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I got a question, I really don't know this. I just thought of it...








If there are religious homosexual/lesbian people, are they allowed to marry in church? Like other couples do (not always of course).








Allowed, yes. Whether the church will marry them is a separate question, though church marriage for homosexuals has become common in Holland some time ago :). Collegue of my dad had a church marriage with his boyfriend.








Ironically that's against what the Bible stands for so it sounds fairly hypocritical to me ;)








And Jackalope - yes, everyone can follow Christ - however, when we are totally dependent on Christ we will follow the Law and cease to live in sin (that is of course, to not anger non-Christians here, assuming that homosexuality is a sin like the Bible says).












Basically my whole beef is that there are so many more important issues to be taken care of. Also, everyone is all about the "accept everyone" movement... but ironically if someone doesn't support what everyone stands for (ie. someone not supporting gay marriage), then that person is not accepted by the majority.








Sounds hypocritical yet once more.








As for the new testament, I've yet to find a passage which explicitly forbids being homosexual. Therefor, I have no problem with it whatsoever.








The Bible always talks about marriage as being a man and a woman. *Never* does it mention a man and a man. *Never*. *Never*.








Let me emphasize that it never talks about marriage being same-sex.








Oh yeah, it never talks about marriage being same-sex.




Or do you nto know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunakrds, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God




*shrug* interpret that how you will.








And as a side-note: I don't believe in treating anyone worse than anybody! I am not showing my views whatsoever, I'm just acting as a mediator type. I believe that *all* men are completely sinful and that I need Christ (assuming Christianity) just as much as a serial rapist.

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Ironically that's against what the Bible stands for so it sounds fairly hypocritical to me ;)











(that is of course, to not anger non-Christians here, assuming that homosexuality is a sin like the Bible says).




The fact that you assume that your interpretation is the 'right' one (see above post) is hypocritical to me. I happen to disagree (again, see above post).












Also, everyone is all about the "accept everyone" movement... but ironically if someone doesn't support what everyone stands for (ie. someone not supporting gay marriage), then that person is not accepted by the majority.








Sounds hypocritical yet once more.








It is hypocritical. However, let's say there would be someone who runs a supermarket, but who keeps a list of every Christian in the area, and refuses to sell them anything. That's discrimination, you could sue the man for it. He'd have to sell things to you, because society accepts Christians. So now, according to you, we should instead 'accept' the supermarket owner, leave the person be and allow him to stick to his prejudiced way of handling customers? That's not possible. There is no way for us not to be hypocriticial.

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Ironically that's against what the Bible stands for so it sounds fairly hypocritical to me ;)











(that is of course, to not anger non-Christians here, assuming that homosexuality is a sin like the Bible says).




The fact that you assume that your interpretation is the 'right' one (see above post) is hypocritical to me. I happen to disagree (again, see above post).











It's not my interpretation. It's black and white (see my above post). There's nothing to interpret. I'm quoting a Bible verse that explicitly says something. No interpretation needed. So if you want to argue against God, go right ahead. But don't call me hypocritical.

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Of course they can follow Jesus and be homosexual!!! Just because it may be a sin that doesnt matter. Everyone sins so does that mean no one can follow Jesus? I dont belive in homosexual marriage and I am a true believer of Christ, but homosexuals are not denied the right to our Lord.








And the reason churches will not marry them is because they think that marriage is between a man and a woman. Not because they think that homosexuals are not christian








Yes, they can follow Jesus, anybody on this earth can. Will they have a personal relationship with Him? No. That's why I said a homosexual cannot call himself a born-again believer. I guess you would be able to tie the 2nd part with the 1st, but it seems like you have to spell everything out for everybody now.








Oh, and Hannibal, here you go.








Romans 2: 24-27








Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the CreatorÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã


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Yes, they can follow Jesus, anybody on this earth can. Will they have a personal relationship with Him? No. That's why I said a homosexual cannot call himself a born-again believer. I guess you would be able to tie the 2nd part with the 1st, but it seems like you have to spell everything out for everybody now.








