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Mystic Knights


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i created the mystic knights, which had to of been 4-5 years ago i think! the clan grew up, eventually i quit and passed it to my good friend raimus. eventually, he turned into an idiot and began sharing etc so i completely severed my ties with MK. but i was the founder, and i'm wondering who is now apart of it today and\or who is still here from the early stages?!






cheers - indigo

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Yeah, MK is long gone. I don't know if you remember Corruption, but we basically killed MK. With a little help from Yamataka (if you remember her) killing the clan from within.






I don't think there's too many people left from MK. I didn't remember you as the creator of MK, but now that I think about it I do remember your name a bit.




I think MK died about a year, maybe two years ago. I'd assume a lot of their members are gone from RS now, as they weren't the most active clan toward their death.




The MK you created, and the MK I helped kill were two very, very different clans. I had a lot of respect for the old MK, but that clan completely changed.






You probably have no idea who I am, but I was leading Corruption while all this was going on, and helping lead the RS Mob on the side as well.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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MK was weakening for a long time.




BK got close with em, and we had around 3 months fun together having joint pks etc. and were already talking about an official alliance.


However, a few MK's quit and joined BK.


Then theyr leader (Majinvegeta9) also quit MK and joined BK and a lot of people followed him into BK.




So yeah, MK died around 2 years ago and most of it's members came to BK.



Proud Blacknight since 2004 September

Blacknights Elder since 2005 September

Blacknights Warlord/council 2005-2007

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i only founded it and lead it for maybe a year before i handed it to raimus. yama was with me at the beginning, then i guess she took over after raimus? it's been so many years lol




Yamataka was leading together with majinvegeta.


Yamataka was really inactive tought, and never to be seen anywhere.



Proud Blacknight since 2004 September

Blacknights Elder since 2005 September

Blacknights Warlord/council 2005-2007

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I used to be in Mystic Knights; once ramius left




Yamataka, Shane2, Pionex40, and other other council member took over.




Many members left because they couldn't join other clan sites as friends, and "team" sites




Then the other half quit because they couldn't mage bank pk; after that happened MK never had the luster it once had in my opinion; i don't know what really happened after i left, but i know a lot of old mk members but we all have different clans nows

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like pena said died out about two years ago, the more active members of MK joined BK


ex blacknights council

ex blacknights elder

ex blacknights cadet co leader

ex blacknights cadet leader

ex blacknights fossil

ex blacknights cadet general

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The MK you forged and handed down to Raimus was a power in the wild years ago... but I think it closed down in 2003...




According to Acid Venom, it closed and reopened a few times... in summer of 2003 or fall of 2003 - many of those were MK went to the Runescape Mob and there was a huge fight in September 2003 with Runescape Mob (with many ex-mk) a few of their allies against Gladz/TDS/BK/'the' and their allies... that fight lasted over 8 hours...


later on at the end of 2003 or early 2004, raimus reopened MK with panzerpure (still in classic days)


this MK survived till recently


A number of people who were in The Darq Syde with Yamataka went to MK after TDS closed down...


Pionex42 - I talk to him normally cause he joined Clan Jaguar a few months ago




Acid typed this up way back on MK - led up to the mob war; also Ghaleon responded to Ronan on TDS site years ago running up to the mob war with his take




maybe this can be of use for you:




Acid Venom Posted: Jan 14 2004, 07:18 PM






The One, The only, ACID






Group: Elite Member


Posts: 1,243


Member No.: 9


Joined: 20-April 03








The Great Setup


The Mystic Knights


By: Acid Venom






This has infamously been known as the great set up. This also lead to the Empire and the greatest betrayal to date the gladz have ever witnessed. Here is how it goes...




