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Hijacked Fansites, BBCode and Rumours

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We have now spent quite some time investigating this situation, and have decided to re-instate the features that were removed.








This situation is extremely strange. According to Jagex, several staff and user accounts have been compromised, but haven't been used in game. This supposedly occured due to an exploit a user posted on these boards. We have been unable to confirm such an exploit, and since the exploit in question is so old very few systems are unpatched against it. Basically, most of you are immune to it.








The strange thing is, that so should most of the people in question have been, yet it happened nonetheless. We have also done in-depth scans of the systems that were supposedly broken into, but we have found no traces of any Trojan or Keylogger.








There has also been a rumour circulating about a user having used an exploit to extract databases from all the major fansites and then using them to access Runescape characters. Due to the nature of this supposed exploit we have no way to confirm that it did or did not happen, but it is indeed quite unlikely. Many of the people who were targeted by this claim to have used entirely different passwords back then, and should as such be immune aswell.








Regardless, we have decided to, for now, disable all JPEG images on the forums. We are aware that this will be a hassle for many media boarders, but we believe this is for the best. This exploit may be old, but if Jagex are correct it is still affecting people. Security has always and will always be our #1 priority.








So basically, we're at square one. We have no idea what, if anything, happened. The only lead we have so far is the information from Jagex, and even they know very little about what happened. We are still in looking into this matter, and we ask that anyone with any information regarding this contacts an admin as soon as possible.








To sum this up: The Tip.it website or its forums have not been compromised in any way. We have also been unable to confirm the existance of any image containing an exploit on our boards on any other fansites boards. From what we have gathered, very few were affected by this. Tip.it strives to ensure the security of our users, and we will continue to be on the lookout for anything that could be causing this.








Sorry for the inconvenience,




the Tip.it admin team.

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