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Supposidly High Level Items Are Too Easily Accessible


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That's exactly what I'm saying. If you're f2p like I am, you almost have to buy god armor to not be noobish. What they need to do is either make something inbetween rune and dragon for f2p players or make dragon f2p and make an even more elite armor. Something has to be done. I don't like the fact that I had to pay almost 4 mil more for armor just because it has white on it.
















Dude, we pay to wear the dragon armor, be happy jagex gives you more updates, back in runescape clasic free only had bronze arrows and normal bows, now you got almust al bows and arrows. And you f2p guys only ask for more, just pay then you get more. omg just gona pay, 5 bucks aint that much








I wasn't complaining that I wanted more updates or more quests. All that I was saying was: if I'm paying 4 mil for some armor, it would be kind of nice if the stats reflected that.








And by the way: junior, you need to learn how to spell. "clasic", "almust", "al", "gona", and even though to you it doesn't matter, "aint" isn't a word. If you did want to say it, almost every example I've ever seen has spelled it with an apostrophe: "ain't".








Maybe you should spend all that money you use on runescape on a tutor.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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If you feel so bad..gett rune gold, a full god, etc.. They couldnet change sthe prices, because of the amount of pople that already have full rune.




Im not trying to be offensive, but trying to fix a problem would cause more problems.

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Noob tends to be a bad word to everyone like in insult.... it's jsut a word that everyone uses... yesterday i got called a noob cutting magic because someone else COULDNT... hah! :o








allthou rune armor...... eh its default armor basicly and everyone calls you noob. on the other hand u get godly armor and u got noobs asking for money and it just ticks u off. :x








i can name some Real [bleep]ing noobs.( my guys name on rs2 is Inuyasha xx1) some guy with the same name basicly will walk upa nd say nice name.... i mean how noobs that.... :roll:








but for instance if u dont want to be called noob buy full dragon, get phat, get 100mill+ oh the list gets bigger and bigger.




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Yeah well think of it this way.




Dragon armour is WAY to expensive, i mean 30 mill for a chain? thats just stupid.




70 mill ( ish ) for the best stuff in game? including abysall whip? that again is just rediculous!..( especially when the next best armour only costs 250k for the full set )




Armour should be something people fight against other people with in the wilderness...




In f2p people call people noobs for pking in addy and not pking in rune if they are lvl 60+




Why not the same in p2p?




Why dont people call other people " noobs " for pking in rune when they could be using dragon!?








Answer: Rs economy is stuffed

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The answer is simple. It's a supply and demand economy.








Of course dragon stuff is going to cost more than rune. Not only because of it's better stats, but look at it in comparison to rune items... It's rare as hell. Of course the prices are going to be "way" too expensive, they're still one of the rarest items in the game.








And yeah, dragon stuff has been around awhile now, and the prices are expected to go down... but they already have. The only real reason it's still so much, is because people can't smith the stuff. And the only real reason the price will drastically go down IMO, is untill jagex screws up and lets us smith the stuff...












Hopefully not, but they're not gonna catch me with my pants down...

















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Man has this forum gotten spammed...it's gone so far from what it was orignally meant to talk about. First off, I'm not talking about p2p items, it's really more of a problem in f2p. I'm not complaining that dragon costs too much. I'm actually suggesting that rune cost more or require better stats to be worn. I started off saying rune is far too easily accessible, and we've started complaining that dragon costs too much.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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never palyed classic so i wont know but




rune is decent but yes noobish just save up for dragon




but its cheap now and easy to buy back :roll:

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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  • 3 months later...
Maybe there could be a minimum of 100k per rune armor item and weapon.








you see, that just wouldn't work because most of runescapes prices are player controlled








and who cares if people think you're a noob, i sure don't




i just have the self satisfaction that i can own them

Small Children Scared Count:3


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I agree, rune armor is no longer a sign of high levels which is why there is dragon armor and so on. Runescape has lasted quite some time, things like this happen. So just live with it.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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