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Judge: Parents can't teach pagan beliefs


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I'll challenge anyone with any kind of pagan beliefs to explain the roots of that particular branch of paganism, what the chants say (english please) and WHO THOSE CHANTS ARE DIRECTED TO!!!!








Paganism like Wicca is disguised to look "civil" but the greatest trick of the devil was to make people believe he didn't exist. It's all about deception.








"Just like Christians that tell people that they are going to hell aren't "rebel" Christians, they are just insane for thinking that they have the power to know who is going to hell."








God saves people from hell through us. With God, anything is possible.

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I'll challenge anyone with any kind of pagan beliefs to explain the roots of that particular branch of paganism, what the chants say (english please) and WHO THOSE CHANTS ARE DIRECTED TO!!!!








Paganism like Wicca is disguised to look "civil" but the greatest trick of the devil was to make people believe he didn't exist. It's all about deception.








"Just like Christians that tell people that they are going to hell aren't "rebel" Christians, they are just insane for thinking that they have the power to know who is going to hell."








God saves people from hell through us. With God, anything is possible.

Excuse me while I throw up.








See it's crap like this I hate. I have never seen any religion but christianity claim stuff like how they are sent to save the wicked and right the wrongs in which they have no place. Please kid, try to see past your religion before you make any real opinionated posts.








I don't care if I get called racist or anything, but I have never seen such single sightedness for other cultures of that of an american christian teenage.(not all but the extreme ones)

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I think you should look at it from our point of view. Do we try to make people's lives negative? Do we force our beliefs on others? Do we try to hide the truth of what we believe and what the bibles says?








I suggest you study christianity more, as well as paganism, thoroughly.








Then challenge yourself about pagansim, to explain the roots of that of paganism, what the chants translate to and to what entity those chants are going to.








P.S Im not american.

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I think you should look at it from our point of view. Do we try to make people's lives negative? Do we force our beliefs on others? Do we try to hide the truth of what we believe and what the bibles says?








I suggest you study christianity more, as well as paganism, thoroughly.








Then challenge yourself about pagansim, to explain the roots of that of paganism, what the chants translate to and to what entity those chants are going to.








P.S Im not american.

The fact is alot of christians do force it upon others, and they do so call "read between the lines" of the bible to make up things. They do influence peoples lives in which they have no right. Also paganism, if my understanding of it through the da vinci code is correct it was a worship to godesses?








Can someone please verify if the actual factual things within the da vinci code is real on paganism?

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I think you should look at it from our point of view. Do we try to make people's lives negative? Do we force our beliefs on others? Do we try to hide the truth of what we believe and what the bibles says?








I suggest you study christianity more, as well as paganism, thoroughly.








Then challenge yourself about pagansim, to explain the roots of that of paganism, what the chants translate to and to what entity those chants are going to.








P.S Im not american.

The fact is alot of christians do force it upon others, and they do so call "read between the lines" of the bible to make up things. They do influence peoples lives in which they have no right. Also paganism, if my understanding of it through the da vinci code is correct it was a worship to godesses?








Can someone please verify if the actual factual things within the da vinci code is real on paganism?








First, the davinci code is fiction, so I wouldn't take anything it says for fact, even if it is based on some true things.








Secondly, I agree with all you've said, sadly. As a Christian, I believe that the principle (Christinianty) has not been applied correctly by Christians, but this does *not* make Christianity wrong.








Principle: Aerodynamics




Application: Plane








If a plane crashes, is it aerodynamics fault? Definately not, it's the planes design, and application of aerodynamics fault.








Principle: Christianity




Application: Crusades (for example).








The crusades were terrible, horrible. They were done in the name of Christianity, but it was the application that was incorrect, not the principle. Christianity as a principle is a beautiful thing; but it is very rarely applied correctly.








But please, do try and express your distaste in a more docile way :P

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A good belief/religion is one where people can see the benefits of it through the way you live. You shouldn't have to force it down other peoples throats.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I see this as perfectly legal in America but Ill have to say America does flaunt some laws that most 1st countries adopt.








American parents have the right to do almost anything to their child if they are under 18 even send them to [detention] 'camps' in other countries for being bad (which can be anything ranging from not following Christianity, swearing or staying out too late. While I agree that some kids need to be sent to such a camp, the parents of these kid's in most cases can not afford it.).








