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Xbox360 Questions


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I'm considering buying an xbox 360 within the next 2 weeks, I have a few questions...




1) What is the main difference between the 20gb and 120gb?


2) Do you have to pay a subscription or something to use Xbox Live?


3) Does the xbox just connect directly to a normal internet connection?


4) If yes on question 4, can I use a wireless network.


5) Does the xbox now come with that ugly extra fan thing that is needed to stop it from overheating or do you have to buy it seperately?




Many thanks,






Oh also,


Some recomendations for games and accessories would be nice?


Help me starting out again - Give YOUR advice!

If you're collecting in game "hyt's" send me a message here or in game :D

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I'm considering buying an xbox 360 within the next 2 weeks, I have a few questions...




1) What is the main difference between the 20gb and 120gb?


2) Do you have to pay a subscription or something to use Xbox Live?


3) Does the xbox just connect directly to a normal internet connection?


4) If yes on question 4, can I use a wireless network.


5) Does the xbox now come with that ugly extra fan thing that is needed to stop it from overheating or do you have to buy it seperately?




Many thanks,






Oh also,


Some recomendations for games and accessories would be nice?




1) One stores 20gb and the other stores 120gb =)


2) IIRC, not with teh 360, but only with the older one


3) Yes, there is an ethernet port in the back.


4) I think they have wireless adapters for it, but you'll have to buy that.


5) That's extra, but if you put it on its side on a shoebox or something, it's not really needed.

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I'm considering buying an xbox 360 within the next 2 weeks, I have a few questions...




1) What is the main difference between the 20gb and 120gb?


2) Do you have to pay a subscription or something to use Xbox Live?


3) Does the xbox just connect directly to a normal internet connection?


4) If yes on question 4, can I use a wireless network.


5) Does the xbox now come with that ugly extra fan thing that is needed to stop it from overheating or do you have to buy it seperately?




Many thanks,






Oh also,


Some recomendations for games and accessories would be nice?




1) One stores 20gb and the other stores 120gb =)


2) IIRC, not with teh 360, but only with the older one


3) Yes, there is an ethernet port in the back.


4) I think they have wireless adapters for it, but you'll have to buy that.


5) That's extra, but if you put it on its side on a shoebox or something, it's not really needed.




Ok thanks alot :D


all questions answered.


ill keep you updated when I buy it ::'


Help me starting out again - Give YOUR advice!

If you're collecting in game "hyt's" send me a message here or in game :D

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1) What is the main difference between the 20gb and 120gb?


It's black, and you can store 100GB worth of more data, which can have anything to music, movies, pictures, saved games, or just data.




2) Do you have to pay a subscription or something to use Xbox Live?


Yes, here are some prices.




Note: For buying an 360 you get a month free of gold membership, it activaces when you sign up for xbox live.




3) Does the xbox just connect directly to a normal internet connection?






4) If yes on question 4, can I use a wireless network?


Yes, you need to buy a wireless Adapter though, they run around 80-120 dollars.




5) Does the xbox now come with that ugly extra fan thing that is needed to stop it from overheating or do you have to buy it seperately? It's made by nyko, so you have to buy it seprate, but I wouldn't buy/use one as there is ton of reason that it causes more harm then good.




You Xbox shouldn't over heat if you put it on a flat surface, with ton of vent space.






- Halo 3


- Assains Creed


- Call of Duty 4


- Fable 2


- Mass Affect






- Charge and play kit or Quick charge kit - (I like the quick charge kit)


- Extra controller (wireless) - If you want to play with friends


- Wireless head set - (Amazing difference to the wired one)


- Live membership






- Down move xbox when disc is in


- Use button to close tray


- Keep horizontal


- Dont put on rug (use hard cover book if you have to)


- Delete all videos, demos and games when you first start you xbox up, this will give you a good 2GB of free'd memory - (Do if you don't buy 120GB)


- DO NOT BUY Arcade




I hope this helps! Happy gaming. :D

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1)Hard drive space, and color(and maybe free xbl subscription length)


2)Yes you do, but all of the console versions come with a month's free subscription. After that, you can go to gamestop ect and buy a card, or just pay with your credit card.


3)Yes, and of course you'll need an ethernet cord, which usually comes with the console itself.


4)Yes you can, but you need to buy the wireless adapter for the 360


5)No, you buy it seperately. Also, you don't necessarily need it. As long as you take breaks every hour and a half or so(or so I'm told) you should be fine. Also a well ventilated space when you play it.




Games to get:


Assassins Creed


Mass Effect


Call of Duty 4


Halo 3




Oarnge Box(unless you have a good pc...then get it on there ;))






Those are the big games....




As for Accessories, the xbox will come with an ethernet cord, and a headset. The only other things I can think of that you would want would be skins, intercoolers/base fans, and importantly, a wireless adapter for wireless if you have access to that.






Cheers :)


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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After doing some of my own lengthy research I have discovered that:




1) It is much better getting the 120gb that the 20gb xbox


2) Silver membership is free and is good enough for what I want to do which is gaming and talking online.


3) All good deals (E.g. xbox + 3 games) come with a downfall, you get 2 decent games and 1 unwanted game.






I also have some new questions:




Where/What is the best deal on the Xbox360 considering that I'm in the UK (so my currency is ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã/Steling) and my most wanted games are: Pro Evo 2008, Halo 3 and Assassins creed. Also I would like an extra controller, colour doesn't matter as long as it's wireless. The cheapest I've found is ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã279.99 for this bundle.






Many thanks for any help you offer <3:


Help me starting out again - Give YOUR advice!

If you're collecting in game "hyt's" send me a message here or in game :D

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About the wireless thing, you can plug it directly into your laptop if you have one and if you enable connection sharing. Just a tip, it saves you ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã60 or so.

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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About the wireless thing, you can plug it directly into your laptop if you have one and if you enable connection sharing. Just a tip, it saves you ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã60 or so.




Connection will only work when the laptop is working. I have the same thing at home except it's





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