One day a noob challenged us to war, making up a website, a fake members list, and everything needed to suck us right into accepting the war. We even expected a higher level clan to show up instead, but we didnt expect this. The Gladz Who attended Were Joe Jenninz, Acid Venom, The Rocket, Wassupp350, Yamataka, Kweef, Topdogg75, Newbedford 8, and Toming. We ventured out deep into the wilderness and found no one. Joe lead the pack of warriors east towards the demons, when Raimus(Who is also known as Phule, Ghaleon, Frodo, a once important member in gladz) and Indigo Flame showed up. The group had been somewhat scattered and Acid was leading one group who consisted of Yamataka, Newbedford 8, and Toming, while Joe had a group with Rocket, Wassup, Kweef and Topdogg. Joe was the first to run into Indigo, and out of no where, Topdogg turned on joe and Indigo ran west. Raimus stood idle, neither attacking nor helping. I was west when nearly all of this newly found Mystic Knights clan swarmed the 4 of us. This looked like the alamo with 2hers, Newbed and Yama fell quickly, and Toming and Acid fled east, only to run into Joe and Rocket being slaughtered. Wassup had already died, and Toming was low on food, tried to escape but was killed. Acid then tried to protect rocket, but failed as rocket died right in front of him. Joe and Acid were all that was left, Acid tried to fend them off as long as he could but was overun and died. By this time, Rocket was charging back into the wilderness to save joe, but was teamed beyond belief, and died a second time. Acid was back in the wild now running for Joe but arrived just a minute too late, Joe had fallen. Acid then was forced to retreat south and escape a second death. Thus ending the great set up




That night, Rafi, Rocket, Acid, and Joe all met and discussed, and a couple things were accomplished. The Rank "Fierce Warrior" was created, and Acid found out what exactly happened. He found the Mystic Knights website and found out how Indigo Flame formed a anti-glad clan formed out of hatred against us. Topdogg75, Kweef, Raimus, and Indigo Flame were all exiled from the gladz, even though Raimus claimed not to know anything about it. The hatred between the 2 clans ultimatly lead to the war between the Gladz and the Mystic Knights. This was the most emotional, unorthadox war ever. The Mystic Knights had the Gladz outmuscled and outnumbered, but RPKers raided the war, and Raimus ordered MK and Gladz to both pull their men out. At edgeville, A couple gladz and a handful of Mystic Knights decided to peace for now and to rid the RPKers. Acid was the only glad who ventured far with MK to fight RPKers, and Raimus led everyone to the prayer alter. There, Panzer Pure attacked Acid, and the Mystic Knights shut the doors, barring Acid in and had no one to help him get out. He was killed for the 1st time at a clan war with the Gladz.




After months of hating, MK disbanded and re-emerged again with Raimus under a new name-Phule. This time around they warred other clans, particularly KOS, and the Gladz never confronted them. Eventually, they disbanded again. They came back one more time, and Raimus, yet again, on another name Frodo, took over and made MK a strong clan yet again. They allied with the RSMob led by Greywanderer, and Exercitum, and made an alliance Known as the Empire.




Acid, still very much into the knowledge of MK, joined MK to spy on them when he was offered a position as leader by Raimus, Acid accepted, and wanted to see how far into this clan he could penetrate. Acid tried to make an alliance between all of the clans, Gladz, BK, 'THE', TDS, RSmob, and MK. This plan failed horribly when TDS and RSMob came across a newfound hatred for one another. Acid pushed the issue for everyone to get along, upsetting some of the allies. He went with MK to a war, and was attacked by allies of the Gladiatorz. He then wrongly used his power he held in both clans and told the allies they were no longer of service to the gladz anymore. Joe, seeing this unfold, stopped it before it could get any worse, demoting Acid and Blaze(who at the time supported Acid) and made sure his allies knew the Gladz were still allied.




After a few months of peace, it finally happened. The Alliance Went Against the Empire in an epic battle to decide who had the ultimate clan alliance in Runescape. After a hard fought war, The Alliance came out victorious, finishing off the already crippled Mystic Knights, and eliminating the RSmob. The Mystic Knights have once again appeared on the scene and are currently allied with TDS, one of The Alliance Clans. The Mystic Knights were born out of hatred from the Gladz, and for many days to come we will always remember the first night they appeared, and showed us what power they are capable of....






The following was from Ghaleon a little bit before the Mob war from September 2003




(Ronan XVII @ Sep 3 2003, 09:34 AM)


I'll give you my understanding of the situation:


Part of the initial reason this whole schmozzle began is that when the mob formed, they wanted us in - join or die kind of ultimatum. We said "no thx"


Everything was mellow on the surface for a while, but they began harassing members including T Bop, Yama & others, until we end up at our current position.


