" to a racial minority, it doesn't mean you're being racist. There are too many racist stereotypes nowdadays it's almost comical and it can get you into trouble. A black man walks up to you on the street and asks "can you give me a million dollars". You say sorry, I don't have that kind of money. He says: "I knew it, just because I'm black you racist"








There are racial stereotypes of all races, white, black, asian, any you can think of. The most ignorant thing I've heard so far is "white people can't experience racism". White people are a minority in the world, what the hell were you thinking? Of course they can experience it and do every day. So do people of every race. It's a problem that needs to be solved.

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Guest GhostRanger









More racism please.











This is not a racist view.








I beg to differ.








I guess you don't understand the meaning of satire?

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More racism please.











This is not a racist view.








I beg to differ.








I guess you don't understand the meaning of satire?








That's pretty much contradicting since his post was probably satire itself 8)

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we have really bad immigration problems, seriously. we have more curry houses than petrol stations now, and most of the asian community work in those aswell. I remember someone saying that the UK actually only let in something like 8% of the world's immigrants. But if you consider the size of the uk, that's pretty damn huge.




Britain does need to get tougher on immigrants. I find it odd that when it's not Ireland behind terrorism, it's asians. True to the fact, even if you don't like racism, it's a lot less intimidating to walk past a group of 15 year old skaters than a group of 15 year old blacks, especially since youth groups like the chavs believe England is "da hood" and go places to start fights instead of enjoy themselves.

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Guest GhostRanger











More racism please.











This is not a racist view.








I beg to differ.








I guess you don't understand the meaning of satire?








That's pretty much contradicting since his post was probably satire itself 8)








Hehe, very true! :lol:

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let in every year and a good amount of them go on to participate in criminal activities, petty crimes and in some cases, unbelievably, the goverment lets people with STD's in and then, when they have spread the disease








This is not a racist view








I'd call that pretty prejudice myself.




But don't worry I have the perfect party for you.




The B.N.P. The British Nationalist Party.




Put your country first by fueling hate crimes against any other race than caucasian. Go on rallies and fun nights out to beat up Asian young men. Support your leader in his court case for racial hatred.









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I find this tricky... I don't have a problem with people immigrating, but I do have a problem with the minority who cause the trouble and give the rest a bad name. The way I see it is this: if we can gather a load of healthy, successful people in the country who will make it stronger, then it's good. Unfortunately this is increasingly not what people immigrate for, is it?








[disclaimer] anyone who's payed attention to my thoughts on racism before will try and ignore the fact that I'm trying to put both (legit.) sides




of the argument down, and please not hold anything I say against me. I don't necessarily mean it all to be as harsh as it may sound; I just needed to structure it such.








It's all very well for people to go to America to make their fortunes (or not, as the case may be, I suppose), but there's quite a lot of room there. England isn't so big, and, while people coming to help is good, people coming to sap resources is not. I do think that the present government is being too lax in letting so many people in, but I don't know all that goes on, so I'm not really qualified to comment. I'm going to anyway, however. I don't know how they screen people--if they even do, these days--when letting people into the country. Obviously, they can screen out diseased people; that's quite simple... odd that it isn't working, but that's not the point. What's unfortunate, is that they can't screen people for "being a nasty person" or "being a drain on society".








I quite like that we take in assylum seakers. I don't like, however, that we take in people who don't really nead assylum as assylum seakers. For instance, I was not bothered when we got a load (sorry, I don't know the correct collective noun here) of kosovans located in our town. Actually, most of them (if not all--I don't know) got jobs in the local area, so good: they're helping the community. What's more, they brought in a teensy bit of culture to the backwaters. So, in this case, I'm all for giving people assylum. However, I gather that there are many, many people who are granted assylum who don't really need it; this isn't right. anyone of any race moving to England--including ex-pats moving back--would be a bad thing without good reason. Trying to squeeze more and more people in, and provide for them (i.e. provide all the things that one can expect when living in England, including the general standard of living) won't work unless those people do something to generate resources/provide valuable services.








Obviously it's wrong that we live at a higher standard than a lot of these people... it's wrong, I suppose, that anyone be "poor"--though some might well dissagree, and I'd not argue with them at all. However, that doesn't mean that those who are less fortunate in another country should automatically have the right to come and be more fortunate here. Erasing debts, yes; providing clean water, yes; helping out when big disasters strike, yes: charity I approve of (as long as it's actually helpful, and doesn't just draw out an inevitable problem, or make a problem that could be overcome impossible to overcome). What I do not approve of, is the crowding of so many people into one area.








Unless there's some legitimate reason for someone not to live in their country--perhaps there's some pogrom going on, and their race is being exterminated--then they should stay there; aid should be provided there not here. After all, people don't want other countries to invade their own, because it's their ancestral home, no? Why, then, should they be so eagre to move to another country when the going gets tough. <<-- that's aimed only at those people who haven't a legitimate (by my definition) reason to immigrate, not the people who do contribute.








