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  1. yea, i can't understand why jagex has made those hideous helmets, can't they see that they are just ugly.... :cry: :anxious: i quite like those helmets anyway i think the ugliest thing in runescape is having a capeless back
  2. football sheffield wednesday :) up the owls
  3. nvm found out on rs fourms and found this pic on di boards
  4. clicked to start as a mage so when i apeared in lumby i didn't equip any of the equipment and attacked a man in a small off shot building in the court yard and didn't use any magic spells i was dead before i even had a chance to try and run :cry: and i rember when i got lost in varock back streets about lvl 12 then :oops: took me like 2 days to get out
  5. zaros will smite it off the map in his glorious return
  6. would make the game way to easy :lol: so you are using a popular bands poular albums's cover as your avy and then have ago at any one who has the same for "stealing" it with a lack of originality
  7. 1. di 2. td 3. gladz 4. bk 5. kt 6. twrf 7. the 8. ds 9. anarchy 10. mk 11. corr 12. fom/eos 13. fom/eos 14. titans- needs more organization, then could rise slightly higher 15. rr -gone from 300+members to 200+ member but are on the up again now 16. jagz 17. dr-comming back a bit
  8. prehaps u can sell them to him for 1 month before the update for like 10m for each party hat, then after that month have him selling them all for low low prices or just change it over night would alos be nice.. ps ihate merchents
  9. if u get attacked and need defence jsut use prayer that why you where monk skirt
  10. the solution to your example with the pures is to actually get some defence levels then ur not constantly hiting 22s and 20s and the prayer sytem is fine atm people only complain about them becasue people lose kills when pking due to it and ur suggestion of a 2x damge is just stupid hiting 40s with rune, hiting 65-85 with dragon, maul *shudders*
  11. great idea possible you can only do one of the god quests?? and the diffent one require differnt skill eg: zammy, you need a certain att and slayer lvl? guthixs, mining and herblore? sara, prayer and cooking? ?? ? ? ? but if sara quest is about zaros maybe geting to do somthing with bob =D and btwIfrit-Ishiki i hope you got permission from RealKCD before you psoted it again and especially about the bits you siad you eddited..... like 500 gp not 1k and free games frum is full of noobs (no offense) :lol:
  12. it does make it more dangerous as u can't see that pker coming up on u as well as making it safer as well as u can hide beter, 6 and half a dozen and possible you could make it so its a magic spell that can only be used if u drik the potion?? and poissble before u can drink them u have to do a difficult quest??
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