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What should I do?


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Recently got 99 strength and in process made a killing. Mainly due to the increase of rune.slayer drop items since PvP has been released.




My original plan was to sell my Saradomin Sword and buy a Zammy Spear (for Waterfiends) and then buy 80 prayer. Leaving me with 15mil ish.




However I have done the above and still have 23mil so a Bandos Godsword is calling to me, especially as I want to max attack and defense.




I don't like wasting money and always like to have a spare 10 mil in the bank, just in case I die and lose stuff. However this isn't likely, and with the way items are currently, I will be able to bump up my funds very quickly. If need be I have 43k of ess I can craft to deaths.




My question is, is the BGS worth it? Obviously I will keep my whip for tasks I need a shield with (very few as I have blocked irons/steel) but goes the BGS go that extra mile? and is it worth leaving myself with only 3 milion for?


Trust the Gene Genie!

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For training? short answer is no. I recently bought one too, it's extremely bad for training. If you want to max attack and defense, go with a whip, cheap and more effective.



Thanks to InsanityV2 for the sig

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Speed and accuracy is everything whilst training combat. Along with decent strength - and you have 99.


But no a bgs speed isnt too fail, its just that a whip owns it for training attack, and defence, due to the speed, cutting-power, and more often hits.




And even if a whip was only 50% good I wouldnt use 23m on that bgs.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Honestly the only reason I use the BGS for slayer is because I have an extreme dislike for the D scim, and I don't want to train strength on controlled.



Thanks to InsanityV2 for the sig

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