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Rune Hopping

Atom Smash40

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As I am soon to be 85 mining (in about 2-3 weeks based on how often I play and fast I can mine gold until then), I would like someone to make a guide (preferrably someone who is good at mining rune) that details the strategy behind world hopping when mining rune (like judge respawn based on world population). This will help greatly, and will benefit every current and future rune miner.




Thank you!

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Depending on how many people are on a world, re spawn times will be different, the way I do it, is.




Find a world which has ore in it, mine the ore, check the chart to see how many people/respawn time, right that down then the final time, then keep doing that, returning to the ores which I have previously recorded. But thats just me, sometimes thats too much work and I hop around randomly, but that's not recommended.




Runite Ore Respawn Times




Number of People : Respawn Time


2,000 : 12:00


1,950 : 12:15


1,900 : 12:35


1,850 : 12:55


1,800 : 13:15


1,750 : 13:30


1,700 : 13:50


1,650 : 14:10


1,600 : 14:30


1,550 : 14:45


1,500 : 15:05


1,450 : 15:25


1,400 : 15:45


1,350 : 16:00


1,300 : 16:20


1,250 : 16:40


1,200 : 17:00


1,150 : 17:15


1,100 : 17:35


1,050 : 17:55


1,000 : 18:15


950 : 18:30


900 : 18:50


850 : 19:10


800 : 19:30


750 : 19:45


700 : 20:05


650 : 20:25


600 : 20:45


550 : 21:00


500 : 21:20


450 : 21:40


400 : 22:00


350 : 22:15


300 : 22:35


250 : 22:55


200 : 23:15


150 : 23:30


100 : 23:50


050 : 24:10


000 : 24:30

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I've read a guide to it on here, somewhere. I'll go do some hunting.




Edit: So, thus far, I haven't been able to find her guide. But she's a F2Per, and she always wears an Air tiara :twss:




Grr... bothers me that I can't find it, or remember what her name is >.>


Lady something that starts with an S?

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I've read a guide to it on here, somewhere. I'll go do some hunting.




Edit: So, thus far, I haven't been able to find her guide. But she's a F2Per, and she always wears an Air tiara :twss:




Grr... bothers me that I can't find it, or remember what her name is >.>


Lady something that starts with an S?


Lady Shadie, or something like that.

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Here is the guide itself, it is for ftp only though.






ty. f2p is pretty much same thing... and I kno lady shadie. she posted on my bloggeh

~ 3,072nd to 99 Mining on August 30th, 2009 ~
~ 112,084th to 99 Magic on April 16th, 2011 ~

~ 131,681st to 99 Crafting on March 29, 2019 ~

~ 178,385th to 99 Prayer on April 2, 2019 ~

~ 234,921st to 99 Defence on May 9, 2019 ~

~ 173,480th to 99 Herblore on June 21, 2019 ~

~ 155,160th to 99 Smithing on July 16, 2019 ~

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