Just because someone continues to sin doesnt mean that they cannot have a relationship with Jesus. It may be hard for a homosexual to just become not a homosexual. Everyone sins when they know what they are doing is a sin and just because people do that, it doesnt mean Jesus doesnt want to have a relationship with everyone.












And Jackalope - yes, everyone can follow Christ - however, when we are totally dependent on Christ we will follow the Law and cease to live in sin (that is of course, to not anger non-Christians here, assuming that homosexuality is a sin like the Bible says).








I agree that Christians will want to follow the law but that doesnt always happen. Everyone has lied and will probably keep lying, but that is a sin and everyone sins, but that doesnt mean that you cant have a realationship with Jesus. Just because you decide to follow Jesus doesnt mean you are going to stop sinning. Everyone will sin, Christ follower or not, even if they know what they are doing is sinful.

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Yes, they can follow Jesus, anybody on this earth can. Will they have a personal relationship with Him? No. That's why I said a homosexual cannot call himself a born-again believer. I guess you would be able to tie the 2nd part with the 1st, but it seems like you have to spell everything out for everybody now.








Just because someone continues to sin doesnt mean that they cannot have a relationship with Jesus. It may be hard for a homosexual to just become not a homosexual. Everyone sins when they know what they are doing is a sin and just because people do that, it doesnt mean Jesus doesnt want to have a relationship with everyone.












And Jackalope - yes, everyone can follow Christ - however, when we are totally dependent on Christ we will follow the Law and cease to live in sin (that is of course, to not anger non-Christians here, assuming that homosexuality is a sin like the Bible says).








I agree that Christians will want to follow the law but that doesnt always happen. Everyone has lied and will probably keep lying, but that is a sin and everyone sins, but that doesnt mean that you cant have a realationship with Jesus. Just because you decide to follow Jesus doesnt mean you are going to stop sinning. Everyone will sin, Christ follower or not, even if they know what they are doing is sinful.








If you have a personal relationship with Christ, everyday you become more and more like Him. And when you turn your life over to Him, you repent of your sins. Meaning you admit what you did was wrong and change your ways.


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Yes, they can follow Jesus, anybody on this earth can. Will they have a personal relationship with Him? No. That's why I said a homosexual cannot call himself a born-again believer. I guess you would be able to tie the 2nd part with the 1st, but it seems like you have to spell everything out for everybody now.








Just because someone continues to sin doesnt mean that they cannot have a relationship with Jesus. It may be hard for a homosexual to just become not a homosexual. Everyone sins when they know what they are doing is a sin and just because people do that, it doesnt mean Jesus doesnt want to have a relationship with everyone.












And Jackalope - yes, everyone can follow Christ - however, when we are totally dependent on Christ we will follow the Law and cease to live in sin (that is of course, to not anger non-Christians here, assuming that homosexuality is a sin like the Bible says).








I agree that Christians will want to follow the law but that doesnt always happen. Everyone has lied and will probably keep lying, but that is a sin and everyone sins, but that doesnt mean that you cant have a realationship with Jesus. Just because you decide to follow Jesus doesnt mean you are going to stop sinning. Everyone will sin, Christ follower or not, even if they know what they are doing is sinful.








If you have a personal relationship with Christ, everyday you become more and more like Him.








your absolutely correct.

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yea, i kinda edited the post, since I forgot i have to spell everything out for everybody. Can nobody think anymore?








What are you talking about? Of course you spell stuff out for people, this is an online forum there is nothing else to do but spell. :wink:

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yea, i kinda edited the post, since I forgot i have to spell everything out for everybody. Can nobody think anymore?








Seems not.












Don't act like you're right all the time..








Well, do, if you want, but don't tell people who don't beleive what you beleive that they "can't think"..

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It's not my interpretation. It's black and white (see my above post). There's nothing to interpret. I'm quoting a Bible verse that explicitly says something. No interpretation needed. So if you want to argue against God, go right ahead. But don't call me hypocritical.








Right, FWIW, you hadn't posted that verse when I posted the above, or I would have been less brisk ;).








However, I disagree that this is black and white. The bible was never written in English, so there is an interpretation being done here.