This ruling is just an extension upon the parentÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s rights to control their minors. If the parents were together then they could mutually come to an agreement to ban their child from Wicca but failing that they attempt to facilitate this through the law. It is not the law ruling against religion but the parents using a legal contract (instead of marriage/shared responsibility) to do so.








The justice of this ruling is another question (I believe the American legal system fails spectacularly in this area).

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" I may not believe in what you have to say, but I will defend....to the death....your right to say it.




-- Voltaire"




This applies to me in this case. I am a Christian. I belive in God in the same way that i belive that jumping in a lake will get me wet, but so help me I will not tolerate one more person insulting others because they are of different religions, Christians arnt perfect as a group either, Ghandi once said that he loved Jesus but hated the christians because they do not live like he(christ) did. You claim that wiccans are evil becuase SOME MIGHT perform sacrifices, well geuss what. The Ku Klux Klan say that they are christians, but other christians dont accept them. There are rogues in every reilgion just like that one screwball in mayjests posts and the aforementioned kkk.








I dont care if your wiccan or a pagan or jewish or muslim or whatever. I might not agree with some of your beliefs but if you want to practice YOUR OWN RELIGION go ahead. I dont go around saying that jews and pagans will go to hell, for all I know i might be wrong and they might be right. I cant judge people I do not have that power and neither does any human.








Bottom line, simmer down and practice your own thing. If you want more people to belive in what you do becuase you think its right and you want others to experiance that then preach dont BEAT THE MESSAGE INTO THEM!








O, and on the topic of the judges decision. ITs illegal for him to say that. The rulling wont last long.

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I'll challenge anyone with any kind of pagan beliefs to explain the roots of that particular branch of paganism, what the chants say (english please) and WHO THOSE CHANTS ARE DIRECTED TO!!!!








Paganism like Wicca is disguised to look "civil" but the greatest trick of the devil was to make people believe he didn't exist. It's all about deception.








"Just like Christians that tell people that they are going to hell aren't "rebel" Christians, they are just insane for thinking that they have the power to know who is going to hell."








God saves people from hell through us. With God, anything is possible.








You complete brain-washed idiot. Since when did God come down from the sky and tell you it was your duty to tell people who was going where if they did/didn't do something? I don't remember this event. I don't even believe the Bible says that.








God gave us the freedom to choose. He did NOT send idiot followers of him to Earth to "save us". Assuming there is a God, he wants EVERY INDIVIDUAL person to make that choice for themselves.








I know there are 2 Pagan's who use this board, or used to anyways, and they could tell you the answers to all of your questions, I gaurentee it. Those questions aren't even hard. I'm not a Pagan and even I know the answers. I could Google it and find it for God's sake.








Paganism isn't "disquised" as anything. It is what it is, just like Christianity is what it is. You know, the irony is that Christianity is one of the most "disguised" religions I can think of. You all play like you're here to help and oh the Lord is so great, glory to God, blah blah blah, but what it really is, is a bunch of idiot's running around babbling out verses from their brain-wash-book. Telling little kid's from the time they're 3 years old that they're going to burn in eternal flames if they don't do the dishes. It's complete BS. Assuming there is a God, he'd put all your moronic souls into the flames first for twisting his religion to your liking.








I challenge any Christianto prove that he/she is a "good Christian". This means you don't do any of the aforementioned, never have, never will. This means you keep your faith to yourself, as it should be. I'll bet money that noone can honestly say they are.








And for God's sake (or The Goddess's sake for Pagans?) stop calling Paganism evil. It's probably less evil than money-grubbing-Christianity, so I don't want to hear it.

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I'll challenge anyone with any kind of pagan beliefs to explain the roots of that particular branch of paganism, what the chants say (english please) and WHO THOSE CHANTS ARE DIRECTED TO!!!!








Paganism like Wicca is disguised to look "civil" but the greatest trick of the devil was to make people believe he didn't exist. It's all about deception.








"Just like Christians that tell people that they are going to hell aren't "rebel" Christians, they are just insane for thinking that they have the power to know who is going to hell."








God saves people from hell through us. With God, anything is possible.




