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Ok I keep hearing about "26k"... what exactly is 26k?


people use 26k instead of 25k because they are paranoid that somehow 997 gp will make its way out of their inventory...




he's talking about the PvP trick where you get a friend to die to you. Your friend must have 25003 gp (because 3 geepee get protected). 25004 if your friend uses protect item.






the rewards can be cheap stuff like rune weapons, or semivalue things like glory amulets, higher value items like amulets of fury or berserker rings, high value things like PvP weapons/armour and extremely high value items like a dragon full helmet or dragonfire shield.






your friend must have 25003 (or 25004) gp to trigger the drop table otherwise you will get very low priced items. You need 75003 (or 75004) gp to be able to get the DFH/DFS drop (from what i've heard).




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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Ok I keep hearing about "26k"... what exactly is 26k?


people use 26k instead of 25k because they are paranoid that somehow 997 gp will make its way out of their inventory...




he's talking about the PvP trick where you get a friend to die to you. Your friend must have 25003 gp (because 3 geepee get protected). 25004 if your friend uses protect item.






the rewards can be cheap stuff like rune weapons, or semivalue things like glory amulets, higher value items like amulets of fury or berserker rings, high value things like PvP weapons/armour and extremely high value items like a dragon full helmet or dragonfire shield.






your friend must have 25003 (or 25004) gp to trigger the drop table otherwise you will get very low priced items. You need 75003 (or 75004) gp to be able to get the DFH/DFS drop (from what i've heard).




Ohh... I see. I knew about that trick but never heard the term. Thanks for explaining. ;)

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