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ok, as you all know, you are probably going to post "OMG YOU NOOB WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER GOD DAM WEAPON FFS JUST SHUT UP WILL YOU?"








Am I wrong? No, that's exactly what you would post. But before you do, get yourself a comfortable chair, and start reading.








------------THE DRAGON "NINJA" SWORD STORY------------




---------------MYTH? OR REALITY? CHAPTER I----------------








You walk into the varrock library, and click on roland.








1) You seem very frustrated about something, what's the matter?




2) WHO in the world reads b00ks all day...




3) Just ignore me, I'm only looking around.








You choose option "1"








Roland: Yes, I've been studying all night, looking at each of these ancient scrolls. It was said that they were written by some ancient god, one that I've never even heard of!








You: Ancient god? I thought there were only 3 gods in the world of Runescape?








Roland: What you say is true for now, but according to these scrolls, it clearly states that one had lived long before the 3 gods came in place. His name was called Zith, the absolute ruler of the universe. He was the original form of the three gods, Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamarok, until one day his mind was trapped by some-------------(hole in paper)-----------dragon n---- sword located in ----- shrine. Hmm...seems that some parts are unreadable...








You: It sounds interesting. Something about it tells me that the sword is located somewhere in runescape...








Roland: Are you crazy? I don't even know if this is true, and the exact locations arent even given to that dragon "whatever" sword. Also, what has it got to do with the sword anyways??








You: Say, isn't there anyone else who know more about this? I want to find out about this "myth" being real or not.








Roland: Well, if you really are eager to research this, then i suppose you can drop by to my old friend's house, Mainon. He told me about this, and he too is eager to find the truth. He's located in a house in Draynor Village.








You: Thank you, i'll be on my way then.








You walk to Draynor village, and into the house of Mainon.








You click on Mainon.








Mainon: What do you want?








1) I came here to know more about the absolute god, Zith.




2) Nothing, just looking around.








you choose option 1.








Mainon: So, another curious adventurer eh? Well, since you look interested, i'll answer your questions.








You: Well, i heard about the god Zith from Roland. He read me the ancient scrolls, but some of it was cut off. it said something about the god having his mind trapped by something, and then it says something about a dragon n---- sword in the ------- Shrine.








Mainon: Unfortunantly for you kid, that's about as much as i know. But there is someone, or shall i say, something, that does know the whereabouts of this "sword". A demon named "Rakkon" in Karajama island "told" me about some sword he tried to take, but it came alive and started atking him, so he ran and came upon my house seeking aid for his wounds. He said that he smelled the presence of a dragon spirit in it, yet something more greater behind it.








You: ....demons can talk?








Mainon: well, in Rakkon's case, he used to be a soldier, but was cursed to being transformed into a demon. He's won't bite of course, so i suggest you go talk to him.








You:Eh....thanks i guess.








You go to Karajama, and find the demon in a corner. You click on him.








Rakkon: What brings you here?








You: I-i-i-i-heard you tried to take some sword?








Rakkon: And what business do you have with it?








You: well...you see, im trying to figure out the mystery of this sword and the god Zith. Do you know anything about some dragon n---- sword?








Rakkon:...quick, come inside my cave before others hear us.








The two of you walk inside a cave.








Rakkon: Long ago, there was a legend about a sword. One so powerful, that all feared it, even the 3 gods. It was said that a god named Zith, was the one form of the three. One day, Zith experimented with his new powers he obtained from the "other" worlds. He was warned, but he didn't listen. He cast the spell to make him more powerful in not just the universe, but everywhere, known as, the other worlds. yet, you should never play with magic, as he was soon seperated in 4. himself in his "original form", and the 3 other gods. Fearful of being one for eternity again, the 3 gods quickly used their powers to seal him away into a sword. They could not destroy it, so they hid it on this very planet, runescape. Zith's true form was actually an ancient dragon spirit, one who's form are unlike any of the dragon's you fight here. The gods knew what power was in that one sword, so they put it in a shrine, where only one's heart was pure could weild. As they had thought, no human had a pure heart. there was always evil in the very depths of their mind. that's how they kept the world safe from it all this time. But that's not all. They left the sword usuable by one who's heart is pure, as it's the one who can destroy Zith's soul forever.








You: That's one story i have to get to the bottom of. Tell me, where is this shrine?








Rakkon: You dare to retrive the sword?








You: I'm an adventurer, and that's what I do. Besides, if the rumours from what i heard from the runescape community are true, then it might be the legendary dragon ninja sword.








Rakkon:...You make no sense. Very well, head east of the island, and take the raft east again. you'll meet up with an island eventually. It's quite small, and easy to miss, so keep an eye open.








You: Thanks alot for the guide Rakkon. I'll be on my way as soon as i get some supplies.








Rakkon: Wait, you'll need this.








Rakkon hands you an old amulet.








You: what's this for?








Rakkon: You'll need it if you want to retrieve the sword, in other words, survive.








You: Yeah...thanks.








*Gather lots of good food, and good armour and weapons. This will be the biggest fight of your life. You'll be in for a surprise. Don't bring potions.








You arrive at the island. You see an old shrine located at the centre covered in vines.








As you approach the entrance, something pops up.








Giant Anaconda: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
















You start fighting, you'll use up most of your food. Don't turn back to resupply.








You defeat Giant Anaconda. You pick up an old relic.








You: This might be useful later.








You enter the shrine. as you go in, you'll see that there is a sword at the end. you go and click on it.
















the sword comes alive and slices you. it does zero damage.
















You: The stone and the relic! It's glowing! I think this is my chance.








You grab hold of the sword. It wobbles violently for a while, there are 2 slots that fit the stone and relic. You put them in place. They fit snuggly tight =).








