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Toy Horse Guy and Holiday Items


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what are u all communists? I like RS when its more than real world- capitalism rules, if ur rich u can buy rares if ur poor work till u can buy or go around complaining...








P.S. I'm not a rich rare merchanter (actually I lost my old blue mask to a river troll :)

Playing since February 2003


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what are u all communists? I like RS when its more than real world- capitalism rules, if ur rich u can buy rares if ur poor work till u can buy or go around complaining...











Lol. When some accuses everyone else of being communist, that means this topic has just about burned out :)









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So.. you're going to pay the billions of gold that people have lost? Have fun.








I am anti-rare, but I do recognize that they have "stabilized" the runeconomy. Still, I must say this to said people who would lose billions: tough noogies.








If you make an investment in an item which obviously has no gameplay value, you shouldn't be surprised if the programmers decide to nix them or make them untradeable. Not that that's going to happen in this OLRPG. :)









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