ROFL! No where in your bible does it say that it is up to you to save people from hell. Your god wants people to make their OWN choices. Another thing... Its against your bible to judge others, thats gods job, NOT YOURS, so in actuality... YOU are going against your bible when you judge all people that practice wicca. Go hide in a hole somewhere and leave people with brains alone please.

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" I may not believe in what you have to say, but I will defend....to the death....your right to say it.




-- Voltaire"




This applies to me in this case. I am a Christian. I belive in God in the same way that i belive that jumping in a lake will get me wet, but so help me I will not tolerate one more person insulting others because they are of different religions, Christians arnt perfect as a group either, Ghandi once said that he loved Jesus but hated the christians because they do not live like he(christ) did. You claim that wiccans are evil becuase SOME MIGHT perform sacrifices, well geuss what. The Ku Klux Klan say that they are christians, but other christians dont accept them. There are rogues in every reilgion just like that one screwball in mayjests posts and the aforementioned kkk.








I dont care if your wiccan or a pagan or jewish or muslim or whatever. I might not agree with some of your beliefs but if you want to practice YOUR OWN RELIGION go ahead. I dont go around saying that jews and pagans will go to hell, for all I know i might be wrong and they might be right. I cant judge people I do not have that power and neither does any human.








Bottom line, simmer down and practice your own thing. If you want more people to belive in what you do becuase you think its right and you want others to experiance that then preach dont BEAT THE MESSAGE INTO THEM!








O, and on the topic of the judges decision. ITs illegal for him to say that. The rulling wont last long.








However weird this may sound in this context: Amen.

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I think you should look at it from our point of view. Do we try to make people's lives negative?Yes Do we force our beliefs on others?Don't be a fool, yes Do we try to hide the truth of what we believe and what the bibles says?Yes








I suggest you study christianity more, as well as paganism, thoroughly.








Then challenge yourself about pagansim, to explain the roots of that of paganism, what the chants translate to and to what entity those chants are going to.








P.S Im not american.








You might want to read up some information on christians












http://www.christianitytoday.com/histor ... jun13.html








The extermination of populations, cities and crops occasioned by the Albigensian Crusade was extensive enough so as to constitute what might be called the first "genocide" in modern European history. In one town, for example, fifteen thousand men, women, and children were slaughtered wholesale -- many of them in the sanctuary of the church. When an officer inquired of the Pope's representative how he might distinguish heretics from true believers, the reply was, "Kill them all. God will recognize his own."








Seems like an overglorified cult to me, I have no idea how christians can still claim their purity and righteousness in history when their own history is filled with pretty much blood and nothing else?








"Do we force our religion on you?" Don't be ridiculous, you know it's true. Even today in some schools you MUST learn the religion like I did. I'm not a fan of any religion but they shoved it down my throat.








"Do we try to hide the truth in the Bible?"




Well, first of all, would you like to point out where in the Bible does Jesus say that you will go to "hell" (a burning lake of fire) as a result of dieing in your sins? The only mention in the original hebrew version is 'gehenna' which means a garbage dump. And don't quote me any of those Paul etc., quote Jesus.








"Do we try to make people's lives negative"? Hell yes. A lot of christians tell people how they can't practice their religion, how sinful they are and if they don't turn to the "right path" they will eternally burn and other pathetic scare tactics.








If somebody reading this post isn't one of those christians I described in my post, then I'm glad for you. Sadly a huge amount of christians are exactly like the poster above, a big walking load of hypocrisy.








I will not tolerate one more person insulting others because they are of different religions, Christians arnt perfect as a group either, Ghandi once said that he loved Jesus but hated the christians because they do not live like he(christ) did. You claim that wiccans are evil becuase SOME MIGHT perform sacrifices, well geuss what. The Ku Klux Klan say that they are christians, but other christians dont accept them. There are rogues in every reilgion just like that one screwball in mayjests posts and the aforementioned kkk.








I dont care if your wiccan or a pagan or jewish or muslim or whatever. I might not agree with some of your beliefs but if you want to practice YOUR OWN RELIGION go ahead. I dont go around saying that jews and pagans will go to hell, for all I know i might be wrong and they might be right. I cant judge people I do not have that power and neither does any human.








I wish all christians were as open minded as you are... That's an utopia though with so many people being utterly stupid and filled with bull*.

