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adware on tip it still....


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Ok, it seems after months of complaining the tip it forums still comtain adware that auto installs itself on users computers (namely mediaaccess). There is also an active x pop-up that tries to install something (god knows what that one is) on our computers, although clicking no gets rid of it.......until you get the 'You must click yes to continue' message.








I thought you sorted out all that bull, but really you don't give a **** about your visitors as long as the ad companies pay out well.




Now I have to *** around deleting the crap your forum has put on my machine again, morons.












Sort you forums out........again.

Jukkie 135/126 ciombat [perm banned July 07][unbanned June 09]

302nd person to 99 ranged.


Proud member/Ex-Elder of The BlacKnights (2005-present).


Proud Ex-Domination member (2005).

Proud Ex-Mystic Knights Elder (2003-2005).

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We are concerned about our users, and we do keep removing bad ads, but they keep coming back. Unfortunately due to several circumstances we are unable to change advertising companies at this time. We are, like I said though, removing bad ads as soon as we become aware of them, and we are going to change ad-companies as soon as possible.








However, you should take some extra steps to protect yourself. If you're getting ad-ware it either means you're using an inferior browser, or just not being smart about your security.








Oh, yeah, and calling us "morons" doesn't exactly want to make us help you in particular.

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jukkie: Pay for TIF out of your own pocket if you don't like the ads since you obviously haven't done anything to help the situation out on your end.

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While I agree that it's stupid to call mods and regulars 'morons', I also think that saying 'people should just use a safe browser' is not a solution to the problem. You don't like it if people making sites in MS FrontPage telling you 'it works fine here' when you complain Opera/Firefox/Mozilla/Safari/Camino/Conqueror doesn't render it properly. Neither should we ignore people who are still using IE and have trouble visiting sites that may be easier on people who use an alternative browser.

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While I agree that it's stupid to call mods and regulars 'morons', I also think that saying 'people should just use a safe browser' is not a solution to the problem. You don't like it if people making sites in MS FrontPage telling you 'it works fine here' when you complain Opera/Firefox/Mozilla/Safari/Camino/Conqueror doesn't render it properly. Neither should we ignore people who are still using IE and have trouble visiting sites that may be easier on people who use an alternative browser.








Your argument falls apart when it is noted that ie can also block popups and with some work become nearly as safe as firefox (albeit it requires a ton of work but that's the price you pay to use IE).

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While I agree that it's stupid to call mods and regulars 'morons', I also think that saying 'people should just use a safe browser' is not a solution to the problem. You don't like it if people making sites in MS FrontPage telling you 'it works fine here' when you complain Opera/Firefox/Mozilla/Safari/Camino/Konqueror doesn't render it properly. Neither should we ignore people who are still using IE and have trouble visiting sites that may be easier on people who use an alternative browser.








Your argument falls apart when it is noted that ie can also block popups and with some work become nearly as safe as firefox (albeit it requires a ton of work but that's the price you pay to use IE).








That's not true at all. Your argument falls apart when you realize your statement is only correct on Windows XP SP2, and for users who are already cautious about their security (others really aren't going to put in the work to secure their browser). That's going to be, what, maybe 5-10% of the forum members?








I'm running Windows 2000, and IE does not have a popup blocker (and never will have). The fact that I'm paranoid and set all my activeX and script warnings to 'ask' doesn't mean the average user should (to tell the truth, it's a pita this way because I usually get 5-10 of these dialogs for nearly every site I visit). Heck, I'm fairly sure the average user (a) does not know what ActiveX is and (B) does not know how to disable / secure it. I'm objecting to the idea 'well, if they just put in some work, they'll be fine', because most people don't know how to do that, and adding all the security measures prevent them from having a good browsing experience.








The security of a site is the responsability of the site owners, not its visitors. What would you say if your bank had popups all over the place? "Oh well, people should just use a good browser instead of IE."? That's nonsense, and you know it.

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u can't relly on everysite 2 be as secure as a bank, sometimes it isn't their fault entierly like it seems now here.








its ure responsability to keep your own and keep safe.

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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Ok, it seems after months of complaining the tip it forums still comtain adware that auto installs itself on users computers (namely mediaaccess). There is also an active x pop-up that tries to install something (god knows what that one is) on our computers, although clicking no gets rid of it.......until you get the 'You must click yes to continue' message.








I thought you sorted out all that bull, but really you don't give a **** about your visitors as long as the ad companies pay out well.




Now I have to *** around deleting the crap your forum has put on my machine again, morons.












Sort you forums out........again.








Well... as much as I would love to swear at you right now, I will refrain, and instead explain, once again, what the situation is. Maybe I should write a macro for this...
















Yes, the ads are a pain.




Yes, if you don't have the appropriate protection on your PC (which you *should* have, regardless of what sites you visit), some of the ads that the companies we currently use for advertising will attempt to get you to install spyware on your PC.




Yes, we deal with ads on an adividual basis as and when we can - as a stop-gap measure.




Yes, we advise people to use FireFox and other bits and pieces, as a stop-gap measure.








We currently have a number of new advertising companies which we have investigated and found to be acceptable, and who have also found us, and our visit-rate, acceptable. The person able to act on these companies is still currently unavailable (presently moving house), without internet access.








Yes, the ads have been an issue for a long time, and yes we continue to say it will be sorted. And yes, it *will* be sorted, jsut as soon as it can be. Be aware, however, that we have to work with real-life constraints, and that not everything we want, we get when we want it. Same goes for you guys...












Now then jukkie... in regards to your comments... if we didn't give a **** (yes, I, too, can use *'s to censor a word manually... just be advised you'll still get a warning from staff, so I suggest you don't do it again), then why the heck would we BE here in the first place ? Do you think I would waste hours of my time each and every day, voluntarily keeping a site and forums running for people I couldn't give a toss about !? That also goes for the rest of our staff. None of us are paid to be here... yet you'll find each and every one of us here pretty much every day, spending our own free time doing our best to ensure this place is the best it can be for selfish stuck-up little punks like you... plus the rest of our users.








The security of a site is the responsability of the site owners, not its visitors.








Too true. However, *some* sites not only don't care about their security, but they deliberately attempt to corrupt the PC of those that visit their site... and there are more and more of these sites popping up all over the place, and there's no knowing just which one of those Google links you click will be the next one.








So, relying on the sites you visit to be safe, and look after you and hold your hand to make sure you don't get a tracking cookie on your PC, is the real-life equivalent of sending a 10 year-old through a major city park at midnight, and expect the police to have made sure that the kid won't be harrassed.








So yes - you are correct in your statement. The responsibility of the security of a site *is* that of those that run the site. However, the responsibility of the security of your own PC is yours and yours alone.








So, everyone... have a think about it... which are you ? The one that sends the kid off on his own, expecting him to make it through the park and back on his own... or do you send his Dad with him with a baseball bat, just to be sure ??








The disappointing thing is, that those in the first category are always the first to pipe up and blame the police, and ask for the Government to replace/fire/upgrade them... or call them morons... :roll:

One-time #13 smither.

All-time #1 noob.

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