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Tip.it Times Presents: More Steel than a ShipWright


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This was THE best tip.it times article I have ever read (I've been around for over 5 years). I got chills remember that amazing battle....maybe I'm just a dork, but I still remember the epicness of those moments in edgeville gathering warriors to go into battle. Handing out capes, steel armor among other things. It was the amazing feeling of accomplishment when we could say we were the top fan site. I will be there this year to help the newcomers get blood on their rune weapons. I hope the other sites are ready to taste my two hander and scimmy.

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A very well-written and fantasy-tastic Times :). I really liked this one, it certainly made me long for the MSSW even more! How that is possible I don't really know though, since I have longed for this battle even since one hour after the MSSW 3 was over :P. I'm so going to be there and support Tip.It! I'm going to get one more thiveing level today, but then I will train combat so I can reach level 100 in F2P before Saturday.


GO TIP.IT!!! :thumbsup: =D> \'



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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