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Looking for a clan (cb 116)



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Hi there,




I'm looking for a active clan that takes part in different activities such as GWD, Clan Wars, Bounty Hunter & PVP, KBD, KQ and lots of minigames.




As for myself, I'm quite active as a player and always looking forward to events :)




My stats can be seen in the signature.





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To learn more about us and meet our members, join our IRC channel #nbk_lobby.












This clan started as a RSB clan, in 2005. As a new clan with 80+ requirements, we started slow and took our time to rise.


With a few wars per month, doing fun events was the core of our community. Slowly rising and rising, NBK got more members and was getting some attention on RSB. We got into the top clans, and managed to throw mighty clans off their ranks. Eventually, NBK became the number #1 warring clan on RSB.




After in depth discussion about the subject, we took steps, and returned to RSC. We applied for the RAW list and joined the Clan Wars Premier Leagues.


This allowed us a continuous stream of Clan Wars, allowing us to gain more experience in warring.


Now with The Wilderness returning NBK is taking steps in that direction again, looking for their share of the action in that now re-opened area.


Thus here we are today, a 3+ year old strong, powerful f2p warring clan with many experienced, war hardened members and strong, assertive leaders.




Why would you want to join NBK?




This clan has such deep experience of the many aspects of RuneScape, that we have the ability to create a friendly environment for everyone. With our wide range of different events, we are able to provide a positive clanning experience for just about anyone.




-If you like warring, you have the chance to: war around twice a week and partake in FTP PVP trips to the Wilderness & warring practices/training.


-If you like fun events, you have the chance to: God Wars, Barrows, Duel Arena Tournaments, Fist of Guthix, KQ, KBD, Castle Wars, Fight Pits etc.


-If you like hanging out, you have the chance to: partake in a sound community that could entertain anyone for hours.




We have a very active IRC channel, which probably would be the best reason to join us. There are ALWAYS people online, guaranteed. We talk about RuneScape, but this is marginal compared to the topics talked about in our iRC. All the people in our channel know each other by name and personally. Talking with our members on an average Saturday night is just hilarious. There's always someone too drunk to normally function and with the jokes passing by in our channel, you just can't sit still behind your pc. I guarantee, there wont pass a night without laughter.




What makes NBK different from many other clans, is that we have a personal bond with our members. We communicate with TeamSpeak at wars of course, but our TeamSpeak server is also used to just talk with each other. Some of the NBK members singing on TeamSpeak is regular business here.
















Head of Internal Council






High Council


T W I N Bow


The Buzz Hed




Eat Bobba






Sir Nos Alot






Sexual Health Advisor






Requirements to Join




If you are interested to join our humble community, you'll have to meet a few requirements.


100+ F2P Combat


Two F2P War Training Sessions






Have some HUMOR.




Clan Forum: http://z4.invisionfree.com/NBK_RSCLAN/index.php?act=idx


Memberlist: Warring: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=nbkfull








NBK vs Ronin:




NBK vs BT:


NBK vs TWL: http://media.putfile.com/NBK-vs-TWL


and my personal favorite


NBK Teaser Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igVauLy4FRM













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I'm one of TBE's recruiters. We have all the events that you listed above, we have a skilling event/minigame event each day followed by a PK trip. In weekends we also have a main event as a PK trip, sometimes both days.


Have a look at our sites.












TBE FORUMS: http://www.forums.britishelites.com


TFE FORUMS: http://www.tfe.britishelites.com/MAIN


TBE SITE: http://www.britishelites.com









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Forums | Member List






AfterShock is a fun based clan that offers high quality forums, a very active IRC channel, and varied events for all interests and skill levels. No single member is ever left high and dry here at AS, there's something for everyone.




We here at AS do many assorted events, a few of which are:


-KBD Trips


-Fight Pits


-GWD Trips


-Fun FFA Trips


-Regular 99 parties :D




To contact us, you can message the following people,


The Two Leaders: Stingroo & Trey Cee


The Three Councilers: 19Gemma85 & Danovhaswell & Bazzer247


The events Team: My Homies69 & Jng357


in game, or visit our IRC at #AfterShock or check the recruiting topic for a more detailed list of events by clicking the link above.




