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Everything posted by Champz

  1. Didn't even know this clan still existed after they attempted to be an off-shoot of KO lol. Thought they died off eons ago. Was expected tho to be honest... gl findin a new home ex-akel
  2. As a Knight, you are sure to find a plethora of events that will suit you. However, in the off-chance that you dont, you are free to make your own events =D Welcome to the Knights! If you are reading this topic, you have taken the first steps to joining the prestigious Knights of Order. Before you read any further, I'd like to say that KO is a tightly-knit clan and welcomes anybody that respects us with open arms. When you join the Knights of Order, you are going to respect the opinions of your fellow clan members, have a positive attitude, be active, and give your best effort. They, in turn, will return the respect in kind. Our Mission Statement "We do what's fun." It's simple, yet complex if you really think about it. What type of clan are we? Pking, skilling, community, or maybe a mix of all three? No, we have our own identity and we can't be labeled as typical clan that has the same goal as thousands of others. We're too unique for that. If we see fun in pking we do it, if we see fun in skilling we do it, this goes for everything. Our clan isn't only about Runescape and events, but it's about the relationships built up over the months. Those very relationships are the foundation for what our mission statement is. Our friendships and brotherhoods here make this clan different from others, and in turn, makes things fun. If all we do is base our success and strengths on what others think of us, that isn't fulfilling what we're about. We won't allow others to dictate what we should strive for; that's our power and that's the gem of this clan. We dictate what we are and we are the only ones to hold that power. This clan isn't about ranks, image, reputation, nor power. Would it be nice to have all those? Hell yeah, but we'll only do it if it's fun. Everyone in this clan is equal, that's what made us stand for nearly 5 years, and we pride ourselves in being around that long, and hope to be around for many more years to come. Key Information [*:escs1c2u]Leaders: Aoshi153, Dranzer1991, Glimmermere [*:escs1c2u]Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Knights_of_Order [*:escs1c2u]Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=koforever [*:escs1c2u]IRC Channel: #[KO] [*:escs1c2u]Homeworld: 14/77 [*:escs1c2u]Clan Cape: Regular Green Clan Events While the majority of events KO schedules are your typical wars, run-ins, and PK Trips, there is quite an assortment of other events to suit almost any type of member. Be it GWD trips, boss hunting, fishing, or even just sitting in our Ventrillo server listening to others sing or talk, you are sure to find something that suits you. KO also prides itself on the bonds we have formed with our two allies over the years: The Dragonz and Jaguars. With this noted, at least once a month, if not more, you will find a fun allied event on the calendar. Typical events seen here are, but are not limited to: Castle Wars, Stealing Creation, Fight Pits, or Fun Wars in the Clan Wars Arena. However, in the rare case you don't find an event that fits your liking, or don't find it being held often enough, members are ENCOURAGED to set up and host their own events as well. Application Requirements Novitiate: [*:escs1c2u]107+ Combat [*:escs1c2u]No Referrals Required Knight: [*:escs1c2u]110+ Combat [*:escs1c2u]A Minimum of Two Referrals The Application System Once your application has been approved, you will be a Recruit of the Knights. This trial period will last two weeks, and during that time, it's your goal to impress the leaders and members of KO. This is simply done by frequently posting on our forums, socializing in our IRC channel, and attending events regularly. Before your two week trial period is up, you will be required to attend at least five events, two being a warring/pking event. Come time, you will be contacted via PM by a leader asking you a series of questions. Upon answering these, you will be voted on by the members of the clan to determine if you will become a full-fledged member. An 80% approval is needed. No need to fret however, for if you have been active and allowed the members to get to know you, you will almost certainly pass this trial period and be welcomed as a full-fledged Knight! Explanation of the Novitiate Rank In short, there is no difference between our Novitiate rank and other clan's Future Applicant rank; we just decided to give ours a fancy name. The Novitiate rank will be available to applicants that dont meet our requirements, but would still like to be a part of KO. They will have limited access to our forums until they meet the necessary requirements, be it combat or referrals. This is extremely beneficial to both you and the Knights, and we strongly recommend it. This is a chance to familiarize yourself with the clan, get to know the members and obtain an understanding of what we are all about. Closing Comments So there you have it. The Knights of Order in a nutshell. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM on these forums and I will attempt to get back to you ASAP. See you on the inside!
