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Sumo: Item info (Stackable?)


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Hello, i had just possibility to play about 20 mins then done still nothing with summoning, just interesting pouches and charms is stackable ? empty pouches?

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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Hard to understand your post, what are you asking?




Items like same type pouches, charms are stackable or not ?




Like you can keep in 1 inventory slot 100k of arrows but for example 100k lobsters you can keep just noted in same slot if they not noted they take 1 inventory slot each - they are not stackable then.




For me just interesting or if when i will train slayer and i find 3 same type charms it will take 3 inventory slots or just 1... same interesrting with pouches...




Edited: maybye i mispelled word but is like keep something in stack..

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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aha, I can answer this now. The charms are stackable. And the scrolls are stackable, but the made pouches are not, only the un-enchanted ones if that makes sense. The blank ones are, not the ones that have been made into something. Does this answer your question?


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Yep, Thanks! :) I just now at work and i can't play here and just checking things to try to develop some training tactics :) good then charms are stackable, then pouches just empty is stackable ? Interesting is there some shop where they possible to buy ?




aha, I can answer this now. The charms are stackable. And the scrolls are stackable, but the made pouches are not, only the un-enchanted ones if that makes sense. The blank ones are, not the ones that have been made into something. Does this answer your question?

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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Scrolls and charms are stackable within the colour/type (blue charms won't stack with gold etc.) Pouches aren't stackable as far as I know, the shards are stakable. It makes sense that pouches arent stackable, it'd be like stackable ess if they were in that you'd only need to do one trip.


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