Although I'm sure that the typical member of the Mob is not reflected by its leadership, we do NOT want an alliance with a group so lacking in honour that they'd crash our mith-funwars wearing rune on a regular basis & thinking themselves all-powerful gods against mith people (lol, we showed that 110 Gallont tho - running from lower lvl mith ppl like a noob). Nor do we want to ally ourselves with people who would wish physical harm to our members like the moronic-immature-piece-of-[cabbage]-arseholes that they are (Grrrr, got me going there ).


What should be specified is this - that there be a truce/cease-fire upon either outcome of the battle and that this annoying harassment will end...






You have part of it right... There was a plan between the Mystic Knights Mob and one of the Gladiatorz leaders to form an allience with Tds Gladz Blacknights and THE clan. The leader of the Mystic Knights gave Acid Venom a task to complete having the utmost confidence he would be able to convince them. Little did he know Acid Vemon would go off and threaten people for the allience to take place so its his own fault for not trying to see to it that it is done himself. The reason the leader of the Mystic Knights didnt talk to the Tds leaders himself was because of a personal conflict between himself Yamataka and T Bop. That was the start of an even longer conflict to come.




After that had happened the other leaders of the Gladiatorz wanted nothing to do with the Mystic Knights so they servered all ties to them. I believe the Gladiatorz told the Mystic Knights they cannot ally with a clan that was formed out of hate for the Gladiatorz.---( here I will leave a little detail about the Gladz-Mk conflict. Mk was founded by a guy named Indigo Flame. He made the name and had many former Gladz join Mk. One day Indigo Flame planned a war on the Gladz without informing all members of Mk that it was the Gladz that they where to be going to war against. Indigo Flame had the help of many former Gladz and also the backing of Bdk at that time. Indigo Flame was not leader of Mk for much longer after he proved he couldnt be trusted himself by being rash and not informing all members of plans that everyone should be aware of. Indigo Flame was relieved of command and a new leader came to Mk his name was Raimus. With a new leader Mk re-formed and started anew, but was never credited for it no one cared or even wanted to listen to the changes so things went on.)--- Many things could have been solved by exsisting clans if it hadnt been for leaders and there own personal vendetta's. Anyway the allience between the Gladz Tds 'THE' and the Blacknights remained in tact. The Mystic Knights stayed allied to Rs Mob and had a few other allies later on. They then formed an allience that didnt last long known as the Empire. The Empire declared war on the Blacknights by Briez one of the Empires high council members. From there Rsd got involved. The Empire fell due to inactivness betweeen the clans after to many high council members started fufilling there own agendas. Greywanderer has a very driven hate for Yamataka that can be traced back to the days of when Sandytrain was one of the leaders of Tds. Greywanderer never stopped his hate and kept going and going until Yamataka could take it no more. Yamataka and Grey are enemies and many have tired to stop the hate between the two, but its just not possible. Ok now anyway I wanted to say something about the quoted statement of Mob being a mix of Mob and Mk. Mk is no longer a clan the Mystic Knights wanted to join the Mob dispite the futile attempt of Raimus trying to keep the Mystic Knights together. He had stepped down far to many times and they all wanted to join the Mob so Raimus granted them there wish. He spoke with Greywanderer letting him know about Mk wanting to be in the Rs Mob. From there the members of the Mystic Knights went over to the Mob. From there the true spirit within Raimus quit and left his empty shell in rs.




Yamataka offered a war to the Rs Mob to be fought against Gladz, Tds, Blacknights, 'THE'. it took a little and finnally Greywanderer decided to accept a war against our allience. Now there is a war against Rs Mob and from what I see it will be Tds, 'THE', Blacknights, Gladz, Clan Jaguar, Wds( Wds is now again decided to be allies with THE Blacknights and all other in this allience due again to yet another personal vendetta. Meeturpkers rs gf attacked Greywanderer the other day because he had attacked her brother. Greywanderer killed Meeturpkers gf and didnt return the armour so Meeturpker pulled Wds out of the Rs Mobs corner.) and a few other clans and un named allies. No matter how strong Rs Mob may be there is no way they will win this war against us now the odds are by far in this alliences favour now.