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I think you should look at it from our point of view. Do we try to make people's lives negative?Yes Do we force our beliefs on others?Don't be a fool, yes Do we try to hide the truth of what we believe and what the bibles says?Yes








I suggest you study christianity more, as well as paganism, thoroughly.








Then challenge yourself about pagansim, to explain the roots of that of paganism, what the chants translate to and to what entity those chants are going to.








P.S Im not american.








You might want to read up some information on christians












http://www.christianitytoday.com/histor ... jun13.html








The extermination of populations, cities and crops occasioned by the Albigensian Crusade was extensive enough so as to constitute what might be called the first "genocide" in modern European history. In one town, for example, fifteen thousand men, women, and children were slaughtered wholesale -- many of them in the sanctuary of the church. When an officer inquired of the Pope's representative how he might distinguish heretics from true believers, the reply was, "Kill them all. God will recognize his own."








Seems like an overglorified cult to me, I have no idea how christians can still claim their purity and righteousness in history when their own history is filled with pretty much blood and nothing else?








Did you even read my post?








As a Christian, I believe that the principle (Christinianty) has not been applied correctly by Christians, but this does *not* make Christianity wrong.








Principle: Aerodynamics




Application: Plane








If a plane crashes, is it aerodynamics fault? Definately not, it's the planes design, and application of aerodynamics fault.








Principle: Christianity




Application: Crusades (for example).








The crusades were terrible, horrible. They were done in the name of Christianity, but it was the application that was incorrect, not the principle. Christianity as a principle is a beautiful thing; but it is very rarely applied correctly.











Applications mean absolutely nothing to Christianity.

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I think you should look at it from our point of view. Do we try to make people's lives negative?Yes Do we force our beliefs on others?Don't be a fool, yes Do we try to hide the truth of what we believe and what the bibles says?Yes








I suggest you study christianity more, as well as paganism, thoroughly.








Then challenge yourself about pagansim, to explain the roots of that of paganism, what the chants translate to and to what entity those chants are going to.








P.S Im not american.








You might want to read up some information on christians












http://www.christianitytoday.com/histor ... jun13.html








The extermination of populations, cities and crops occasioned by the Albigensian Crusade was extensive enough so as to constitute what might be called the first "genocide" in modern European history. In one town, for example, fifteen thousand men, women, and children were slaughtered wholesale -- many of them in the sanctuary of the church. When an officer inquired of the Pope's representative how he might distinguish heretics from true believers, the reply was, "Kill them all. God will recognize his own."








Seems like an overglorified cult to me, I have no idea how christians can still claim their purity and righteousness in history when their own history is filled with pretty much blood and nothing else?








Did you even read my post?








As a Christian, I believe that the principle (Christinianty) has not been applied correctly by Christians, but this does *not* make Christianity wrong.








Principle: Aerodynamics




Application: Plane








If a plane crashes, is it aerodynamics fault? Definately not, it's the planes design, and application of aerodynamics fault.








Principle: Christianity




Application: Crusades (for example).








The crusades were terrible, horrible. They were done in the name of Christianity, but it was the application that was incorrect, not the principle. Christianity as a principle is a beautiful thing; but it is very rarely applied correctly.











Applications mean absolutely nothing to Christianity.








Sorry, I should've worded it better because I agree with you. I was judging the followers of the religion instead of the religion itself and implying that they are dishonest if they call themselves 'christian' even though they don't follow the basic principle of their own religion: tolerance and love.




I like your christ. I dislike your christians because they are so unlike the christ.
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On the subject of people bringing up the crusades and how evil they were. Yes they were wrong and completly against what christianity is all about BUT you have to think of the way the Church was like back then. It was SO corupted that it was practicly a different faith. I am ashamed at thir actions back then but you cannot judge the present faith by our actions back then. Back then the Pope passed his position to his SON(for those of you who dont know the Pope aint supposed to have kids.) If you look at the Dantes inferno you see that the common christians like the peasants and Dante still had good faith but it was the Nobles(who usually turned into or sleected bishopes) who coorrupted the faith. Soplease do not judge my faith becuase of some power-hunry simoniacs(big word, look it up) in the middle ages. O and Pur304 you really need to reavaluate what you think our faith is, you are acting like the popes from the middle ages and if you read my post you would understand that's not a good thing.[/b]

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If there is a law preventing parents to teach their children wikka, there should be a law preventing parents to teach their children christianity and the like.








