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3 kids abandoned and child services won't do a thing.


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My mom has a friend, and one of her friend's old employees asked my moms friend to watch her three children, 4, 8 and 13 years old. She (the mother of kids) apparantly left a bag with my mothers friend that had all of the kids' records (shots, birth certificate, etc.) and there was also a note in the bag giving my moms friend by name custody of the children!!!




That is sad, and to top it all off, since there was a note left giving her custody, child services will not do a thing. Nothing. And whats sad also is that later that day, my dogs brother which is one of my moms friends' favorite dogs was found dead.

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And, its not like she doesn't want the kids, she can't have them.




She has 5 kids already, I have been (kinda lived) in a house with 6 kids they were grown up, not all of them were, but it was like going to hell, fighting, yelling, someone breaking their little sisters' nose, you probably get the point. But she is a manager and works a lot so its kinda hard to raise 8 kids... That would be apocalyptic!

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Your mums friend would have had to counter sign for custody plus at least one witness. And where was the father in all this?




You cant just drop your kids off at a baby sitters with a note saying that they are now yours. Thats just stupid.




Read up on Child Custody laws please then tell us a more ocnvincing story



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Hey, I dont care if you don't belive me or not, im not lying.




I live in mormonsville and they run things the way they want to.




Its true that I don't have proof (how could I), but come on now why would I lie, and what could I possibly gain from this? That and not everyone has a father...

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What state is Mormonsville in. Ive never hear of that place before.




Towns and cities dont have their own individual laws. Child Services are either County or State based. The reason why I asked about the father is that If he is still alive he would be the next legal custodian.




Its not that easy to just give children away, if you think it is you are very naive. Tell your mums friend to read up on the article i posted and then contact Child Support again. She has no legal obligation to look after those children and she most certainly is NOT the legal custodian despite what that note by the mother says, it is not a legal document. Perhaps try speaking to the press, they'd love a story like this and you might get bit of money too.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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What state is Mormonsville in. Ive never hear of that place before.








Check his location Merc, Utah. Plus, if it has anything to do with Mormons, it usually has to do with that state.








Anyway, I'm assuming you're talking about CPS? Maybe it's just my state, but they are very, uhm, entusiastic about their job. I had to meet with them several times during my parent's divorce simply because of things my stepmom made up. I think it's very weird they'd be hesitant or reluctant to help. Very weird.








Oh, and I'm assuming she's still getting help from the Mormon church right? It being in Utah and all.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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What state is Mormonsville in.








I don't think he ment it like that :P












Anyway I agree with Merc, that's is legally wrong. If that were possible trust me my parents would hand me away like that :lol: :oops:








Tell your mums friend to look into it, and definetely contact the press etc.. make sure Mormonsville becomes a world known village. Once the words spreads you're gonna have people walking from god knows how far to dump their kids there :lol: :o . lol J/K.

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Lol. Fuuny. Mormonsville is Utah. Mormons run everything out here literallly, lottery in any way is banned as are many things. As to if shes getting help from the mormon church, I dont think so because shes Venezualin (lol in other words shes latina) but then again her husband is mormon.




Ok, it obviously isn't legal, perhaps it was a screw up that Child Services (CPS) made... maybe a new person or what ever. Im sure if she still has problems with Child Services that the media will be contacted, and Im sure they will even if she does not have a problem with them. Personally I think this is a bigger deal then that mother that abandoned her child in Target... and boy did they make a big deal about that lol. If my moms friend still has a problem, I will have my mom forward the link via email.








EDIT: If you haven't figured it out yet lol Mormonsville is the state Utah. Mormon being a religion. Brief history lesson, a long time ago like a hundred years or more after this continent was starting to be populated, mormons moves into the west for religious freedom... why they were not getting religious freedom... mostly because of polygamy.

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Personally I think this is a bigger deal then that mother that abandoned her child in Target... and boy did they make a big deal about that lol.








It's only a big deal if the people involved want it to be a big deal... or if it actually happens.











perhaps it was a screw up that Child Services (CPS) made... maybe a new person or what ever.








Were they even contacted? Like I said before, they're really vigerous about this kind of stuff and are really helpfull/annoying about it. I don't see how new management could excuse something like ignoring 3 abandoned children with no home.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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