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Pixel Shops


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I am hoping to set up shop in the media market forum, but I have two questions.








1. how much wuch would a sig of this type be worth?
















This is just a sample the stuff I am hoping to sell woul be more costomised to a perons wants and needs.




e.g Different area of background, custom armours on the peeps (exept mage), 1, 2, or even 3 (like the sample shows) combat peeps on the sig








2. When someone says they want to buy one, how do you get the money off them AND give them the link to the sig at the ame time?

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when you make a pixel sig for someone it will depend on the quality, If I were you I would just make about 5 sigs and try and sell em on a pixel auction because the price could keep going above what you expected.. In my pixel shop I ask if anyone wants a customised sig (were they tell me exactly what they want) People post requests and you just simply post a sample of the finished version onto your shop (just text accross the sig saying sample) so no one can steal it, if they like it youll arange to meet on rs and get paid. then you just simply pm them the final sig, with or without their name on it. For a customised sig I would be looking at something around 200k each atm for your sigs, I only sell mine for 100k cus im only in it to improve so I dunno it could be more for your pixel sigs..








Goodluck with pixeling.

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/\ same as above /\ :P








although i suggest u make a few free ones firstnot many just a few to see how ur doing get known, then start a few for auction, then start up a shop for around how much ur auctioned sigs went for


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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1. The price of any sig as mentioned by another sigmaker is not really relevant since they're not the one buying it. Prices will come as you post the sigs and the people who buy the sigs decide what they want to pay. Not a bad thing at all, could go both ways in difference. :)








2. Here's the best way to run a shop:




Listen to everything your customers say, they won't lie just to annoy you. Put examples up in your shop. Don't add comments like "selling nooby sigs" or "mediocre pixel sig shop", those will kill your clientele right away. Just be proud of the work you do if you're really serious into it. Accept CC from everyone, sig buyers ore sigmakers/artists, it can only help you improve your sigselling.




When someone posts a request, they should have a pic of the money, an RS name, preferably a person that has some reputation (in order to avoid bring ripped by some nobody). Make the sig, put a huge "sample" text over it, then show that to your buyer. If the buyer refuses to pay fr the sig until he sees the sig without "sample", walk away - he/she probably just wants to rip the sig for free. Hopefully you're buyer will like the sig and should then pay you in RS for it. Once payment is done, send your buyer the sig without the "sample" text on it. There ya go, and continue like this forever. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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heres some helpful tips number 1 characters zoomed look rubbish number 2 dont rip back grounds especially of the world map number 3 take your time

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