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Dissidia - Final Fantasy


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Official Dissidia Site [JP]


Gamespot Article




Take the protagonist and their relative protagonist from each Final Fantasy game, put them into a 1v1 action RPG setting and what do you get? Dissidia!


Im not sure if theres a website with a translated story - I havent bothered to check - but it seems like the gods (Chaos/Cosmos) are settling a fight over some crystals by each gathering 10 combatants and having them duke it out (keeps making me think of Crash Bash).


  • Darkness / Light
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF1 - Garland / Warrior of Light
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF2 - Emperor / Frioniel
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF3 - Cloud of Darkness / Onion Knight
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF4 - Golbez / Cecil
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF5 - Exdeath / ?
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF6 - Kefka / ?
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF7 - Sephiroth / Cloud(?)
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF8 - Ultimecia / Squall
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF9 - Ruja / Zidane
    [*:2md1ohwm]FF10 - Jecht / Tidus
    [*:2md1ohwm]Gods - Chaos [Darkness] / Cosmos [Light]


  • [*:2md1ohwm]System - PSP
    [*:2md1ohwm]Genre - Action RPG
    [*:2md1ohwm]Release Date - Dec 18, 2008 [JP]; TBA [uS/EU]


Anyway, game looks awesome. Ill probably import it on its Japanese release just because of LOL REGION FREE.




And ill forewarn you now, any well worded [or poorly, for that matter] arguments against this game will be falling on deaf ears.

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Yes, it does look pretty awesome indeed!




It seems Sephiroth is in it and not cloud, Tidus is in it and not Jecht. Well, according to wiki and this trailer. The only thing that I object to is the fact that you move your characters around like a chess piece. Otherwise, this game is insane. Sephiroth and leon look badass. Yup. Looks good.




EDIT: Whoops, Jecht is in it, but will he be a playable character I wonder? No sight of Cloud, though...

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Yes, it does look pretty awesome indeed!




It seems Sephiroth is in it and not cloud, Tidus is in it and not Jecht. Well, according to wiki and this trailer. The only thing that I object to is the fact that you move your characters around like a chess piece. Otherwise, this game is insane. Sephiroth and leon look badass. Yup. Looks good.




EDIT: Whoops, Jecht is in it, but will he be a playable character I wonder? No sight of Cloud, though...


Id imagine theyre still tweaking with Cloud and/or he'll stupidly be an unlockable.


Theres not a huge amount of insight to the gameplay outside of the actual battles, so its hard to say. If I had to guess id say you choose whoever you want to play with at the start and each character takes a different "route" across the board. For instance, choose Tidus and his final battle is against Jecht and such. Im not sure how the gil/equipment system is going to work though, I wouldve thought they mightve used an FFT-esque map system.


Im hoping for the antagonists to be playable as well, but you never can tell with Enix.

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Looks good so far, it seems like it'll be a 1v1 fighting game. The Gamespot article noted that Tidus got a knife after a battle, but I don't remember Tidus ever using a knife. Maybe you can create your own parties, and make your own Final Fantasy dream team.




I just hope Terra is in.

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Onion knight for ff3's light character? Can't say it could count as a character (in a sense since it's a job that your 4 characters can be and it was so freaking powerful at level 99 :ohnoes: ). Though I'm hoping more characters will be added to give the game some more flare.




Though I must ask is this going to be like namco's Tales of the world:radiant mythology kind of thing when it's done?

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Game looks epic.




[hide=FFX spoiler (kinda)]Though is Jecht really a bad guy? I mean he was possessed when he did all that bad stuff as sin, and he even gave his life for Braska.[/hide] I put that in hide tags because I wasn't sure if it would be a spoiler or not.




as for who we hope will be in it for the games that arn't clear, for FF5 it would have to be Bartz. For FF6 i'd imagine Terra or Celes but I want either Edgar or Sabin. (auto crossbow ftw) For FF7 though it may be Cloud, though I'd want Zack, Angeal, or Genesis.

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Game looks epic.




[hide=FFX spoiler (kinda)]Though is Jecht really a bad guy? I mean he was possessed when he did all that bad stuff as sin, and he even gave his life for Braska.[/hide] I put that in hide tags because I wasn't sure if it would be a spoiler or not.




as for who we hope will be in it for the games that arn't clear, for FF5 it would have to be Bartz. For FF6 i'd imagine Terra or Celes but I want either Edgar or Sabin. (auto crossbow ftw) For FF7 though it may be Cloud, though I'd want Zack, Angeal, or Genesis.




Jecht wasn't evil, he was simply a manifestation of Sin. You do remember that Sin was born again off of the sacrifice of the summoner every 10 years. Seymour was the evil one.




I might try this, i'll have to see how good it is though.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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