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Am i training the right stats?


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Yesterday while training in S.o.S one of the people started asking for our stats(you know the routine). I told him (lvl 103cb) that i had 82def going for 85def and much to my dislike he called me a noob. why do people in f2p get called noobs for having high def? am i training the wrong skills? should my def even be so high for my lvl?


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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I think we just get called DEF NOOBS because it annoyes them not being able to get good hits agains us while in /bh/clan wars/deul arena


Well most people around my lvl would have 85 def, so umm yeahh...but im gonna stop training def at 85 and just get str and attk up \'


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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Yesterday while training in S.o.S one of the people started asking for our stats(you know the routine). I told him (lvl 103cb) that i had 82def going for 85def and much to my dislike he called me a noob. why do people in f2p get called noobs for having high def? am i training the wrong skills? should my def even be so high for my lvl?




People are stupid, especially F2P.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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I would train defenece just to bug them.




But many people still live in their sick pure-dominated wilderness fantasies where no defence is the best, which explains much of the defence hatred...




Haha i love spiting people. I might just go for 99def and leave my other stats as they are lol... thanx. So i guess theres nothing wrong with the stats im training then. I guess it just differs from person to person.


i wish these "noob callers" would realise that...


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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I had 85s across the board its actually imo one of the better set ups as your prepared for more things. Now im going for 99 attack, mainly because I feel it will help me the most at GWD with a GS



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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What exactle does ATK do? does it just increase your higher hit%? when i just started out i had my atk on 40 until i got 70def and 80str, then people started telling me that i really needed better atk. i just dont see the point in having 99atk before 99str...


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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I hate hitting 0s



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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Yeah you will still hit 0s but fewer then at 85, especially when potted. (120 attack vs 102)




With a god sword being so slow, as little 0s as possible is a good thing, since it can so high already, the str doesnt even make to much of a difference over 85. it makes a difference but i dont think its worth it over the accuracy. though most peoples goals are maxed stats anyways




Some people train str to 99 first to make you hit harder to gain exp faster. But i see it as if i hit less 0s while training str/def ill get more exp that way...




Some people train defense first to be able to tank longer, make less trips




Its all what you think is best.




But i personally think all stats at 85 is a good way to start



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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