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GTM's 4/4 ppl support!


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Grand Exchange Transfer Machine's






The Grand Exchange has been very laggy for the last few weeks. My idea is an ATM like booth put in major cities like Varrock, Falador, Lumbridge, and Ardy. Here for a small fee of lets say 1-5k, you can use ge features to buy and sell items. This will prevent a lot of lag. It took me 40 minutes of being logged out and in to access ge and enter pin number then I lagged out again. :wall:


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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I fully support this idea. I run out of law runes so fast by teleing there. I have no problems to paying an extra 1k if I could acsess it at certain banks like fally, Camelot and ardy. It would make life simpler.




You sir, are a genius.

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My goals:
[b]5M coins:[/b] 4350K+ coins 200k+ items - 2 dec 
5M coins - 16 dec
I [b]have gotten[/b] my 5M by christmas.

-bah this is only here for historical purposes now, I got 20m+ already


"fail,well atleast the title,i wont read it with that colours"

"If you hadn't posted in rainbow I would actually give this a proper read"

"Colours suck."

*I remove colours*

"Where did all the colors go!? This is now 40% more likely to be tl;dr'd due to the lack of colors."

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