So what are you waiting for? Sign up for AfterShock today!

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Check us out bro!








IRC Channel - #Blasphemy




Website | Forums | Videos | Gallery | Memberlist




Basic Needs Before Applying:


    [*:1pncv83a]You must visit forums every day, or rarely once every two days.
    [*:1pncv83a]You must be willing to listen and learn
    [*:1pncv83a]You must show you have time for Blasphemy, and thats activeness in events.
    [*:1pncv83a]You must have a heart to create passion and loyalty for Blasphemy
    [*:1pncv83a]You must be someone that has patience when needed.




The members of Blasphemy would like to believe that Blasphemy is a clan like none other. We have a brave and resisting history and now we want to take clanning one step further. The main aspects such as community, organization and activity are something which every clan needs to have. But with Blasphemy, we like to take things to another level. Try out new things, different types of events, completely new tactics which are completely experimental, train members up to have confidence and know what they have to do, understand the real life duties people have and still try and sort out active times for them. Another important thing is to be real, and thats what Blasphemy is. A lot of clans out there have power-hungry, immature, flaming people that when they dont get what they want they feel the urge to create havoc. Blasphemy is far from that, although recruiting becomes slow, we make sure you have what it takes to represent up to our level, combat is nothing compared to personality, charisma and intelligence. You read this and think wow, but honestly I wouldnt false advertise something which isnt true. Blasphemy has changed a lot, were now a clan built on perfection not power.






To Join Blasphemy You Must Have Specific Character Attributes. You Must Be:




93+ Combat Level






Blasphemy is a clan that has heart and a passion to make an unforgettable mark. Our community enables the first step to our goals, were a clan that has great respect for one another. In Blasphemy, we really do feel like a family, thats why we dont just let anyone in whether their level 126 or not, we like to know how their personality is like as corruption is in the past for us.




Like mentioned, were built strongly on organization, thats organization on and off the wildy. In the wildy, you see like nearly every clan doing the same thing, the same tactics, I mean they do it but its never that perfect and for us just too repetitive. Runescape can be incredibly exciting if you have awesome imagination, charisma and the willingness of hearts to try out the different plans and tactics in the wildy. For example, controlled split piles, something which no clan has mastered, and is still something which Blasphemy is engaging to bring practice within it. We make sure that every man/woman in the wildy is well aware of what they have to do, and that their confident and ready.






Now, most clans are built and revolve around having events, otherwise what's the point in clans? Blasphemy has a range of events, and our highest priority within them is to make them work and be successful. We want people to cherish the experience they have, and in the end, enjoy themselves.

    [*:1pncv83a]F2P - We do a variety of F2P events, as Blasphemy is a F2P based clan. Clan Wars is really fun, especially knowing that you can run into any clan, knowing the popularity that it has with clans.
    [*:1pncv83a]P2P - We also like to do P2P events such as Fight Pits, GodWars, Castle Wars, KBD etc.
    [*:1pncv83a]Wars - This is the heart of Blasphemy's system. We train to war, to defeat other clans who set upon us a challenge. We have huge aims, and to earn what's yours, you must be willing to fight.
    [*:1pncv83a]Fun Events - We have plentiful of these, Achievement Parties, Skill Events, Unique Events and many more. Aims of Fun Events are to do something different for a change, at the same time to hopefully rep up Blasphemy by showing happiness within ourselves.

We try to do official events as much as we can, but in realness we have at least one unofficial event EVERY day. This usually happens in our IRC channel, where clans might declare an instant 30 min prep mini. This shows our family is 24/7, and we like to keep in touch whenever we play runescape.






