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Black screen on startup (Fixed, but update antivirus?)


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I restarted my computer, after my antivirus (Verizon security suite) updated itself to the newest version, and now every time I turn it on it black screens.




(And yes, I've checked verizon's website to see if anything there would help... couldn't find anything.)




It black screens immediately after the Windows XP loading screen, when the user selection screen should pop up. I can see and move the cursor but everything else is black. If I try running it in safe mode (any of them) it shows "safe mode" in each of the corners like it should, but the rest of the screen, is, again, black.




I've tried restarting it several times, unplugging everything then back in and turning it back on, and taking out the graphics card and putting it back in. I'm not sure what to do, since it seems like there isn't much else I can do.




Any suggestions?

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Maybe try something else, like Avira.

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