Another thing I heard and I really am not trying in anyway to defend Rs Mob... I just know I heard you all talking of Rs Mon going and ruining your wars against others in this allience. Yes it is wrong and they do deserve to be punished for those deeds. I would just like to bring to light that even members of this allience have committed the same acts against other clans yet we remain to be allies with them because it best suits us. This is the way it always is and maybe can never be changed, but I know the Blacknights have also crashed war events of other clans as Rs Mob did. Now you have to remember how it feels to have your events crashed its not very nice. I just want everyone to know the facts before they decide to fight in this war.




I feel Tds is strong and I really love it because a great lady named Yamataka believes in it so much. I to would like to be here and find out for myself first hand on how great this clan truly is So far I have met many nice people.






Now for my thoughts... I myself believe this war is foolish and made because of many mistakes made of leaders of clans. The only ones who will be paying for it are the ones who know least about it. Those are the everyday members of both clans the level 80's and some 90's who dont stand a chance and will be picked off first. There is no truly organized warfare in rs and no one ever really listens to formation commands in a war due to the fact that they see someone lower level then themselves and would like to take there armour instead of listening to a command to keep a group together. If groups accually stuck together and focused on the task at hand and forgot about the armour for the sake of winning a war the wars would be much more of a challenge and it would also keep the higher level rpkers at bay because no matter how strong one person is they cannot take a number of people.




Sorry for being so long winded if you have any questions I will try to the best of my Knowledge to answer your questions.




Oh and Dias I know better then anyone about Lunar and lol about Ronfar hahaha.




- Ghaleon














anyways.... i honestly have no clue what is true or not... seeing how those posts were made years ago don't be mad at me if it's inaccurate :o


i had brief access to MK as a guest through Panzer and Raimus at the end of 2003, early 2004, but I slowly left the game as rs2 became the norm :\

Shakazulu ~ Member of Clan Jaguar since April 2002

Clan Jaguar ~ 7 years as of July 12th


27 Minute Slideshow Tribute to Clan Jaguar


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i was once apart of it but i dont recall you being leader but it was disbanded by the leader or more like the 5ldrs they all wanted to kick each other

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, MK is long gone. I don't know if you remember Corruption, but we basically killed MK.






Far from it, but continue to /stroke that epeen




MK died from problems between Council (imagine that :roll: ) Mostly between Yamataka and I. When I quit, like 40 other people quit and all went their own ways while some stayed in MK to try and make things work (majin, yama, fishin, and some others). After that there was no more up and down pattern, it was just down until it was what it is today. Some went to CK, Corr, DF, DI, BK, etc. I quit at the end of september in 2006, but mk went on for a short time after that. Later on in like March of 07 there were yet again disagreements in the clan about pking and SRO, Half the clan went and remade MK to PK while the other half continued to play primarily on SRO and socialize. I think MK officially closed around May of 2007. Its nice that so many people want to take credit and act like they know the history of MK, especially people that were not apart of MK or had any contact with MK during the last year it was alive.

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I have to admit, Shaka is one of the better people I know for digging up old information and making one wonder where that massive wall of text came from. Especially when it's about something that affected one of our allies. And I know nothing, although I do recognize a handful of those names.

The Zebera is getting faster! The road to 99 Agility

Previous 99s (in order)

Fishing, November 23rd, 2009.

Attack, November 23rd, 2009 (got it about 10 minutes after Fishing)

Hitpoints (well, it was back then), December 28th, 2009

Defence, February 27, 2010

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shaka - good information bro. i can't even remember all that happened to be quite honest. but i do know that i didn't leave gladz out of spite or anything. i was friends with everyone there, we left due to inactivity. mk wasn't started until a good while after i left gladz - as when i left gladz i was still a mildly low (probably 80s impure) combat level. but raimus and I had a falling out or whatever you want to call it (he shared, and i knew it because his personality was a different story everyday). so i left and let him take care of business within.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yama pretty much ran MK to the ground forcing most of the members to make a break off clan named The Dinasty, TD became #1/2 and was one of the first real clans to put up a fight to DI after their long period of dominance. Then TD died, most went to Dark Slayers, who eventualy became the most powerful clan of all time by far. They dominated every clan they ever fought once they became #1. From there some went to DF/AG/Stephen22288 clans. Not many old faces still play from back then however, I'd be surprised if anyone from your day played still. Raimus came back in 2005 and made kt that died then again in 2006 and tried to make a new clan with Steve but it never took off. I think Matten ended up in DI?




Hope that helps.



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