Both are religions, it all depends on perspective and viewpoint.








Try not to get offtopic everyone else, or this will be locked pretty quickly.

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"Do we try to make people's lives negative"? Hell yes. A lot of christians tell people how they can't practice their religion, how sinful they are and if they don't turn to the "right path" they will eternally burn and other pathetic scare tactics.








Allow me to politely disagree. If he truly believes that the person will go to hell for not following Christ, then isn't he trying to improve the man's life by telling him to repent? Sure, I've seen pastors who only wanted to gain more church members so they could have more money, but I've also seen plenty of sincere Christians whose desire to witness is motivated solely by love.








I challenge any Christianto prove that he/she is a "good Christian". This means you don't do any of the aforementioned, never have, never will. This means you keep your faith to yourself, as it should be. I'll bet money that noone can honestly say they are.








Just so you know, a "good Christian" who follows Christ's teachings would *not* keep his faith to himself. Christ's final command before He left earth was








But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest parts3 of the earth.








or for a slightly different rendering of that command, turn to Matthew 28








Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.











"Just like Christians that tell people that they are going to hell aren't "rebel" Christians, they are just insane for thinking that they have the power to know who is going to hell."








God saves people from hell through us. With God, anything is possible.








Now this line made me a little mad. Sir, show me where in the Bible it says we are God's way of saving humanity. The Bible clearly teaches that Christ alone can save. We are to be messengers who tell people of Christ's power to save, but we have no power to save people in and of ourselves.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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ill take a wee bit of a break from slaying bds to answer all the loons out here with half of a brain, bashing others religions.








pur304, bluelancer...you have no respect from me. ever. rot in hell for all i care, bashing ANY religion, and using racist terms and i see it, depresses me and makes me wonder if you were raised underground in a test tube, with no parents to teach you right and wrong.








the REASON christians arent following 'perfectly' in the footsteps of Christ is because its christ. hes the son of god, hes the savior, yahweh, messiah, whatever, and we arent. so therefore, WE CANT DO ALL THAT HE DID. the bible was meant to be taken contextually and not literally for gods sake (erm...id rephrase that, but i dont want to. so no pun intended). we were simply meant to follow the 10 commandments, or as jesus later summed them up, love yourself and love your neighbor.








im not sure where all you people are twisting facts about, regarding wiccan and christianity. there are branch offs of both, and sometimes either or can we a little odd, or a little annoying...but that doesnt mean you should generalize the entirety of the religion into something bad.








no, pur, christians dont make peoples lives negative. no, we dont force beliefs on anyone...but maybe they were forced on you BECAUSE YOU WENT TO A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. maybe if you PAID ATTENTION to why they called it a christian school, youd put the two halves of the puzzle together and get the picture.








and what happened a few thousand years ago really doesnt have any base in this argument, times have changed... people have changed, the religion has changed. things were done, it was wrong, its over with. so get over it.

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no, we dont force beliefs on anyone...but maybe they were forced on you BECAUSE YOU WENT TO A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. maybe if you PAID ATTENTION to why they called it a christian school, youd put the two halves of the puzzle together and get the picture.








I went to a public school and we had Christianity forced on us.




The only people who really got out of it were Muslim and Buddist.




And there weren't many of them at the school because Christianity was compulsary.








And by this "what happened a few thousand years ago really doesnt have any base in this argument" I assume you're fine with people hence forth labeling the Christian (and any other) faith based on what it is now, not what it should be as the bible (or applicable text) says.








You basically implied that so you really have no right to take shots at people who backup their opinion of religions based on current aspects of said religion. And I refer to BlueLancers opinion of Christianity.
















@Astralinre: From what I can gather there are too many people who would read Matthew 28:19-20 as telling them to go out and force people to be Christian.








When I read it that's the impression that I get anyways.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see any other meaning to it.

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In my experience I have only seen 2 types of christens...




1) These people are very nice people and would never command someone to join their religion. They may explain the good part about it, but never tell someone that they would burn in hell if they didn't.




2) These people go visit rock concerts and pass out flyers and lecture people. Even if you politely say "no thanks" they will scream at you that you are corrupted by Satan and will burn in the fires of hell for all of eternity unless you change your ways now. (once again... It's directly against the bible to judge whether someone is going to hell or not)








I do have a question though... What about people that live on islands that are un-touched by civilization. They may have never even heard of Christianity before... Are they going to hell to? Why doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t your god take mercy on them, they didn't "know any better"...?

