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>> Cant see Runescape!!! <<


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I've never had any issues with rs, suddenly today my friends list went down.. I played a few hours without it, was nice not to have the distraction. Then Rebooted to try to fix the friends list and now I can't get to the home page, all I see are the adds and a blank middle frame...








Arg.. whats up with this?

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Reboot reboot reboot....




Am sick of rebooting.. so..




I did dl firefox, installed, rebooted again, fer good measure.. nutting, just the adds and then a blank main screen on fire fox as well..








Is there some new virus going around that messing up the internet as a whole, and where are the locations everyone is at that is having this problem?








Am in Minneapolis, MN








***edited for spelling errors

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firefox tells me its hanging on some thing called:
















its waiting for that next, suppose this is because jagex has it setup to load the ads first and one of the vendor ads is hanging, thus the rest of the page does not load?








am gonna be so mad if as a member I can't play because of a vendor ad error!












***edited for spelling errors

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OOF...Backbone report still shows outages in CA and NY this morning (ET). I managed to play last night for a bit, but am having same issues this morning. The site malfunction makes it difficult to report this bug too.








Does anyone know the email address for reporting bugs? I'm new to the game so I don't have it.

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OOF...Backbone report still shows outages in CA and NY this morning (ET). I managed to play last night for a bit, but am having same issues this morning. The site malfunction makes it difficult to report this bug too.








Does anyone know the email address for reporting bugs? I'm new to the game so I don't have it.








*sigh* As far as I know they don't have one anymore... you have to gothrough Secure Services....




They need to get that fixed


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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ok ok.. I got up this morning and had the same issue as last night.
















1) power down the computer completely




2) power down all of your network gear. (cable modem, dsl modem, firewall, anything that is used for internet connection)




3) power up the modem, once its done the self test and the lights are on.




4) Then the firewall, again, all lights should stablize before proceeding on to 5.




5)any other hubs, switches etc you might have and then your pc.












I've done this twice now, once last night and now once this morning and have found the issue has dissappeared each time. I think there are some routing tables in there that need to get cleared when the internet as a whole changes its routing configuration. (total guess here, I work in real estate, not computers)








Anyway, hope this helps and good luck!

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