  3. Welcome to the Knights! If you are reading this topic, you have taken the first steps to joining the prestigious Knights of Order. Before you read any further, I'd like to say that KO is a tightly-knit clan and welcomes anybody that respects us with open arms. When you join the Knights of Order, you are going to respect the opinions of your fellow clan members, have a positive attitude, be active, and give your best effort. They, in turn, will return the respect in kind. Our Mission Statement "We do what's fun." It's simple, yet complex if you really think about it. What type of clan are we? Pking, skilling, community, or maybe a mix of all three? No, we have our own identity and we can't be labeled as typical clan that has the same goal as thousands of others. We're too unique for that. If we see fun in pking we do it, if we see fun in skilling we do it, this goes for everything. Our clan isn't only about Runescape and events, but it's about the relationships built up over the months. Those very relationships are the foundation for what our mission statement is. Our friendships and brotherhoods here make this clan different from others, and in turn, makes things fun. If all we do is base our success and strengths on what others think of us, that isn't fulfilling what we're about. We won't allow others to dictate what we should strive for; that's our power and that's the gem of this clan. We dictate what we are and we are the only ones to hold that power. This clan isn't about ranks, image, reputation, nor power. Would it be nice to have all those? Hell yeah, but we'll only do it if it's fun. Everyone in this clan is equal, that's what made us stand for nearly 5 years, and we pride ourselves in being around that long, and hope to be around for many more years to come. Key Information [*:2cwut0fn]Leaders: Aoshi153, Dranzer1991, Glimmermere [*:2cwut0fn]Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Knights_of_Order [*:2cwut0fn]Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=koforever [*:2cwut0fn]IRC Channel: #[KO] [*:2cwut0fn]Homeworld: 14/77 [*:2cwut0fn]Clan Cape: Regular Green Clan Events While the majority of events KO schedules are your typical wars, run-ins, and PK Trips, there is quite an assortment of other events to suit almost any type of member. Be it GWD trips, boss hunting, fishing, or even just sitting in our Ventrillo server listening to others sing or talk, you are sure to find something that suits you. KO also prides itself on the bonds we have formed with our two allies over the years: The Dragonz and Jaguars. With this noted, at least once a month, if not more, you will find a fun allied event on the calendar. Typical events seen here are, but are not limited to: Castle Wars, Stealing Creation, Fight Pits, or Fun Wars in the Clan Wars Arena. However, in the rare case you don't find an event that fits your liking, or don't find it being held often enough, members are ENCOURAGED to set up and host their own events as well. In the end, it usually totals up to 4-7 events a week, 1-2 of which are official and attendance is mandatory -- Only if you are online. Application Requirements Novitiate: [*:2cwut0fn]107+ Combat [*:2cwut0fn]No Referrals Required Knight: [*:2cwut0fn]110+ Combat [*:2cwut0fn]A Minimum of Two Referrals The Application System Once your application has been approved, you will be a Recruit of the Knights. This trial period will last two weeks, and during that time, it's your goal to impress the leaders and members of KO. This is simply done by frequently posting on our forums, socializing in our IRC channel, and attending events regularly. Before your two week trial period is up, you will be required to attend at least five events, two being a warring/pking event. Come time, you will be contacted via PM by a leader asking you a series of questions. Upon answering these, you will be voted on by the members of the clan to determine if you will become a full-fledged member. An 80% approval is needed. No need to fret however, for if you have been active and allowed the members to get to know you, you will almost certainly pass this trial period and be welcomed as a full-fledged Knight! Explanation of the Novitiate Rank In short, there is no difference between our Novitiate rank and other clan's Future Applicant rank; we just decided to give ours a fancy name. The Novitiate rank will be available to applicants that dont meet our requirements, but would still like to be a part of KO. They will have limited access to our forums until they meet the necessary requirements, be it combat or referrals. This is extremely beneficial to both you and the Knights, and we strongly recommend it. This is a chance to familiarize yourself with the clan, get to know the members and obtain an understanding of what we are all about. Closing Comments So there you have it. The Knights of Order in a nutshell. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM on these forums and I will attempt to get back to you ASAP. See you on the inside!
