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how do I make an animation signature?


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I looked in all the guides and sig walkthroughs and didnt find anything about animation sig making..








So if anyone can direct me to a link, or tell me, that would be appreciated.. Thank You.









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animating can be done in many programs,












imageready (yes it can be done in both programs just easier in imageready)




and many other free flash animating programs








In photoshop (what i use) just make the frames of the animation into different layers and go to save for web>save it as a gif> and check the animation box at the bottom and make sure it is set on loop so that your sig continues to well loop :lol:








it can also be done in gimp almost the same way, and since I'm guessing you may not have photoshop (considering the 90% pixeller population here) then you may want to download gimp. Gimp can be found at http://www.gimp.org








hope I helped you out :)

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Wow..this wasn't on the first page also :roll:








Don't be a noob








There's programs already listed there and just learn how to use the one you choose through tutorials and the programs help files.

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Wow..this wasn't on the first page also :roll:








Don't be a noob








There's programs already listed there and just learn how to use the one you choose through tutorials and the programs help files.








wow there was no reason at all for you to post because I already told him what he needed to know, people make mistakes, GET OVER IT!

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