The aims of Blasphemy are always high and ambitious in an observer's eye, but to us it's something that we all cherish to complete. Things like making Blasphemy the most unique clan amongst all, don't know how we'll do it but one day if fate goes our way, we will be the first. Another aim is to create a brotherhood community, as mentioned above, but we want to keep this and make it stronger and more efficient to survive in the future. Final aim I'll mention is that Blasphemy does one day want to reach the top, and eventually be known and referred to as, positive, courageous and always existent.picturesvideoscopyul4.png
























Leader - Makaaveli


Co-Leader - L33thomas


Council - 19wrestler90


Guardians - Danpac47 | L33thomas




Website | Forums | Videos | Gallery | Memberlist

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Hello there I'm Tarheels54 pk leader of Saradomin Dragons and I would like you to join our clan and make yourself a home :) If you have any questions register on our forums and ask on the Guest Forum. If you are passing this offer we still want you to register and become a clan friend. Hope to see you on our forums!



Forums| Member List


IRC Channel: #sdclan


Our Irc channel is mandatory if your going to join.






Saradomin Dragons has been around since 2006 and was founded by Acidburn789 and Tarheels54.


After Jagex removed the wilderness most people dropped and we began to


die so i closed it a couple of months ago. Well i promised everyone sd


will reopen when the wilderness return and here we are the moment has


become true!




Saradomin Dragons has been opened and we are ready


to pk again in our old wildy and soon we will be back on track again with


around 60-70 members and lets hope we get more than that.








Saradomin Dragons Forums






Saradomin Dragons Member list (Current)






All Saradomin Dragons Member list










85+ F2P


Must be active on irc


Must be active on forums


Must come to events[/p]




[p]Ranks ? Leaders ?










? High Council ?








¡â Warlords ¡â


skull.pngEdge Pk




Application Managers












We are based F2P clan, but we do P2P events. So don't join thinking we will be doing alot of P2P events and leave the next day. Just know we do little bit P2P events.










[email protected]




Or register a account on our forums and post on the guest forum. If you spam you will be banned from our forums for ever.













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Please find below the links mentioned in the movie, including His Lordship's personal contact details, and the various additional clan information:






~ HIS LORDSHIP'S contact details ~




RuneScape Username: His Lordship


Email & MSN: [email protected]


IRC Username on irc.swiftirc.net : His_Lordship


RuneScape Community Username: His Lordship






~ Links to Clan Information ~




Website - http://www.wildernessguardians.com


Flash Movie - http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/378941


Forums - http://www.wildernessguardians.com/forum


YouTube Media - http://au.youtube.com/user/WildernessGuardians




"The best thing that ever happened to me on Runescape was WG posting their RSC recruitment material on my topic" - Anatcrafter, Council Member






~ Picture of the Month ~










Best of luck with whichever clan you go for :)




~ WG ~

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Website / Forums / Runehead / Video














Clan Chat


Jagz Chat






/server irc.clanjaguar.com


/join #clanjag












Website / Forums / Runehead / Video






We are part of the oldest alliance in the game, between


'The' Clan, Gladiatorz, Clan Jaguar & The Mighty Red Dragons

Shakazulu ~ Member of Clan Jaguar since April 2002

Clan Jaguar ~ 7 years as of July 12th


27 Minute Slideshow Tribute to Clan Jaguar


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I'm looking for a active clan that takes part in different activities such as GWD, Clan Wars, Bounty Hunter & PVP, KBD, KQ and lots of minigames.




We do basicly all things from that list, groups goign GWD daily, we had like 4 or 5 pvp trips in the last week, 2 wars. The other monsters are done often enough aswell, both as events and just small groups of players going (so no need to always wait for a event to pass, or just ask a events team member to make one :)).


Currently #1 on the TWR.




Why should you join us instead of the other clans posting, we care about YOU. A big lovely and caring warring & skilling family :).




If you want to learn more about our clan, check out our irc, cc or forums:


cc: oranges cc


irc: /server -m irc.mozor.net -j #TheClan


forum: www.theclan.ws




Might you wanna check it out, our memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=theclan


88 members with a 120+ f2p average :).




Hope to see you apply soon!

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What is Breakout?




Breakout is a philosophy, an ideology, a community.






Breakout devotes its selves to the building of a community and above all to enjoy what we have which


is friendship. We are a 75+ combat level clan with a +70 refferal option with a sound timetable


of events and amazing community. We listen to every single one of our members and if they want


something we will be sure to cater to their needs.




