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How to get these lvls?


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I want these skills to be able to try to get quest cape, but i'm not a skiller and i dont know how to raise through the fastest(not so expensive) way....Can you help me?




Skill-Atm lv-Goal lv




Woodcutting 65-72


Crafting - 61-66


Mining - 53-60


Smithing - 50-69


Herblore - 54-57


Farming - 51-53


Runecrafting - 46-50

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It depends how much you want to spend really...




Woodcutting 65-72


I suggest willows/teaks for fast exp or maples if you want.




Crafting - 61-66


The best dragonhide armour you can make would be the most expensive, you could try ruby bracelets which give profit i think - or battlestaffs.




Mining - 53-60


Mine iron or granite (or do coal + another ore if you don't want to "buy" smithing.




Smithing - 50-69


I suggest iron platebodys, or arrowheads/knives




Herblore - 54-57


Prayer pots give the least loss, but you could make a buy the herbs grimy if you want them a tad cheaper and a little more exp (i think grimy herbs may be more expensive than clean herbs at lower levels though)




Farming - 51-53


Plant the best tree you can, this won't take very long at all




Runecrafting - 46-50


ZMI is fastest if you want a small loss, or you could try abyss/air runes with a familiar. (not sure how much the runecrafting guild helps now.






Well yeh that's just my two cents - hope it give you some ideas ;)


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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Woodcutting 65-72


Willows or teaks




Crafting - 61-66


Ruby bracelets or green chaps until 63 then green bodies.




Mining - 53-60


I'd suggest powermining granite or iron.




Smithing - 50-69


Make steel bars til 60. If you're p2p, use the blast furnace at 60 to make mith bars and bolts.




Herblore - 54-57


You could farm your herbs, kill chaos druids, aberrant spectres etc for herbs. You could also make combat, super atk, or pray restore pots.




Farming - 51-53


Trees and fruit trees are the best xp.




Runecrafting - 46-50


I'd go with natures with a grahk (if you can), you could try the zmi, or cosmics.



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I want these skills to be able to try to get quest cape, but i'm not a skiller and i dont know how to raise through the fastest(not so expensive) way....Can you help me?
Because I'm F2P, I'm limited to F2P ideas for methods... Some of it may not properly apply... Some of it I can help with, some of it I can't... Let's go look at what you've got here... 8-)




Skill-Atm lv-Goal lv




Woodcutting 65-72

Chop willows south of Rimmington and burn/sell to your heart's content. About the only thing that can stop you down there is a heavy keg of randoms in a row. :ugeek:




Crafting - 61-66
Crafting Guild... Hardleather Bodies... Starting with 150 gp, this could be fueled near endlessly. :twisted:




Mining - 53-60
No question, mine such as you need to boost Smithing. Doing it any other way = Self-Sabotage. :?




Smithing - 50-69
Use what you mined in the previous part to make Mithril Stuff... Sell to stores until you can make Mithril Swords (the short ones)... After that, high-alch everything else you make with Smithing. You'll rack up a lot of gp from this part. :thumbsup:




Herblore - 54-57
Can't help with this... I'm F2P, sorry. :(




Farming - 51-53
Can't help with this... I'm F2P, sorry. :(




Runecrafting - 46-50
Craft in such a manner that you could use it on Magic later. Any other way = sabotage to your magic level... and a burn-out caused by using what you make no further, but only getting measly amounts of gp for your work. :geek:






I hope all the info I have given helps you in leveling up, pinguimmaiden. For whatever doesn't, I recommend that you think ahead to possible conclusions, as doing so will help with that. ::'




~Mr. D. V. "Fore-thought is key." Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Woodcutting 65-72


Willows at barbarian outpost




Crafting - 61-66


Ruby bracelets




Mining - 53-60


Iron ore or granite quarry




Smithing - 50-69


Gold ores in furnace with goldbar smith gauntlets ( or slower but profitable way : cannon balls )


Herblore - 54-57


Super attack potions




Farming - 51-53


Maple trees




Runecrafting - 46-50


Nature runes in abbys

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