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Banks for clans

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Some clans may want a "clan bank" in the case any of the members died, Any expeditions through the wilderness needed funding- food armour etc, and general clan security- they could withdraw funds from the clan bank. There would be fees for entry to the clan and members would have to pay a set amount per month as donation to the clan. Would it not be a good idea to implement the ability to create these sort of Community bank accounts, so that these needs could be fulfilled without the risk of the clan leader running away with the funds? Obviously there would need to be restrictions- I.E A fee would be charged per month for the use, it would need at least 5 clan members to withdraw the funds, to counter any mis-use.








Obviously the idea is not flawed- 5 clan members may decide to rebel and withdraw the funds, or they may be infiltrated by rival clans who might be able to withdraw the funds, but I believe the principle is sound.

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like sirmelalot said, it already excists. illegal though. jagex will never make such accounts, it would only ruine runescape - think about the scammers/hackers/noobs who dont have alot of money themselves, what do you think they will do if they see alot of money/items/rares/etc on an account?

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Something like that would have to be implemented in the game itself. Go talk to an NPC to create a clan. It automatically creates a special bank for the clan that is not tied to any account. The clan creator can add people he allows to access the clan bank. The problems you mentioned in your first post are still possible (rogue members) but at least it would be done without breaking the account sharing rule.

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One of the MMORPG games I have seen with a good clan system is called "Astonia". One of the skills there is actually a measure of how well you do in a clan. You can start a clan and have people join you. There are also clan only areas where you can have clan warfare and you can raid the banks of other clans. Maybe an idea of use to RS...


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yeah, eric you've got the jist- I dont see why it would be classed as account sharing though, as it could be members only function, and runescape looks very highly on ideas that can improve income!!! :wink:








Well as soon as more than 1 person accesses an account, it becomes account sharing, regardless of the reason. That's why I suggested to have it built-in the game, and not tied to any account.

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