Our Events




Our event roster changes from time to time but you can always expect the same high quality events here, consisting of....




* King Black Dragon Hunting


* Kalphite Queen Hunting


* Tormented Wraith Hunting


* Giant Mole Hunting


* Dagganoth King Hunting


* God Wars Dungeon


* PvP


* Fight Pits


* Free for All


* Clan Wars


* House Parties


* Fire Fests


* and many more!




Here at Breakout, we develop a strong community within its members and even its relations with other clans. So join now to become part of this incredible community. Visit our forums to register and fill out an application form today!

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What is Breakout?




Breakout is a philosophy, an ideology, a community.






Breakout devotes its selves to the building of a community and above all to enjoy what we have which


is friendship. We are a 75+ combat level clan with a +70 refferal option with a sound timetable


of events and amazing community. We listen to every single one of our members and if they want


something we will be sure to cater to their needs.




Our Events




Our event roster changes from time to time but you can always expect the same high quality events here, consisting of....




* King Black Dragon Hunting


* Kalphite Queen Hunting


* Tormented Wraith Hunting


* Giant Mole Hunting


* Dagganoth King Hunting


* God Wars Dungeon


* PvP


* Fight Pits


* Free for All


* Clan Wars


* House Parties


* Fire Fests


* and many more!




Here at Breakout, we develop a strong community within its members and even its relations with other clans. So join now to become part of this incredible community. Visit our forums to register and fill out an application form today!

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Why hello there. ::'




TDM has a lot of events, including all of those you mentioned! We do many different events during the week. There is also different events for different times zones: EST, GMT, AEST, etc. I'm sure you could find events that suit your time just perfectly. \'




Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or comments. :mrgreen:









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If you pass up this offer & decide not to join, please PM Dbzruler72 with the reason why. This will help me learn what players want in general.




If the picture does not load completely, try refreshing the page.[hide=Cannot see the picture? Click here.]





Quick Links


-Apply to Join-








You will not be reading mindless propaganda. This recruitment thread exists to educate you with the facts. You won't be told lies, & you won't be given shallow phrases such as "We're a great, respected clan."



Quick Facts


-PKing Based (Honor)-


-Founded October 25, 2002-


-Nearly six years of leadership, PKing, & community-





-Click Here to Join-




Skill Total: 900


Combat level: 95


Prayer level: 43


Defence level: 65


Htpoints level: 77




Positive attitude.


Only main accounts are accepted.


Capable of supplying own uniforms for PKing.




If you are at least level 85, you may join as a Future Applicant.







-Two to three scheduled events a week-




Up to date as of Friday, October 3, 2008


-Full out wars


-Mini wars


-Clan war run-ins


-PK Trips


-Monster Hunting (LootShare) (Cockroaches, Revenants)






-Drop parties


-Fire fests


-Fist of Guthix


-PK Drills







Suggested Timezones


GMT-9 YST: Yukon Time


GMT-8 PST: Pacific Time


GMT-7 MST: Mountain Time


GMT-6 CST: Central Time


GMT-5 EST: Eastern Time


GMT-4 AST: Atlantic Time








GMT+0 GMT: Greenwich Mean Time


GMT+1 CET: Central European Time


GMT+2 EET: Eastern European Time























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Forums | Memberlist


IRC Channel: #sdclan




Our Irc channel is mandatory if your going to join.






Saradomin Dragons has been around since 2006 and was founded by Acidburn789 and Tarheels54.


After Jagex removed the wilderness most people dropped and we began to die so i closed it a couple of months ago. Well i promised everyone sd will reopen when the wilderness return and here we are the moment has become true!




Saradomin Dragons has been opened and we are ready


to pk again in our old wildy and soon we will be back on track again with


around 60-70 members and lets hope we get more than that.






Saradomin Dragons Forums






Saradomin Dragons Member list (Current)






All Saradomin Dragons Member list










90+ F2P


Must be active on irc


Must be active on forums


Must come to events




.::Staff List::.


? Leaders ?








? High Council ?










