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Wht program is the best for all dif types of sigs!?


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3d Studio Max




Cinema 4d












Paint shop pro




Graphics Gale




























Vue 5 ( For Nad lol)












Not Sure








3D Modelling:




3D studio max




Bryce to a certain degree.








Final Touches:
















If im incorrect please correct me, if you feel the need to add more do so

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i ment programs that you recommend not just searched up?








And I ment search. This question has been asked a million times... maybe even a million and one. In the time it took someone to reply, or you to even make this post you could have found most programs.












Shaun, i still use bryce for abbys lol. and vue 5 owns 'yer wagon :(

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for pixel - all you need is paint, none of this fancy rubbish, chances are if you use the fancy stuff for pixel, such as photoshop, it won't even be pixel at all...








photoshop is a pixel based program not vector based so why wouldnt it end up not pixel?

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Photoshop is a brush based brogram.. so it would end up brushes (using dodge burn and etc.) not pixel




You are not only ignorant, you're an idiot. If you hadn't called Kane an idiot I wouldn't call you one, but, since you did, I'll return the favor.




There is no such thing as a "brush-based program".




Photoshop is a raster graphics program.




Raster graphics are bitmap graphics. That is, they are made up of small colored squares called pixels.




You may be thinking you can't "pixel" in Photoshop because you know nothing whatsoever about Photoshop. You can, in fact, use brushes that aren't feathered, and create "pixel art".












Now, just for your general information, so perhaps you won't embarass yourself somewhere else. An example of a vector program would be Adobe Illustrator. Vector graphics are made up of vectors; vectors are mathematically-defined lines that can be completely and fully scaled without any destruction, which is why they're used so often in commercial applications.












If you'd like to learn more about Photoshop, or the difference between raster and vector graphics, check out this site.

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Photoshop is a brush based brogram.. so it would end up brushes (using dodge burn and etc.) not pixel




You are not only ignorant, you're an idiot. If you hadn't called Kane an idiot I wouldn't call you one, but, since you did, I'll return the favor.




There is no such thing as a "brush-based program".




Photoshop is a raster graphics program.




Raster graphics are bitmap graphics. That is, they are made up of small colored squares called pixels.




You may be thinking you can't "pixel" in Photoshop because you know nothing whatsoever about Photoshop. You can, in fact, use brushes that aren't feathered, and create "pixel art".












Now, just for your general information, so perhaps you won't embarass yourself somewhere else. An example of a vector program would be Adobe Illustrator. Vector graphics are made up of vectors; vectors are mathematically-defined lines that can be completely and fully scaled without any destruction, which is why they're used so often in commercial applications.












If you'd like to learn more about Photoshop, or the difference between raster and vector graphics, check out this site.








So very true. There isn't any reason photoshop can't make pixels... it can do brushes, but then again... well, you summed it up quite nicely.












and calling Kane an idiot wasn't the smartest move. You probaly don't know who he is either :lol:

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So very true. There isn't any reason photoshop can't make pixels... it can do brushes, but then again... well, you summed it up quite nicely.












and calling Kane an idiot wasn't the smartest move. You probaly don't know who he is either :lol:








Nadril, no offense, but I don't think you know much more than Despaxes.












Syrup, sorry to spam your topic up like this..




Feel free to contact me via AIM or MSN and I can help you some.

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Landscape- Bryce or Terragen




Abstract and other stuff-Photoshop(AMAZING PROGRAM)




Vectors-Adobe Illustrator








I would get Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and if you are really interested in making Landscapes then get Bryce

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