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The Great Orb Project


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As I'm sure many of you know, the designated worlds for The Great Orb Project have been bugged for the last couple days.




Now, I've been wondering if any "un-official" world has come into use since this has occured--I've personally looked, but have yet to find a world with more than a few players.




So, can any of you help me?




Thanks in advance. ::'

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worlds 60 P2P and 61 F2P are the official worlds for tGoP. Unofficial worlds? none that I know of.




I know which are the designated worlds, but no one has been able to play in them for two days now--I had just been wondering if another world had been selected to be the "un-official" world by player consensus.




~And to Slaytanicc:




I tried, but the popular trading worlds were empty, unfortunately. :|

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I find that Worlds 1 to 4 and World 16 are good worlds for the Great Orb Project.

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