Edge Pk


















We are based F2P clan, but we do P2P events. So don't join thinking we will be doing alot of P2P events and leave the next day. Just know we do little bit P2P events.










[email protected]




-Or register a account on our forums and post on the guest forum. If you spam you will be banned from our forums for ever.






SD Action in 2009










SD Action in 2006





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Forums | Memberlist


IRC Channel: #sdclan




Our Irc channel is mandatory if your going to join.






Saradomin Dragons has been around since 2006 and was founded by Acidburn789 and Tarheels54.


After Jagex removed the wilderness most people dropped and we began to die so i closed it a couple of months ago. Well i promised everyone sd will reopen when the wilderness return and here we are the moment has become true!




Saradomin Dragons has been opened and we are ready


to pk again in our old wildy and soon we will be back on track again with


around 60-70 members and lets hope we get more than that.






Saradomin Dragons Forums






Saradomin Dragons Member list (Current)






All Saradomin Dragons Member list










90+ F2P


Must be active on irc


Must be active on forums


Must come to events




.::Staff List::.


? Leaders ?








? High Council ?










Edge Pk


















We are based F2P clan, but we do P2P events. So don't join thinking we will be doing alot of P2P events and leave the next day. Just know we do little bit P2P events.










[email protected]




-Or register a account on our forums and post on the guest forum. If you spam you will be banned from our forums for ever.






SD Action in 2009










SD Action in 2006





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Welcome to the Knights!


If you are reading this topic, you have taken the first steps to joining the prestigious Knights of Order. Before you read any further, I'd like to say that KO is a tightly-knit clan and welcomes anybody that respects us with open arms. When you join the Knights of Order, you are going to respect the opinions of your fellow clan members, have a positive attitude, be active, and give your best effort. They, in turn, will return the respect in kind.




Our Mission Statement




"We do what's fun."




It's simple, yet complex if you really think about it. What type of clan are we? Pking, skilling, community, or maybe a mix of all three? No, we have our own identity and we can't be labeled as typical clan that has the same goal as thousands of others. We're too unique for that. If we see fun in pking we do it, if we see fun in skilling we do it, this goes for everything. Our clan isn't only about Runescape and events, but it's about the relationships built up over the months. Those very relationships are the foundation for what our mission statement is. Our friendships and brotherhoods here make this clan different from others, and in turn, makes things fun. If all we do is base our success and strengths on what others think of us, that isn't fulfilling what we're about. We won't allow others to dictate what we should strive for; that's our power and that's the gem of this clan. We dictate what we are and we are the only ones to hold that power.




This clan isn't about ranks, image, reputation, nor power. Would it be nice to have all those? Hell yeah, but we'll only do it if it's fun. Everyone in this clan is equal, that's what made us stand for nearly 5 years, and we pride ourselves in being around that long, and hope to be around for many more years to come.




Key Information


  • [*:2cwut0fn]Leaders: Aoshi153, Dranzer1991, Glimmermere
[*:2cwut0fn]Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=koforever
[*:2cwut0fn]IRC Channel: #[KO]
[*:2cwut0fn]Homeworld: 14/77
[*:2cwut0fn]Clan Cape: Regular Green




Clan Events


While the majority of events KO schedules are your typical wars, run-ins, and PK Trips, there is quite an assortment of other events to suit almost any type of member. Be it GWD trips, boss hunting, fishing, or even just sitting in our Ventrillo server listening to others sing or talk, you are sure to find something that suits you. KO also prides itself on the bonds we have formed with our two allies over the years: The Dragonz and Jaguars. With this noted, at least once a month, if not more, you will find a fun allied event on the calendar. Typical events seen here are, but are not limited to: Castle Wars, Stealing Creation, Fight Pits, or Fun Wars in the Clan Wars Arena. However, in the rare case you don't find an event that fits your liking, or don't find it being held often enough, members are ENCOURAGED to set up and host their own events as well. In the end, it usually totals up to 4-7 events a week, 1-2 of which are official and attendance is mandatory -- Only if you are online.
