This really has nothing to do with race, apart from the fact that lots of people from other countries are of different races; it's not discrimination against other races, as the race of the people in question does not come into this argument. There are, of course, racists who disagree with immigration to this country due to their own xenophobia--this tends to cloud a lot of minds when people try and address this issue, and a lot of ineffectual moaners complain that one whole side of the argument is racist, which is just not true. It's probably the same set of people who complain about all the other issues.








I've gone on for rather longer than I expected, sorry. Anyway, to sum up: government=gone soft, immigration=good but only if..., complainers=annoying and not helpful. I tell you, if the people who can't think straight would just shut up every once in a while, then the world would be a better place. This is one of the few flaws in democracy: there are lots of stupid people in the world.








EDIT Yeah, I'll shut up now to set the ball rolling, before anyone tells me to.

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let in every year and a good amount of them go on to participate in criminal activities, petty crimes and in some cases, unbelievably, the goverment lets people with STD's in and then, when they have spread the disease








This is not a racist view








I'd call that pretty prejudice myself.




But don't worry I have the perfect party for you.




The B.N.P. The British Nationalist Party.




Put your country first by fueling hate crimes against any other race than caucasian. Go on rallies and fun nights out to beat up Asian young men. Support your leader in his court case for racial hatred.
















your one of the disgusting , spineless, pathetic people who started this whole chain of mass acceptence of others like yourself but of a different race, My mere suggestion that we don't let criminals and worthless slime into the country has you suggesting that I attack people based on their race and support a party that you believe supports violence.








You make me want to throw up all over my country, unfortunately people like yourself have already buried it so deep in [cabbage] nobody would notice.








Have fun being a parasite, try seeing how much further you can shove your political correctness up your [wagon] before it comes bursting out of your head.

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let in every year and a good amount of them go on to participate in criminal activities, petty crimes and in some cases, unbelievably, the goverment lets people with STD's in and then, when they have spread the disease








This is not a racist view








I'd call that pretty prejudice myself.




But don't worry I have the perfect party for you.




The B.N.P. The British Nationalist Party.




Put your country first by fueling hate crimes against any other race than caucasian. Go on rallies and fun nights out to beat up Asian young men. Support your leader in his court case for racial hatred.
















your one of the disgusting , spineless, pathetic people who started this whole chain of mass acceptence of others like yourself but of a different race, My mere suggestion that we don't let criminals and worthless slime into the country has you suggesting that I attack people based on their race and support a party that you believe supports violence.








You make me want to throw up all over my country, unfortunately people like yourself have already buried it so deep in cabbage nobody would notice.








Have fun being a parasite, try seeing how much further you can shove your political correctness up your wagon before it comes bursting out of your head.








You have got to be the most moronic, ironic and insane person I have ever heard.




You call me the parasite, the treasoner, the disgusting spineless and pathetic one.




You're the one who has the problem with someone just because his nationality is not yours nor is his religion




You're the one with the grotesque idea that you have the right who can and who cannot live with freedom




You're the one labelling foreigners as worthless slime when you are nothing more than that yourself, branding people as leopers merely because they do not hail where your God almighty ancestors may have hailed from. The fact you call them worthless slime to me, and probably 99% of the sane population, would lead me to believe you would support a nationalist party.




You're the one who should be exiled from the country. You're the one bringing shame to it with your dispicable ignorance, unexplainable arrogance and sheer idiocy. This is a bloody fine country, the best in the world. The scum scrawling the streets, such as yourself, lurching and ridiculing any foreign face, any shade of skin, any accented dialogue, are enough to make me sick to the bone. You spit on the flag, wipe it under your feet and hang it up again with views like this.




Do not even begin to think about who or who not I may not be. You do not deserve it. You do not even deserve a dying breath in this world. You should go straight back to hell for thinking in that manner you do. I really could not care, I may even rejoice, if the plague of your species ceased to be. I hate you with an absolute passion you hateful, spiteful, ignorant, stupid, petty, annoying, scumfull, incoherent, insane and shameful SMEGHEAD!!!








Edit: Apologies for omission of contractions, but when you're overcome by a blind fit of rage you tend to miss these things.

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I'd call that pretty prejudice myself.




But don't worry I have the perfect party for you.




The B.N.P. The British Nationalist Party.




Put your country first by fueling hate crimes against any other race than caucasian. Go on rallies and fun nights out to beat up Asian young men. Support your leader in his court case for racial hatred.
















Ignorance isn't something to flaunt you know.








The BNP is NOT a racist party, and racism is not what they stand for. Just because some of the followers see it that way doesn't make it so. And just because some idiots who affiliate THEMSELVES with it engage in racism does not make it a racist party.

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The BNP is NOT a racist party, and racism is not what they stand for. Just because some of the followers see it that way doesn't make it so. And just because some idiots who affiliate THEMSELVES with it engage in racism does not make it a racist party.