9. ÃÆýÃâ÷ ÃÆýÃâÿÃÆÃ
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yea, i kinda edited the post, since I forgot i have to spell everything out for everybody. Can nobody think anymore?








Seems not.












Don't act like you're right all the time..








Well, do, if you want, but don't tell people who don't beleive what you beleive that they "can't think"..








By no way am i saying i'm right. I'm saying that people don't think anymore. He missed the connection between my post and the arguement. twice.....


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My statement was nowhere even close to that. Yes, there's a lot of fake churches, read the Bible. I'm not allowed to judge anybody, since I can't see hearts, but you can see by their actions. If a person who goes to church every week, then leaves to a bar after, u can figure out the rest....If a church marries a homosexual couple, they are going against the Bible, so i don't see how that would be a "true Bible believing" church.








Could you please read again?








There. Is. No. 'True Bible Believing'.




The Bible is not a set of rules that are so strict they are universally interpreted the same. You are saying that the way you see the bible is 'true bible believing'. That's hubris, my friend. I'm pretty sure you're not God, so how can you be sure the way you see things is the exact way God intended it to be seen?








As for the bar thing... we actually have a youth service at my church, organized every two weeks by youth for youth. It's fun, we have breaks in the service, and yes, then you can visit the bar and grab a drink / sandwich (no alcohol though).

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yea, i kinda edited the post, since I forgot i have to spell everything out for everybody. Can nobody think anymore?








Seems not.












Don't act like you're right all the time..








Well, do, if you want, but don't tell people who don't beleive what you beleive that they "can't think"..








By no way am i saying i'm right. I'm saying that people don't think anymore. He missed the connection between my post and the arguement. twice.....








Well if people are missing the difference then maybe you have to explain more. It wont hurt you to explain. What was I not getting? (if I was the "he" you were refrering to)

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My statement was nowhere even close to that. Yes, there's a lot of fake churches, read the Bible. I'm not allowed to judge anybody, since I can't see hearts, but you can see by their actions. If a person who goes to church every week, then leaves to a bar after, u can figure out the rest....If a church marries a homosexual couple, they are going against the Bible, so i don't see how that would be a "true Bible believing" church.








Could you please read again?








There. Is. No. 'True Bible Believing'.




The Bible is not a set of rules that are so strict they are universally interpreted the same. You are saying that the way you see the bible is 'true bible believing'. That's hubris, my friend. I'm pretty sure you're not God, so how can you be sure the way you see things is the exact way God intended it to be seen?








As for the bar thing... we actually have a youth service at my church, organized every two weeks by youth for youth. It's fun, we have breaks in the service, and yes, then you can visit the bar and grab a drink / sandwich (no alcohol though).








Actually the Bible is a set of rules. We are supposed to live by the Words of God. and it seems like you're saying the Bible is not what God inteded it to be?








And the 2nd statement.....goes back to my last post...i gotta spell out everything for people.


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yea, i kinda edited the post, since I forgot i have to spell everything out for everybody. Can nobody think anymore?








Seems not.












Don't act like you're right all the time..








Well, do, if you want, but don't tell people who don't beleive what you beleive that they "can't think"..








By no way am i saying i'm right. I'm saying that people don't think anymore. He missed the connection between my post and the arguement. twice.....








Well if people are missing the difference then maybe you have to explain more. It wont hurt you to explain. What was I not getting? (if I was the "he" you were refrering to)








When i said that if you have a relationship with Christ you become more and more like him.....Meaning He wasn't a homosexual, so you wouldn't exactly becoming more and more like Him. Your reply "Your absolutely correct" that post seems like you're just saying "yes, that's a true statement" like i just said a fact out of the blue. And yes, i did explain it, but u quoted me 2 fast and missed the edit


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If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.








A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.




(When was the last time you saw a girl/woman wearing pants?)








If you enter your neighbor's vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but do not put any in your basket.




Right, so taking fruit from someone else is not stealing as long as I eat it on the spot?








If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.








You have fun with those rules, gehjl..








Oh, yeah, and don't double-post.

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G-- is sensored because of dumb people...








it's not giving them "extra" rights, it's giving everyone more rights. It would give a straight person the right to marry someone of the same sex also, but they wouldn't, just like a g-- person wouldn't want to marry someone of the opposite sex... What does it matter anyway? Does it affect anyone? Nope. Get over it.