You have obtained the Dragon Nymth Sword.








The spirit of Zith comes out and diminishes, so does the sword.








You: Oh well, the gods will be happy at least now that the "Evil" god is gone.








The 3 gods, Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak appear out of thin air.








Saradomin: You have destroyed our fear.




Guthix: Brought peace to the living.




Zamorak: And killed our brother.




Saradomin: The balance of the worlds will not be the same.




Guthix: The end of runescape shall it be.




Zamorak: All hail the new god! <<>>!!!








You: Uh...excuse me?
















The gods atk you, you fall and return to lumbridge. Thanks to your will power, your items are protected for that one time. Thank god.








Next Quest: The Dragon Ninja Sword Story II, awakaning the ninja sword.








Brought to you by Kaibani, with special thanks to the players who dedicated their lives to bringing the Dragon Ninja Sword a reality in runescape.

Sup noobs.

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stupied idea no offense but ninjas and all the china stuff will not come to runescape. If it did that would be the day i quit runescape and started a life

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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lol dude no, they don;t make you into a god. THEY FRIGGEN KILL YOU. also, the idea of this quest isn't about a new weapon. you don't get no weapons. and chapter II comes out later...when my thinking gears are moving again. that will clear things up...

Sup noobs.

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*waits for Zonorhc to yell at the noob








anyway heres some actualy repliage












1) its zaros not zith and he was good, pasive but god




2) who really cares no one needs more weapons unless thay are easy to get.












1) that makes no sense, idk what you're trying to say, but Zaros was really, really, evil




2) actually i would like a hard to get weapon, like the ancient staff, so i can be unique like the unique person that i am

Small Children Scared Count:3


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You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that kaibani was poking fun at the people who post about "ninja swords." It's a pity that I he's probably being serious.








Find a better name for your "ninja sword." It's really very ambiguous because it could be one of any number of medieval Japanese swords, but let's not revisit that discussion.








gotsol, for your information, it's Japanese, not Chinese. Let's fix your ignorance, shall we? Why would you quit if they added Asian concepts to Runescape?








archimage_a, I'm really tired of your posts. Stop trying to push your ideas of Zaros into other people's threads. If you want to post something about your ideas, leave it in the Library and keep it out of the boards where we actually discuss things that relate to canon Runescape.

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1) there is no ninja sword in my quest. like zonorch said, this quest is kinda like a joke, and mainly story based.




2) the name of the sword, "dragon nymth sword" may be a crappy name to you, but it is merely your own opinion. it won't change my idea.

Sup noobs.

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i dont realy care all that much but




zaros needs to be talked about, and since no one reads or replies im mgoing to tell ppl about him any way i can... within reason

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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i hink that the sword should be the dragon nymth nagati, just because it sounds more mystical than just sword, and it fits into it being a ninja sword :D

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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i don't think you guys really get it...there is NO dragon ninja sword, or anything related to it. i only put that as a title so you would THINK it is, even though it got nothin to do with it, as you will see later on when i post chapter II. whenever that is.

Sup noobs.

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thats the problem noone listens to what u say thay scan it and then critise.








i would say zaros rules but the u have zororhc telling me to shut up and i really cant be asked to talk to him ant more all he does is say hes always right a everyone else is wrong

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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thats the problem noone listens to what u say thay scan it and then critise.








i would say zaros rules but the u have zororhc telling me to shut up and i really cant be asked to talk to him ant more all he does is say hes always right a everyone else is wrong




If you want people to listen to you about Zaros then bloody spell properly so people won't think you're just some little kid and post your own posts instead of always commenting about Zaros in your posts.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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i am begining to think that everyone lives in blissfull ignorant.




the fact is this needs to close down cos of the fact no one can come up with anything constructive.








and i dont really care what anyone else thinks

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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lol dude no, they don;t make you into a god. THEY FRIGGEN KILL YOU. also, the idea of this quest isn't about a new weapon. you don't get no weapons. and chapter II comes out later...when my thinking gears are moving again. that will clear things up...








Were your "thinking gears" moving in the first place.. :roll:



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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lol dude no, they don;t make you into a god. THEY FRIGGEN KILL YOU. also, the idea of this quest isn't about a new weapon. you don't get no weapons. and chapter II comes out later...when my thinking gears are moving again. that will clear things up...








Were your "thinking gears" moving in the first place.. :roll:








Yes :) , in fact, they were moving very well thank you. Before you start critisizing me again, please elaborate on what your problem with my idea is. Otherwise, you're just another noob, with just another opinion. :roll:

Sup noobs.

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stupied idea no offense but ninjas and all the china stuff will not come to runescape. If it did that would be the day i quit runescape and started a life








RS is more medival, I doubt they would bring other cultures into it.

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why do people read my topic title, then comment on it without reading the rest....*sigh*. well i guess it's partly my fault for putting "Dragon Ninja" sword in my topic title...

Sup noobs.

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RS is more medival, I doubt they would bring other cultures into it.












correct me if im wrong, but isnt ancient japan during the medievl time period?

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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  • 2 weeks later...
stupied idea no offense but ninjas and all the china stuff will not come to runescape. If it did that would be the day i quit runescape and started a life.[/b]








Gotsol i think you should start a life anywase. Runescape is a game that addicts people just like smoking and drinking and ruins your life. Look at Kaibani and I, we finally got the idea. It's just like Pokemon, another phase.

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exactly. and i would also like to quote what nick said to me when me and my friend told him to not pay for runescape. His decisions was clear, and he said to me on Sunday, July 10, 2005 at exactly 5:48:32:98 p.m, "F*** u runescape c*** suckers i quit!!!".

Sup noobs.

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