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Slayer - Summona or Duradel?


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i like duradel better, but he tends to loop a few tasks for a long time, the tasks he likes to give are different for each player, so i'd suggest getting 15-20 tasks from him and see if you like them. if you get irons/steels/wyverns etc. all the time, go to sumona ;)



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When i was at your stats i used Sumona, but found alot of the tasks tedious because they were too easy - nothing really challenged me. On every 10th task i'd use Duradel just to get the extra points.




However i wish i stayed with Duradel then as i find his tasks alot better and abit more challenging. This means i get more charms, and more profit. You also get more points which gets you faster to your slayer helm goal.




As Sanno said, he does loop tasks - but at least it is something like Greator demons then blue dragons as opposed to cave crawlers and banshees like Sumona often gives.




Hope that helped.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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