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Just bought PS 7.0 and need help on how to make sigs please


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HEy guys im back!








I have been doing lots of school work and i just got a copy of photoshop 7.0! i realy want or would lke to lean how to make sigs or how to do that sharp edges! or even animate them. i have been mucking arround with it and find that most of the things from FILTER are usefull but cant seem to find any sites that show how to make the cool lines, votex's, animation.








If anybody could make a tutorial on how to make a cool: pixel sig, animated sig or just jagid, swirly, twirly sig.








Ty somuch for reading this and if u know of any good sites becides http://www.good-tutorials.com/ that would be absolutley awsome!








Ty for the help! B I G T I M E

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I never did have the courage to ask how that thing worked...

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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realy??? why not?




I would like to know tips from the best or even other beginners. ill take any advice on photoshot :D i realy thank you all form helping

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Good tutorials is probably the best source for beginners. Honestly, if you feel you can duplicate many of the tutorials on there without checking the tutorial itself then you probably know the program well enough to get better on your own. It sounds like you aren't really at that point. My suggestion is to head back over to goodtutorials.com and some tuts, but do them with the intention of learning what things in the program do and not just making a bunch of random abstracts using filters.








http://www.teamphotoshop.com has some good information on just how some of the tools work.

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ty :D ill pos some of the things i have made soon but for now i g2g to work lol (i work at redrobins) And ty for the site

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yup, i agree. You need to read as many tutorialss as you can, try to vary them, so some from effects, colouring etc. cos then it will cover a wide variety of things. If for example you only ever read grunge sig tuts, when you come to make ure own sigs up and somethin dont look quite right, you robably wont know what to do, cos grunge sig tuts wont have gone into that part of it, so read other tuts so as to get a wider variety of skills so you can cross them.








But yeh, read tuts, lots of them, and then try makin ure own up is the best way. Try crossing methods you see in different tuts, and just generally play around. Remember, there are no rules, its just whatever you like, or whatever looks good, go for it!








good luck

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Check good-tutorials.com and google








however the biggest teacher is expermintation try things out for your self play with the filters, lighting, hue/sat', black levels get to know your tools also such as magic wand, brush (airbrush), eraser, gradients, blah blah don't get too attached to the filters use brushing too fool around with opacity settings and layerblending options. Get aqquainted most importantly wiht the concept of layers.








Say like a person standing in front of wall with a bunch of stuff in the room




roughly there are three layers the background(wall), props (other crap) and the person himself/her the wall is the layer on the bottom if you delete the other two you just see the wall but add the props layer on top of it and you see the props and not the wall wherever they are since the block its view




then comes the person which is the very top you see him and not wats directly behind him. you see all the other stuff around him but not behind him since he covers it up








sorry if that was kinda confusing maybe someone could explain it better. But make sure you get to know the layers

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wow! ty for the advice! any of you who have read it or am reading it right now could u maby find 1 of ur fave sites with your fave type of style?
















anyways ty again!

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also borders make it look a lot nicer for an easy border create a new layer ctrl+shift+n then click ctrl+a then right click then stroke choose a 1px width maybe 2 and choose your color black or white or others








also learn to do good text like choosing the right font, colors, size, blending options, borders, drop shadows, bevels etc etc look at some other great artist here like demoris, Nadril, Ryan, Greatsilverwrym, and so on dont always use this flashy text that has all this cool crap on it cuz it most likely wont look too good one of the best styles is KISS (keep it simple stupid)

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Jesus Christ!








I didn't know you could right click on PS!




It never occured to me before!








I learned something new today! :D

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Finaly i found how to post my image!
















Im so happy but i still dont know how to blend another image into it :( i realy want to put a picture of my G/f in it and if any 1 could tell me how that would rule~!

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that pic is not a good pic to blend a person with especially ur g/f u wanna make it decent find some tutorials on blending, beldning with abstracts, or blending ppl with backgrounds








quick crappy tut








create background




get ur pic select it ctrl+c to copy now paste it into PS




USE the magic wand in some spots set it to 18 toleranrence click on the background around the girl (i hope its a girl) then delete if it chooses a part of the picture you dont want to take out use the eraser or set a lower tolerance then crop it all out smoot it some but not too much using the blur tool use very lightly then erase the rest of the background now ctrl+click the thumbnail of your gf in the layers pallete be sure it only selects te person and nothing else if so press ctrl+d to deselect then use the eraser and erase the other crap you may not have noticed before now lower the opacity some if you want (make sure the layer with your gf is slected and on top of your chosen backgorund) now lower the opacity or change the blending options expermeint to get the best look if you dont want the actual colors while the layer with your gf is selected press ctrl+u to bring up the hue/sat. now in the bottom right corner make sure colarition is checked then change the hue and sat and maybe lightness(brighttness too). Experminet aroudn with color, opacity, and blending options to get the one you like most












note press x to reset colors to defaults








and right click the tools on your toolbar to get more tool options like the brush right click and slect pencil, same with gradient it has the paint bucket under it, go to the help contents and use that alot explore as many features as you can find out wat they do practice practice practice and when you get a work your satisified with and you think is decent or pretty good post here to get some good opinions and c/c (constructive criticism)...remember if they tell u something you dont like dont flame you can take the advice or ignore it...just remember












there you go your quick 5-min made tut by aldeon thats not too indepth like lots of others

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