  • [*:2cwut0fn]107+ Combat
    [*:2cwut0fn]No Referrals Required




  • [*:2cwut0fn]110+ Combat
    [*:2cwut0fn]A Minimum of Two Referrals




The Application System


Once your application has been approved, you will be a Recruit of the Knights. This trial period will last two weeks, and during that time, it's your goal to impress the leaders and members of KO. This is simply done by frequently posting on our forums, socializing in our IRC channel, and attending events regularly. Before your two week trial period is up, you will be required to attend at least five events, two being a warring/pking event. Come time, you will be contacted via PM by a leader asking you a series of questions. Upon answering these, you will be voted on by the members of the clan to determine if you will become a full-fledged member. An 80% approval is needed. No need to fret however, for if you have been active and allowed the members to get to know you, you will almost certainly pass this trial period and be welcomed as a full-fledged Knight!




Explanation of the Novitiate Rank


In short, there is no difference between our Novitiate rank and other clan's Future Applicant rank; we just decided to give ours a fancy name. The Novitiate rank will be available to applicants that dont meet our requirements, but would still like to be a part of KO. They will have limited access to our forums until they meet the necessary requirements, be it combat or referrals. This is extremely beneficial to both you and the Knights, and we strongly recommend it. This is a chance to familiarize yourself with the clan, get to know the members and obtain an understanding of what we are all about.




Closing Comments


So there you have it. The Knights of Order in a nutshell. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM on these forums and I will attempt to get back to you ASAP. See you on the inside!


Ex-Knights of Order Councilor: September 4, 2005 - September 4, 2009 (2.5 Years Council)

Vengeance: November 19, 2009 - Present



Proud To Be The Fourth Oldest Knight In Existence - Original OSKO


"No. Try Not. Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try" - Yoda (Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)

"We don't do what we do because we expect compensation. We do it because we know its the right thing to do" - Anon

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  • 2 months later...

Hey! Df [Downfall] is a very active clan and has many safe and dangerous events for F2P and P2P. Click on the link below to see more info!






Divine Forces | #DF on irc.seersirc.net | Most Motivated |


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The Zamoradominerz!




Who are we?


The Zamoradominerz is an Official F2P based clan. We welcome skillers and fighters alike. We are also a clan of RESPECT. Our vision sees a




friendly, welcome, and safe environment. Those who try to prevent this from happening will be dealt with accordingly.




Initials: TZ


Home World: 113


F2P or P2P Based: F2P Based (with some P2P members and events)


Team Cape: 50




Clan Requirements: 75+ F2P combat


Attendance Requirements: 2 events per month.


If you are new to the clan, you must make 10 posts before your promotion to regular member.




Our Forum's link: http://zamoradominerz.freeforums.org/index.php


Our Clan's Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tzclan




Frequently Asked Questions




Q. What are the ranks?




New - After you are accepted, we will add you to our New Zamoradominer list.




Normal - After 1 to 1½ months as a New Zamoradominer, you will be promoted to Zamoradominer status. As a member of




this group, you have shown your dedication to the clan.




Elite - After attending 20 events in total, you will finally be promoted to Elite Zamoradominer, a status of




experience. As a member of this group, you will stand a slightly better chance of applying to a council. Promotions will be done on the 1st




of each month.




Noble - If at some point we think that you are active and mature enough to receive Noble status, your applications to




join a council will be regarded as first priority. These members are hand picked by the admins.




Global Moderators - These members moderate many of the forums that you browse. They can add stickies, delete and edit




your posts, and do much more.




Administrator - We run the whole forum, We can see everything. If you need any sort of help, PM us, or post in the




Leave a Message for an Admin forum.




Friend - If you are retiring from Runescape or leaving the clan, post in the Leaving/Returning forum, and you will




moved to Friend status. In order to acquire this status, you must have at least Normal Zamoradominer status, to show that you care.




Q. What timezone is this clan based on?




A. We are based on the GMT-5 timezone (Or Eastern Time). This timezone applies to areas such as Ontario and Quebec in Canada, and down south




into the eastern United Sates. All events will have the GMT and GMT-5 times listed, for players in Europe.