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Could you please read again?








There. Is. No. 'True Bible Believing'.




The Bible is not a set of rules that are so strict they are universally interpreted the same. You are saying that the way you see the bible is 'true bible believing'. That's hubris, my friend. I'm pretty sure you're not God, so how can you be sure the way you see things is the exact way God intended it to be seen?








As for the bar thing... we actually have a youth service at my church, organized every two weeks by youth for youth. It's fun, we have breaks in the service, and yes, then you can visit the bar and grab a drink / sandwich (no alcohol though).








Actually the Bible is a set of rules. We are supposed to live by the Words of God. and it seems like you're saying the Bible is not what God inteded it to be?








And the 2nd statement.....goes back to my last post...i gotta spell out everything for people.








I'll try one more time. Could you please read what I said? Yes, you can interpret the bible as a set of rules, but they're not so strict they are universally interpreted the same. There is no such thing as an absolutely 'right' interpretation of the bible. If you think that your interpretation of it is correct and all the others are not, wouldn't you say that's a tad arrogant?








Umm, and yeah, what Wyrm said. :lol:

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Re: Gehjl / Romans 24-27








Again, there's various criticism one can have on this text, primarily based on context. This passage is about Christians being punished by God, and being 'indecent'. It has been suggested that 'forcing' (as in, by God), if you will, heterosexuals into homosexual acts is simply a punishment for them, by God. I'm quite sure homosexuals would have no problem engaging in such activities. As for 'indecent' acts, as someone mentioned before, what is 'sin' or what is 'unclean' is up for a variety of interpretations. Masturbation, pedofilia, or even heterosexual oral / * sex is sometimes also considered unclean / a sin.




More reading: http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc.htm























Romans 2: 24-27








Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the CreatorÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã


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Yea, there's always situations. But besides the reproduction, it was just made. For easy sake and G rated.....the lightbulb works when you stick it in a socket. 2 lightbulbs or 2 sockets don't make light. and the classic "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"








And the lightbulb and socket work even if you're not married. This has absolutely nothing to do with the meaning of marriage. You're making a tradition a reason. Tradition: getting married before having kid. You turn that into the whole justification for getting married. Are you married ? I am. There's nothing about kids in the vows.








Oh and I know you're gonna say it's not just a tradition, that's it's also a rule for some, and that's where we end up back in the religious subject. Except 1) not everyone follows the same religion, if any, 2) even if that's a rule for you, I hope for your sake that there is more meaning than just having a kid in your marriage (whether you're already married or not).








What's funny is that this whole discussion has turned into an interpretation of the Bible as a Christian, with total disregard for any other religion that may exist out there.








Just one thing, Hannibal, Jehova's Witnesses CALL themselves Christians. I, however, classify them as a sect, since they isolate themselves from those who don't follow their rules, which is the definition of sect. And last time I checked, religions, whatever they may be, weren't about isolating oneself, but on the contrary, about spreading the word and proving their worth by one's actions (well Jehova's witnesses do spread the word I guess. That familiar knock on the door when you least expect them...).

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Yea, there's always situations. But besides the reproduction, it was just made. For easy sake and G rated.....the lightbulb works when you stick it in a socket. 2 lightbulbs or 2 sockets don't make light. and the classic "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"








And the lightbulb and socket work even if you're not married. This has absolutely nothing to do with the meaning of marriage. You're making a tradition a reason. Tradition: getting married before having kid. You turn that into the whole justification for getting married. Are you married ? I am. There's nothing about kids in the vows.








Oh and I know you're gonna say it's not just a tradition, that's it's also a rule for some, and that's where we end up back in the religious subject. Except 1) not everyone follows the same religion, if any, 2) even if that's a rule for you, I hope for your sake that there is more meaning than just having a kid in your marriage (whether you're already married or not).








What's funny is that this whole discussion has turned into an interpretation of the Bible as a Christian, with total disregard for any other religion that may exist out there.