  4. Courtesy of one of your Exodus Council members =D>
  5. It has recently come to light that a certain clan has been paying members in sara sets to join their clan. How ethical does this seem to you? Is this going to end up undermining the whole clan world and build it into something like a Professional Sports league where the highest bidder gets all the members, or will this certain clan (Exodus) end up crashing in a massive flaming mess? (I will only post the picture proof if people either request it or I am granted permission from the mods =X) I personally think its stupid and anyone that leaves their current clan for the said paying clan is in it for the wrong reasons. If this accomplishes anything atleast, its getting all the crappy members together in one place where they can all rot together xD.
  6. Everyone has that one thing that, in their mind, is the make or break for any clan. So what is it? What exactly makes a clan tick. What makes it run and what attracts people to the clan and want to stay? In short -- what is the one thing that a clan needs to be successful. My thoughts: Action. Sure talking about an idea is great, but its just that; talking. Implementation of new ideas and views is pertinent for any clan to be successful. Simply sitting around and talking about how doing this or doing that will improve the standing here and fix the problem does nothing. I experienced this first hand in KO. There came a point in time where all people did was talk -- not act. Not only did this annoy me, but it drove me, gave me that hypothetical "push" that I needed to act. Since that time, not only have I continued to think of ways to change and improve the clan, but I did everything I could to implement them. You might have the greatest idea in the world, but its just that if nothing happens; an idea. Only upon acting can it become the greatest plan ever.
  7. We really have no ambition to become that large given the instability that comes with it. Now if we could achieve that, be stable, and still have fun, why not?
  8. Welcome to the Knights! If you are reading this post, you have taken the first steps to joining the prestigious Knights of Order. Before you read any further, I'd like to say that KO is a tightly-knit clan and welcomes anybody that respects us with open arms. When you join the Knights of Order, you are going to respect the opinions of your fellow clan members, have a positive attitude, be active, and give your best effort. They, in turn, will return the respect in kind. Our Mission Statement "We do what's fun." It's simple, yet complex if you really think about it. What type of clan are we? Pking, skilling, community, or maybe a mix of all three? No, we have our own identity and we can't be labeled as typical clan that has the same goal as thousands of others. We're too unique for that. If we see fun in pking we do it, if we see fun in skilling we do it, this goes for everything. Our clan isn't only about Runescape and events, but it's about the relationships built up over the months. Those very relationships are the foundation for what our mission statement is. Our friendships and brotherhoods here make this clan different from others, and in turn, makes things fun. If all we do is base our success and strengths on what others think of us, that isn't fulfilling what we're about. We won't allow others to dictate what we should strive for; that's our power and that's the gem of this clan. We dictate what we are and we are the only ones to hold that power. This clan isn't about ranks, image, reputation, nor power. Would it be nice to have all those? Hell yeah, but we'll only do it if it's fun. Everyone in this clan is equal, that's what made us stand for nearly 5 years, and we pride ourselves in being around that long, and hope to be around for many more years to come. Key Information [*:krdha583]Leaders: Aoshi153, Dranzer1991, Glimmermere [*:krdha583]Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Knights_of_Order [*:krdha583]Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=koforever [*:krdha583]IRC Channel: #[KO] [*:krdha583]Homeworld: 14/77 [*:krdha583]Clan Cape: Regular Green Clan Events While the majority of events KO schedules are your typical wars, run-ins, and PK Trips, there is quite an assortment of other events to suit almost any type of member. Be it GWD trips, boss hunting, fishing, or even just sitting in our Ventrillo server listening to others sing or talk, you are sure to find something that suits you. KO also prides itself on the bonds we have formed with our two allies over the years: The Dragonz and Jaguars. With this noted, at least once a month, if not more, you will find a fun allied event on the calendar. Typical events seen here are, but are not limited to: Castle Wars, Stealing Creation, Fight Pits, or Fun Wars in the Clan Wars Arena. However, in the rare case you don't find an event that fits your liking, or don't find it being held often enough, members are ENCOURAGED to set up and host their own events as well. You may also find a summary of our recent PvP victory over CR in the Wars & Run-Ins section of the forums. Application Requirements Novitiate: [*:krdha583]107+ Combat [*:krdha583]No Referrals Required Knight: [*:krdha583]110+ Combat [*:krdha583]A Minimum of Two Referrals The Application System Once your application has been approved, you will be a Recruit of the Knights. This trial period will last two weeks, and during that time, it's your goal to impress the leaders and members of KO. This is simply done by frequently posting on our forums, socializing in our IRC channel, and attending events regularly. Before your two week trial period is up, you will be required to attend at least five events, two being a warring/pking event. Come time, you will be contacted via PM by a leader asking you a series of questions. Upon answering these, you will be voted on by the members of the clan to determine if you will become a full-fledged member. An 80% approval is needed. No need to fret however, for if you have been active and allowed the members to get to know you, you will almost certainly pass this trial period and be welcomed as a full-fledged Knight! Explanation of the Novitiate Rank The Novitiate rank will be available to applicants that dont meet our requirements, but would still like to be a part of KO. In essence it is like that of any other "Future Applicant" rank, but unlike it in the manner that it is not required to go through the process. They will have limited access to our forums until they meet the necessary requirements, be it combat or referrals. This is extremely beneficial to both you and the Knights, and we strongly recommend it. This is a chance to familiarize yourself with the clan, get to know the members and obtain an understanding of what we are all about. Closing Comments So there you have it. The Knights of Order in a nutshell. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM on these forums and I will attempt to get back to you ASAP. See you on the inside!