Q. If this clan is F2P based, do all the events have to be F2P?




A. Generally, 90% of the events we host are going to be F2P. If however you wish to host a P2P event, you may do so by posting an idea on the




Suggest An Event forum.




Q. What is our home world? Do I always have to be on this world?


A. Our home world is 113. It would be nice if you kept us company, but you can play on any world you want.




Q. Do we have chat systems?




A. Yes. We have both a clan chat and an IRC (#tz_chat) plus a recently opened TS server.




Q. Is multi-clanning allowed?


A. Yes, multi-clanning is allowed. Just make sure that the other clans are okay with it too.




Q. Can I host my own events?




A. Yes. Players are free to suggest and host their own events.




Q. What kinds of events does The Zamoradominerz have to offer?


A. Make this clan the place you want it to be. As mentioned above, you may host any events you would like - as long as the clan likes your




idea. Some events include:




-Revenant Hunting


-Hobgoblin Mining


-PKing Events


-Clan Wars


-FFA Arena


-Great Orb Project


-Interclan Wars


-Allied Fun Wars


-Mortal Kombat




-Skill Races






Q. Are there any councils that I can join to help run and improve the clan?




A. We currently have three councils plus moderator and admin groups - Five organizations in total. The councils include the Events Council,




the Improvement Council, and the Warlords. Each council is responsible for running the clan in different ways.




Q. Can players set Event Requirements?




A. Yes. Players can set event requirements for any event (90+,etc.).




Q. Can we make an alliance?




A. Yes. Please refer here.




TZ in action!












Our Revenant Hunting Events! (Click for YouTube video)



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Hey, we do what you are asking for every week, we have atleast 6 events in a week including: GWD, Rev Hunt, Fight Pits, KBD, Clan Wars and more!














~~~ About Downfall~~~


Downfall war created by uffan5, amateurnoob, darkpyro1632, and many other in september of 2008. We started DF with a big push, quickly becoming one of the most feared clans in w141.




From the first moment we started we been expanding, making are own clan chat channel, making a new and better site, and simply owning. We started as 75+, in January of 2009 we moved to 85+ and in March of 2009 we Moved to 90+












Key Information




~~~ Clan Leaders ~~~












Kelvin Roy


Bia Zodiac




~~~ Warlords ~~~










~~~ Council ~~~


Rune pkers20












~~~ Events Squad ~~~






meza clay81


Chobs R2h1


~~~ War Record ~~~


Official [ 7 - 4 ]


Fun [ 12 - 5 ]


Allied [ 3 - 1 ]


Total [ 22 - 10 ]




~~~ Clan Cape ~~~




~~~ Home Worlds ~~~


P2P: 64 | F2P: 102


~~~ Alliances ~~~




Violence for Glory (VG)


Deadly alliance- Guthix Warriors(GW) and Downfall (DF)








~~~ Clan Chat ~~~


Downfall cc


~~~ Base Type ~~~


F2P & P2P


~~~ Memberlist ~~~


Runehead- http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=downfall
















90 plus combat level


Maintain RS and forum activity.


Attend as many Runescape events as possible.


Show respect to all members and staff.


While on Runescape, use our clan chat
















Were an active clan and we have tons of events. Every Friday in are Weekly clan wars date, where we go and have fun owning clans in world 141 or just interclanwars or training. Saturday is are official war day, most of time we have wars that day. Sunday is fun Events day, were u use are creative minds and make incredible events. heres some examples.






Fist of Guthix


Great Orb Project






Scavenger Hunt


Snowball Fight


Mage vs Range


Ranks vs Leaders


Hide n Seek


Fish Trawler








Plus more events...we havnt done yet














~~~ Videos ~~


There hundreds of Videos about Df on Youtube heres just come


Downfall Vs. Legacy Kingdom


Downfall Vs. Guthix Warriors


Downfall Vs. Violence for Glory






All Are pictures are on are site, Right now we have Df banner making Contest going on




Thank You, hope to see you in Downfall =)




Forumms- http://Z8.invisionfree.com/dfdownfall


Divine Forces | #DF on irc.seersirc.net | Most Motivated |


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