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In my experience I have only seen 2 types of christens...




1) These people are very nice people and would never command someone to join their religion. They may explain the good part about it, but never tell someone that they would burn in hell if they didn't.




2) These people go visit rock concerts and pass out flyers and lecture people. Even if you politely say "no thanks" they will scream at you that you are corrupted by Satan and will burn in the fires of hell for all of eternity unless you change your ways now. (once again... It's directly against the bible to judge whether someone is going to hell or not)








I do have a question though... What about people that live on islands that are un-touched by civilization. They may have never even heard of Christianity before... Are they going to hell to? Why doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t your god take mercy on them, they didn't "know any better"...?








Exactly why NOONE is going to "Hell", because it doesn't exsist. It couldn't, it wouldn't be fair. Plus, 50% (Heck, I'd bet it's more like 90%..But I'd rather not upset the whiners *cough*..I mean Christians..) would be going to Hell themselves because of the way they live.








Christian readers - Did you ever stop and think that maybe people don't WANT to be saved? That they'd rather use their freedom to choose and think with their own mind? I know that's what I'd rather do. If I have to "burn in eternal flames" for not choosing Christ, I'd take it GLADLY if I knew that I used my life the way *I* wanted to, not the way some cult told me to. Yes, I called Christianity a cult. You are a cult, by definition. Take a look -








1. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false(False by a lot of people...), with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.




1a. The followers of such a religion or sect.








In bold, your religion is incredibley "extremist". You run around handing out flyers and trying to turn people on to your religion, completely ignoring their freedom to choose. You then tell them, if they say "No thanks.." that they'll burn in Hell. THAT is extremist by any definition.








Also in bold, you have many leaders or forms of authority that are charismatic about the religion. Preachers, so called "Prophets", etc. Need names? The POPE? Benny Hinn? Peter Poppoff? The 2 latters being false prophets, the former one being a "leader" of the religion.








2. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.








People of your religion claim if you join them they'll be cured of many things. Amoung these things that could be considered a "disease" is that they can be cured of going to Hell, or be cured of having Satan within them. There are also certain branches, mainly Evangelics, that claim they will be healed by Christ himself through the touch of a false prophet like Peter Poppoff of Benny Hinn. I don't see how this is deniable.








1. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.




2. The object of such devotion.








Again, undeniable. You people are completely obsessed with Christ and his "saving powers".








Doesn't the Bible say "Thou shall not worship false idols." as one of the commandments? I believe it is #1...YET...








You worship Jesus Christ. You guys say "Christ" more than you ever say "God". I don't get it.








You worship the Pope in certain ways. And some (the senseless ones with NO brains at all...) worship false prophets.








I believe I've made my point, and I don't know how on this Earth someone could say I'm wrong. I'm using factual information, you guys are saying we're wrong because of your opinions. Lame.

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lmao tigra, you are the biggest idiot to ever walk the face of this planet :D








christ is gods son. christ died for us...christ was part man, part god. THATS why...








haha, and there is no 'fair' in life. there is never 'fair' at all. is living in a LDC with barely any food or water, while the USA has all of that plus more, 'FAIR'? HELL NO! and we really dont care either, because its their choice to live there. so your wrong, once again.








not all christians are born-again, they are the ones that go around knocking on doors i believe, and passing out flyers and stuff. the only ones that judge a certain group of people by the ones that are the weirdest\annoying\obsessive people...are close minded [puncture]s that are wasting the oxygen on this planet that could be used for someone else nicer and that has more respect for others.








we wont be cured of anything if we join christianity, where the hell did you get that idea? listen, i apologize if 30 generations of inbreeding has affected you and your family, but please, try and use valid facts so i dont waste my time arguing with a neanderthol.








erm, we dont worship any prophets at all...statues and stained glass windows are just placed there for reverence, we arent worshipping them at all. if you call jesus christ a prophet, well, yeah we do, because i believe that he is part human and part god. as a christian, i DO believe that, it wasnt forced on me at all.








looks like i just shot down your point, i said your wrong, and proved your factual information completely false. if that isnt fair, well, im sorry :( go cry in a corner.

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