  9. Made this one a while ago -- Just never got around to using it on here. Siggy: Avvy: Rate/Hate/M.... well, we all know how it goes :thumbsup:
  10. Knights of Order Knight: One revered, usually in Medieval Times, who were the protectors of the kingdom. Also known as the King's private guard. Eg.: The Knights of the Round table Order: Orderly, without disarray; Organized. Quite a bit of symbolism in that name once you think about it.
  11. A few days ago, CR approached us for a matched fight in PvP. KO accepted and details were discussed. After some discussion, the following was agreed upon: 20 v 20 Matched Melee+binds only - no range/blasts/curses Tree to tree Inf run/rings allowed No one was allowed to return after death except for leaders Starting: Ko: 22 (will edit in pic when I get it) Cr: 22 Fight started off with us piling Dmoron and CR in turn piling Lilmandy. Mandy tanked for a good amount of time, giving us the head start. That was all KO needed to be on top. From there, there was seemingly no looking back. With KO's next members tanking slightly longer than CR's members, we pulled out a slight numbers advantage. Binding and tanking from both sides was extremely good. We brought our best, keeping our eyes on the prize and striving for it. Our snipers kept excellent pressure on their hybrids giving whoever was tanking that extra amount of time and a reduction in the binding rate. KO all-together out-performed CR enough to pull out the victory. Ending: Ko: 6 Cr: 0 Good fight CR! First time we've beaten you in awhile. Looking forward to future fights.
  12. ~Increase in the number allowed in a CC ~Manageable CC Ban lists ~Graphical Improvements ~Improve the horrible drop rate... I actually want a rune plate when I kill someone.
  13. I sure know when we had a few members in the past that always liked to flame on RSC it didn't make us stronger :-#
  14. Gotta love E-Drama. Check your freaking egos at the door, it's the internet for god sakes.
  15. Once again, our numbers killed us. If we would have had atleast 5-7 more we could have had that =X Gf. :wall:
  16. Heh I noticed you typed it in as "The Knights of The Order". The second "The" shouldn't be there :thumbup:
  17. Thus the latter part of my statement is proven to be true =p
  18. To the victor goes the spoils is my philosophy. Usually I only take the plates if I manage to get one knowing the crappy drop system, otherwise I live by the Food first, riches last guideline. Really KO doesn't care much as long as you don't go out and act NH and loot other PKRI's and so on. Now THAT's just ridiculous.
  19. there are 3 top-5 clans capable of pulling maxed opts now. Df, Vr and TT. Corr can pull 300+ easily and as we continue to recruit we'll be up to the numbers of those 3 clans soon too. I just hope TT don't hit 200 members before we get 150 :P Lol 150 members is just insane... one has to wonder how long they will be able to keep that many... let alone grow instead of depreciate with the influx/leaving of members.
  20. DF's going to drop... Really haven't seen much of them lately...
  21. I was almost excited there for a second :-#
  22. Clan Forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Knights_of_Order/index/ Memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=koforever Leaders: Aoshi153, Dranzer1991, Glimmermere Initials: KO Main Focus: Warring Clan with a few scattered skilling events. GWD trips, Castle Wars, and Stealing Creation are usually either weekly or saved for once a month with allies.
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