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Maybe a dead clue


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Well, i got a clue where i have to dig under the crossbow at the graveyard.




I've tried to dig without picking the crossbow up, i tried it with picking the crossbow up, and i even tried it with bolts in my slot and the dig.




I have the clue, the sextant, the watch, a spade and the chart in my inventory.




But still it gives the message: nothing interesting happens.




I really don't understand why it won't work, i have everything i need in my inventory, tried all kinds of ways to dig but nothing works.




And i don't know if it makes a difference, but i'm wearing full black dragonhide and other ranged stuff.




Hope anyone can help me :cry:

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Are you sure you're in the correct graveyard? There's two graveyards in the wild that have crossbow respawns. You should be in the graveyard with the zombies, NOT the graveyard with the skeletons.








Look here:
















The correct graveyard is the one in the green circle.








P.S. Sorry about the pic size...I needed it that big so you could see both graveyards clearly.

Remember, the SEARCH button is your friend. Use it!

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Thank you all for the replies.




First of all, Jard dooku i did mention a chart, but thank you for trying to help.




Mcguff, i've dug a few times, and then read the clue, but i just kept saying the same, ad i kept getting the message nothing interesting happens.




And Kiara kat, thank you very much for the help, i didn't know there was a crossbow respawn at the zombie place.




I checked that map before to see if there were other crossbow respawns, but it didn't show a crossbow respawn at the zombie place.




I'll go and check right now.




Thank you for the help everybody :D

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