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Security Suggestion...


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All of you know, or can imagine, how terrible it is to get hacked by stupid keyloggers or something. Yesterday I logged in, and my eye pointed at: "You logged earlier this day in from xxx.xxx.xxx" (xxx.xxx.xxx means your IP :wink: ) This gets me on the following idea.








Add an option in youre secure menu, so you can configure the option: Only login with the IP your now using.




Whats the effect of this option?




People who have adsl/cable, and use this option, can only login from there normal homecomputer (or the pc use normally using). Hackers who even have youre password, cannot login now, until you turn this option off. And when you go to youre grandma to play runescape on her pc, you login to runescape, and put this option off, so you can login on her pc.




Xtra addition: allow more IP's. For example, add the IP from your grandma, so you dont have to put the option off that so everybody can login.








Its simple, and its effective.








I know, there are people who have variable IP's... To bad for them, but they simply cannot use this option...












Any suggestions? (no flaming plz)



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Oh sorry, I cant look at other treaths... :oops:




I posted this idea on runehq, and thought I could also post it here, but I didnt noticed there where some idea's like this already... My excuses...








But anyway, this idea is some more advanced...



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as said on the other 5 threads:








a lot of people log in from multiple locations or don't have a static IP (hell even with a static IP it changes occasionally)








and if a hacker gets your password he can just turn this option off and log in anyway

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It might stop some hackers but it would also stop you from catching hackers. If say you get hacked (once happened to me I went crazy) you look at the IP address and give it do JaGeX when you are posting info about the hacking, this allows JaGeX to find them and bring them to justice :D

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Good idea, but 1337 H4X0R5 would still get my account. We have a wireless network setup at my dad's house. As long as there within about 100 feet of the house they could still get my account. They're probably outside my house right now hacking me :shock: , lol. But really, I do think this is a good idea. But the biggest problem is that if you only have one ip set and your changes, you're kinda screwed unless you can remember it exactly and change back to what it was.

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