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Range from 67-70..Where?


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Thats an easy question, I guess. I've considered pc, giant spiders and fire giants, but what's your opinnion?


I can blow no more than 500k for it.. and i own p2p status


(ps. I haven't done Biohazard)

...on my way to a Def 1 Hybrid.. for the 2nd time - Wow !

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bronze knives on yaks is the way to go for sure.




That or you could slay it but would be slow



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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To be honest, my favorite method to raise ANY combat skill is what ilovecardj already said, slay. It's a slower process but you'll never regret time you put into the slayer skill.




If that's not your cup of tea, the also mentioned yaks with bronze knives is good, or pretty much anything with a dorgeshuun crossbow I like, since you can spend no more than 500k.



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If you have 47 thieving you can use ogres , even if you haven't done Biohazard.There is a tower a bit west of the exit from Ardougne, known as the Blood Rune Tower. The seeds that they drop cover the costs of the food and knives.

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Try doing slayer with the bone xbow and bone bolts. Or you could range the ogres in the tower near ardy. Like aslan said the seeds cover the costs and thats where I got 70 range.




Also aviansies are a good money maker for ranging after level 70.


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