Idiots like the leader himself?

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Your the one who has the problem with someone just because his nationality is not yours nor is his religion




Your the one with the grotesque idea that you have the right who can and who cannot live with freedom




Your the one labelling foreigners as worthless slime when you are nothing more than that yourself, branding people as leopers merely because they do not hail where your God almighty ancestors may have hailed from. The fact you call them worthless slime to me, and probably 99% of the sane population, would lead me to believe you would support a nationalist party.




Your the one who should be exiled from the country. Your the one bringing shame to it with your dispicable ignorance, unexplainable arrogance and sheer idiocy. This is a bloody fine country, the best in the world. The scum scrawling the streets, such as yourself, lurching and ridiculing any foreign face, any shade of skin, any accented dialogue, are enough to make me sick to the bone. You spit on the flag, wipe it under your feet and hang it up again with views like this.




Do not even begin to think about who or who not I may not be. You do not deserve it. You do not even deserve a dying breath in this world. You should go straight back to hell for thinking in that manner you do. I really could not care, I may even rejoice, if the plague of your species ceased to be. I hate you with an absolute passion you hateful, spiteful, ignorant, stupid, petty, annoying, scumfull, incoherent, insane and shameful SMEGHEAD!!!








You're, not your.








I mean if you're going to bold it and everything...








Your is the possessive form of "you." You're is the contraction of "you are."








Maybe if you spent less time being a crazy bastard you'd (note the contraction) understand the language.

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Your the one who has the problem with someone just because his nationality is not yours nor is his religion




Your the one with the grotesque idea that you have the right who can and who cannot live with freedom




Your the one labelling foreigners as worthless slime when you are nothing more than that yourself, branding people as leopers merely because they do not hail where your God almighty ancestors may have hailed from. The fact you call them worthless slime to me, and probably 99% of the sane population, would lead me to believe you would support a nationalist party.




Your the one who should be exiled from the country. Your the one bringing shame to it with your dispicable ignorance, unexplainable arrogance and sheer idiocy. This is a bloody fine country, the best in the world. The scum scrawling the streets, such as yourself, lurching and ridiculing any foreign face, any shade of skin, any accented dialogue, are enough to make me sick to the bone. You spit on the flag, wipe it under your feet and hang it up again with views like this.




Do not even begin to think about who or who not I may not be. You do not deserve it. You do not even deserve a dying breath in this world. You should go straight back to hell for thinking in that manner you do. I really could not care, I may even rejoice, if the plague of your species ceased to be. I hate you with an absolute passion you hateful, spiteful, ignorant, stupid, petty, annoying, scumfull, incoherent, insane and shameful SMEGHEAD!!!








You're, not your.








I mean if you're going bold it and everything...








Your is the possessive form of "you." You're is the contraction of "you are."








Maybe if you spent less time being a crazy * you'd (note the contraction) understand the language.

Aww, give him slack.








He's a master at this game.









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If both the United States and Britain were to have stricter screening processes, it would save alot of trouble. As an American, I don't have any problem with people coming here seeking opportunity. However, I do have a problem with people coming over, getting involved in crime, and becoming a menace to society while succeeding in bringing down our economy. Yes, that I do have a problem with.








It has nothing to do with race or religion, it has to do with ethics. If customs were to do a basic history screening on people before allowing them to come in, and instead of granting amnesty to every Joe who snuck past our borders required them to be screened, alot of good would happen.








Those who come seeking opportunity and freedom would get just that, and those looking to cause trouble can go elsewhere.








A bit idealistic...sure. Just my fourteen cents.

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If both the United States and Britain were to have stricter screening processes, it would save alot of trouble.















Same With us Candadiens not saying its as bad here but apparently were the ones who let in 4 or 5 of the terrorists from the trade centers.








I understand what hes trying to get across more immigration laws would make it harder for a errorist of druggy or something to that affect enter you contry. Dont really know much about laws in Britain though.

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Oh yea, and here in the US, we have the exact same problem, illegal immigrants are taking jobs, driving around without licences or insureance and not paying taxes. I want to kick em all out, everyone ofthem. But the moronic libs in california and other special interest groups belive that somehow, they have the same rights we citizens have!!! I pay my god damn taxes, I get my rights, they dont pay jack squat, and they get rights? Yea, that makes ALOT of sense.....








Oh and did you know that an unnamed special interest group in arizona lobbied with the mexican government in a lawsuit against the AZ state legislature, which passed a law that requires proof of citizenship when applying for a license, insureance, a job, or anything important, AND THEY WON!!! And in Cali, they wanted to let anyone vote without two forms of ID and citizenship!! WHAT IS THIS BULLCRAP!?!?! I'm not a huge righty, cause some of that stuff is crazy, but this crap is just plain STUPID!








[/end rant]

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