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how to get rid of stupid scammers


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i bet most of runescapes players have been scammed at least once, by some stupid noob who changes 2 mil into 200k at the last second of the trade.




Most players say that you just have to pay attention and that there is no way of stopping this, but there really is one.




All JAGeX would have to do is alter the trade system a little, if you would change/remove ANYTHING in a trade screen, the item (or empty spot) would flash for 3 seconds, and in those 3 seconds neither players would be able to click accept.




in the second trade screen, there would also be a 3 second period in which neither players would be able to click accept.




if JAGeX would do this, i dont think anyone would ever be scammed again (unless they were really braindead) by the trade scam, which is, i think, one of the most popular and "succesful" ones.








please post if u agree or disagree, but try to tell me why u agree/disagree

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I like the idea it would be easy to program and would help quite a few people
















Bubsa again you come here just to insult an idea that would help people not get scammed...you may not whant this to happen but amazingly people fall for these tricks and this idea has NO cons, unlesss of course you like people getting scammed, and this is what your comming across as.

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bubsa, not only stupid people get scammed i think more than 25 percent of all runescape players have atleast been scammed once, people may sometimes not be on full alert at 1 am in the morning, and then they get scammed.




your saying you dont see this helping, i think that if the scammer took away his money (and it would start flashing) the guy would be alot more likely to notice.




i have gotten scammed a while ago, it was what made me think of this idea.




and yes i am fully able to read, no i am not blind, nor do i not think you "deserve" to get scammed if you are a little drowsy.








PS:Crim_nimora and willyhendriksen, thanks for the support








PPS:o bubsa, please tell me what u find bad at my idea with a bit of constructive critisism. i would love to know what u find so bad about my idea because then i can perhaps improve it, flaming does not help.

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I like the idea it would be easy to program and would help quite a few people
















Bubsa again you come here just to insult an idea that would help people not get scammed...you may not whant this to happen but amazingly people fall for these tricks and this idea has NO cons, unlesss of course you like people getting scammed, and this is what your comming across as.








Bubsa, ONCE AGAIN, is right, Crim. If the morons can't even read a few numbers and letters, then they shouldn't be playing Runescape to begin with, let alone trading. It's not a question of "the system being faulty"...it's a question of people's brains being faulty.



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do you have any idea how many people get scammed everyday?




if what you said was to happen and they never started then we would have about 500 people walking around rs.

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Good idea. While I've never been scammed on Runescape, (Not yet anyway) I have run into a few scamming attempts. It's not very hard to check the confirmation screen... However, your idea couldn't hurt.

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outsanity, those people's brains are not faulty, they are simply not paying attention for a moment, scammers use really nice tricks, u know, you barely notice a stack of money going from 2 mil to 200k, with this system, i think everybody would notice it.








to everybody who disagrees I would like to see some constructive critisism, it would be way more usefull then pointless flames, i think Outsanity and Bubsa made enough of those on my thread already








Bubsa and Outsanity; i would love to know what exactly do you find so bad about my idea, because otherwise i am forced to think this trade system is your main source of income and that your very keen on it to remain this way.

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How about you simply make it so there is only one trade screen and that you can't take away whatever you put up? That way people cannot try to take away things at the last moment.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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I don't really think this trade screen change is necessary, but it seems awfully easy to be a "moron" these days :) At every level plateau, there are things to possibly do wrong. And, when someone does, there's always an oh-so-slightly higher lvl there to say, "you moron," or even that dreaded word (you know what I mean) which oughta be banned. Lighten up! Few people would be so quick to badger someone in real life if they, say, tripped and fell. If you would laugh at that guy, shame on you.








Well, most of that wasn't on topic. So...








Why not start a thread about the most common scams that are arising instead of waiting JAGeX to code a new trade screen system? Just recently I've noticed many players trying to sell Eye of Gnome for 250k and lockpicks for 100k. I think being informed is the best prevention for being scammed.









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We should learn to read as well.




At no point did I dismiss or say it was a bad idea. I applaud your concern for trying to get rid of scammers, nothing wrong could possibly come from that. The point I made was that there is a large majority of people whom this would make no difference too. I'd rather see Jagex tackle the problem at the source rather than develop something like this.




At no point did I think the idea was bad, just impractical. You can misinterperate me all you want, whether deliberate or not, you're just reiterating my point.

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it they're own stupid fault if they lose some good stuff for nothing, its appened to me and its made me wiser, everone wants soemthing for nothing and they make it happen

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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if it flashes and they are forced to wait and watch it flash then it will affect almost every player.








And what sorce these people can make up the excuse that they simply decided to change their mind at the last minute. Ifc the other player agrees its technically not wrong its just morally wrong and this is a problem which jagex cant ever solve.












And yes you kind of did say this is a bad idea, You said that these people deserve whats happening to them, and that means that since it wont happen nearly as much, these people wont get what they deserve. and if you want them to get what they deserve then that means you dont want the idea to be pt into the game, just because less people will be scammed.








Dont try to act like you meant something else in your post just when you realise your wrong, simply say "Ok I'm wrong sorry"

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We should learn to read as well.




At no point did I dismiss or say it was a bad idea. I applaud your concern for trying to get rid of scammers, nothing wrong could possibly come from that. The point I made was that there is a large majority of people whom this would make no difference too. I'd rather see Jagex tackle the problem at the source rather than develop something like this.




At no point did I think the idea was bad, just impractical. You can misinterperate me all you want, whether deliberate or not, you're just reiterating my point.




well, i agree that, if possible, tackling the problem from the source (mass-banning all those scammers) would be better, but since jagex doesnt look at abuse reports, thats no use.




this solution would stop a lot of scamming i think, because scamming is kind of a never ending cycle: some1 gets scammed, he gets angry, and starts to scam. if people stop scamming, less people start scamming, and the scamming slowly stops

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We should learn to read as well.




At no point did I dismiss or say it was a bad idea. I applaud your concern for trying to get rid of scammers, nothing wrong could possibly come from that. The point I made was that there is a large majority of people whom this would make no difference too. I'd rather see Jagex tackle the problem at the source rather than develop something like this.




At no point did I think the idea was bad, just impractical. You can misinterperate me all you want, whether deliberate or not, you're just reiterating my point.




well, i agree that, if possible, tackling the problem from the source (mass-banning all those scammers) would be better, but since jagex doesnt look at abuse reports, thats no use.








Believe me they do, but as they are constantly inundated with other feedback, phoney reports and so on, it's near impossible to differentiate the legitimate and worthwhile reports from other.

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well still banning for scamming isnt that easy. The last second switchers have the defence that they simply changed their mind. And the people who got scammed still technically agreed to the deal.




the only real way to ban scammers is to get them to admit they scammed you and then report them. since the report sysetem works on a previous one minute snapshot basis.

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if this would be done, there would also be a lot less reports i think, since nobody would be stupid enough to fall for the trade scam.




also for jagex, this would, it would also be alot cheaper for jagex to do this then hire a ton of extra staff to cope with all abuse reports

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