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Getting Hacked.


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Hey guys, last night my characters password didn't work so i sent in my recovery questions. After an over night appeal, I was accepted to be the true owner of my character and got him back. Unfortunately, everyone of my valuable items (including a ring that was given to me many years ago) were dropped I'm guessing. This post however isn't a sympathy post, I just don't know what to do to make sure I'm safe. If it is a key-logger should I not put my new password into this computer I'm using? I'm not entirely sure what a keylogger is or does, so if you have any advice on how to remove it I would appreciate it. Also, it was strange to me that all they did was drop my items, and made no attempt to keep my character who has very decent stats. Almost like a hate crime, lol. Well any advice would be appreciated, thankyou.

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I believe there is a thread in the Tech section which can probably help you better. You will probably have to virus scan your computer and also check for adware. The thread in there, I believe it is a sticky, should recommend different programs.




Good luck!




EDIT: Most likely they thought since you had recoveries that you would recover the account, so they dropped all items. In the future make sure you get a bank pin, should keep your items that are in the bank safe until you recover the account.

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You could use a different computer or the on-screen keyboard to change your password (the first being risky), then scan your computer for viruses and delete any.

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If its a key logger try a virus scan before you do anything, then after you have found it, you can continue to play, but take necessary precations such as updating security things and play on fire fox.

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Another question that I forgot to ask: is there a new keylogging scheme going on? I didn't download any files or click any sketchy links. So i'm thinking it may have been somebody watching me type my password in person. Basically just asking how someone can get keylogged these days.

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I believe there is a thread in the Tech section which can probably help you better. You will probably have to virus scan your computer and also check for adware. The thread in there, I believe it is a sticky, should recommend different programs.




Good luck!




EDIT: Most likely they thought since you had recoveries that you would recover the account, so they dropped all items. In the future make sure you get a bank pin, should keep your items that are in the bank safe until you recover the account.


Yeah, get a bank pin, but they take so looong to get. 6 days. Would you know anyone who plays runescape and would be stupid enough to watch you type in your password?

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Barrows:Guthans Warspear x1

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Well, it does suck, I'll give you that, but there's not much you can do after its happened except do things to prevent it from happening again.




Bank pin and a virus scan is definitely needed in this case


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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