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The Get to Know you thread.


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I'd be a buffalo living in yellowstone. Everyday run into cars and pose for pictures. And stand near ol' faithful so no one is close when they watch.


If you could have any time related superpower, what would it be?

I'd want to be able to freeze time. This is, of course, without ageing. Unlimited time for everything I do. Would be great.

In fact, I do have some pancake mix.


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I think I'd want to be able to rewind time, but still have a recollection of what I had done before. Like missing a pass in a frisbee game; rewind time, know that you should dive a little sooner, make the catch!


Have you ever made a paper mache model of something?

I made a Tralfamadorian mask/hat thing, it was epic lol.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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Wii of course, its one of a kind. Xbox is like PS3 but with not as good graphics and cheaper. PS3 is expensive and not that amazing.


Unicorn or phoenix?


Unicorns, because they are fricken awesome.

In fact, I do have some pancake mix.


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I'd have to go with unicorns, I just don't like birds all that much.


Jogging on a treadmill, or jogging outside?

Outside, I like to actually get somewhere when I run, lol.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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While he's just a politician, and not a messiah or anything, he's NOT a communist, socialist, nazi, marxist, or a fascist, and any talking parrots (repeating what they heard on fox news) who say otherwise are legitimately [developmentally delayed]ed. And I don't mean that in a negative or inflammatory way. Their brains simply are NOT functioning correctly.


What's the biggest thing you this world needs to get rid of?


Religion. Yes there are some positive effects, but in the hands of man, religion becomes the ultimate tool for evil: waging wars, hating your neighbors, denying people their rights, and totalitarianism.

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Pizzas of course.


Is there anything you liked since childhood and will always like for the rest of your life? If so, what is it, and why?


For me it's Pokémon, I have liked it ever since I was a kid, and I will be a Pokémon fan for the rest of my life. The reason why I like them is because Pokémon are so powerful creatures, their moves are simply amazing.

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a nice breeze after it rains, smelling of grass. The reason why I like it is because it smells so clean and fresh...


Do you like licking nuts?

I like eating nuts, I don't really like almonds, but I like cashew nuts and pistachio nuts. I don't really like licking them though.. kitty does... she'll lick the salt or chocolate off them, and then chew them up... she also likes licking potato chips until they're soggy.. then she leaves them for you to eat...

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Probably Mars, the Roman god of war. He's pretty bad [wagon].


Do you like scary movies?

I love 'em. They never really scare me all that much though, most likely because I've become to desensitized to monsters, ghosts and stuff like that.

I'm going to milk Goon's teats

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Nintendo 64 despite the fact that it had the weirdest controller ever. Goldeneye 007 is awesome, and you can't ignore the original Super Smash Bros.


What's your favorite late night snack?


I love grapes, a peanut butter jelly sandwich, or pancakes!

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I tease my cats relentlessly at all hours of the day. I hide from them and peep at them from my hidey hole, and retreat back into it when they look. Then they trot over, wondering just what the hell I'm doing. Then I chase them.


Optimist or pessimist?


Neither! Pragmatist!

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Of course I'm ashamed, why wouldn't I be?


If you were a famous director or writer or something, would you use a pen name?


I would! I wouldn't want to be swarmed wherever I went. My ego is not such that I need people to know who I am. If they like what I did, I'm fine being faceless.

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