Just one thing, Hannibal, Jehova's Witnesses CALL themselves Christians. I, however, classify them as a sect, since they isolate themselves from those who don't follow their rules, which is the definition of sect. And last time I checked, religions, whatever they may be, weren't about isolating oneself, but on the contrary, about spreading the word and proving their worth by one's actions (well Jehova's witnesses do spread the word I guess. That familiar knock on the door when you least expect them...).








Yes, i understand that they do, but that's not the subject we're talking about. Yes, that statement does go more against homosexuality itself than their marriage, but it's still related to the subject. He said there's more to marriage than just reproduction, which is true, but I was just saying that man and woman were made to be together. It goes off topic if you just quote it by itself, but if u quote it with his post, it stays on the same subject.








I kno it's more of a tradition to have kids after you're married, but if you go back about 100 years, you'll see that it was more of a rule then. This past decade, sex before marriage really skyrocketed. (which is y i wish i still had my quote in my sig, but mods took off -_-) basically, 97% of high skool students have had sex before graduation, 3% wait till marriage. Yes, there's more to marriage than just intercourse, but the issue at hand is intercourse. Reasons why it was made for marriage: 1) It could result in a child beaing conceived (sp?) and a lot of teenagers aren't ready for it and adults also, they don't want to have a child to take care of. 2) Reason why STD's have skyrocketed, too much sex before marriage.








The reason this subject got turned mostly into a Christian arguement, they're the main people who oppuse it.


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Well to stick true to topic, yes what canada did was good. And also yes, it has reached the U.S. I live in Massachusetts, i should know :lol:








But, for those of you who like living by the bible, take a look at exodus 21-23.








So, apparently if you hit anyone you are to be killed.








If you curse at your mom or dad, you are to be killed. The bible even says: "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound."








Also, exodus 22: 30 - "You must give me the firstborn of your sons." So all you firstborn sons out there, if your still alive after 8 days your not a "true" christian.








Every seven years you can't farm crops (exodus 23:10-11).








Slaves are ok, as long as you follow the rules about what you can and can't do to them. Go ahead and look, it talks about how much you have to pay if you injure someones slave. So apparently Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King are sinners!




How dare they oppose what is allowed by the bible!








After all, everyone knows that if you are "truly" christian, you follow all parts of the bible, down to the exact word. I assume all of you making these posts follow them, and have not been at all hypocritical.

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First of all - I'd just like to say that the Bible can be interpreted differently, but it doesn't mean that God is relative. God is absolute, and his Laws are absolute. It's how we interpret those....








And Hannibal - I totally understand where you're coming from with the Greek. Just like in Genesis 1, the word "Day", is interpreted from the Hebrew "Yom", which has about 60 definitions, including year, era, age. But the word for 'homosexual' possibly being pedofile, rapist - those are two words that basically make homosexuality 'guilty by association'.












And for the Laws in the old testament - they all make complete sense if taken in context and God's intent behind them. For instance, God asking his people not to farm crops every seven years - this was so that his people would spend a year in complete dependence on God to provide - granted, it says in the passage that God will provide a double crop in the sixth year so that they won't have to work in the seventh.




The seventh year of 'no farming' wasn't so that his people wouldn't farm. It was God giving his people an active way of expressing their dependence on Him.

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yea, i kinda edited the post, since I forgot i have to spell everything out for everybody. Can nobody think anymore?








Seems not.












Don't act like you're right all the time..








Well, do, if you want, but don't tell people who don't beleive what you beleive that they "can't think"..








By no way am i saying i'm right. I'm saying that people don't think anymore. He missed the connection between my post and the arguement. twice.....








Well if people are missing the difference then maybe you have to explain more. It wont hurt you to explain. What was I not getting? (if I was the "he" you were refrering to)








When i said that if you have a relationship with Christ you become more and more like him.....Meaning He wasn't a homosexual, so you wouldn't exactly becoming more and more like Him. Your reply "Your absolutely correct" that post seems like you're just saying "yes, that's a true statement" like i just said a fact out of the blue. And yes, i did explain it, but u quoted me 2 fast and missed the edit







I know, you do become like Jesus, but that doesnt mean you just become perfect and stop sinning.

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