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TKO Blitz vs The Death Monkeighs for TWR


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..::Team TKO Blitz vs The Death Monkeighs Warring List::..




Rules were:


3 day Preparation


Matched options


Binds/Melee/Curse Only


Classic Arena


Centre Bounds


Infinite run allowed


Ring charges allowed


TDM attacks


For TWR rank






21 v 21






TKO - 14, TDM - 0




Start pics -


TKO - (cut Redshuster (level 123) and Demon200514 (level 118))






TDM - (+Wolf_Rider43 level 122)








TDM has always given us challenging fights and we knew today they would be on top of their game in order to keep their tipperit.com rank.




The fight started out fairly evenly with both initial piles tanking quite well. Runeminer307 from TDM actually tanked us very well and gained a small lead for them. The fight was really even until around the 15 v 14 mark when TKO pulled away.




Both sides were able to get a KO or two, TKO lucky enough to down 2 hybrids in succession. Both sides also had some really effective sniping going (Ouch :-( )




Some progress pics:












TKO End -








Video is on its way.




Always a fun and challenging war with you TDM, good fight friends :-D (Specially Billy and Eve <3: )




Great job TKO <3:

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good fight tdm




You got KOed son :lol:






Gj Tko. Had to leave while we were piling Bella, everything fell apart after that I heard. :? You guys are great to fight with TDM, always challenging, I was hoping to win this time but you were the better team again ;) Looking forward to next time!


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woot woot, grats tko, sorry I missed it, I had class, At least I got there a small bit after it started and was able to call out stuff from audio to video. gf tdm.


"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."

Bob Marley

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good fight tdm




You got KOed son :lol:






Gj Tko. Had to leave while we were piling Bella, everything fell apart after that I heard. :? You guys are great to fight with TDM, always challenging, I was hoping to win this time but you were the better team again ;) Looking forward to next time!




Eve from what i heard you got koed by our snipe unit anyways good job









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