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Help on making a decision on my pure :D


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Hey every one this is karin001... This is my first thread so bear with me please :thumbsup:




I've had an account since 2005 called Karin001. I played in it a couple times back 4 years ago. I don't know what drove me to do it but the very first skill i raised was fishing. I got to about 40 fishing and got bored of the game because i was young and was too lazy to read that I could train my skills with the money i raised from fishing.




The years passed and i got on a few times... I logged on raised some random skill, got off and didn't play for another 4 months or so. Then in 2007 after some update, I really ended up liking the game. Not that i was an addict,but i really enjoyed playing it. I forgot all about my karin account and created another one which over the course of time got banned because of my stupidity. that was back in 2007. Again I stopped playing the game because of my raged of getting such a good account permanently banned. Then in the begging of 2008 i remembered about my karin account and started to play it again... Yes i know it's boring but hold on the good part is about to come... I decided to make this account a pure but chose the wrong account for it for this one already had about 25 defense... I didn't care i went on and starting skilling like a freak. First i got 60 fishing and used that money to raise range.. I reached 50 range and got bored so again i went back to fishing and spent the money on some other skills... I'm not going to include all the minute details but the final product was this-








I'm going to get 65 strength then 70 range and level off attack at 60 ( I want you guys to tell me if you suggest i do this or not?)




But my real concern is defense. Should I just raise it to 40 and become a tanker? what should I do please help me.




Thanks to all in advance and please don't post comments such as " Ohh what a noob you're not a pure with deff"










Oh yeah and did I mention i've been perm muted since 07'? - Different story for a later time.

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personally i prefer a rune pure since they get hit less often and their cb is high enough to fight pll with respectable drops. also 40def will make powertraining att/str/range much better...



[hide]visage drop 11/01/09


all skills 70+ (completed)

all skills 80+

98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER![/hide]

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Alright how bout this... I'm currently 10k xp away from 60 strength. How bout I get 60 attack as soon as reach it then do the quest for the DDS and get the def xp from that and then level it off with rock crabs?

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Ok Range is a definitely a must for me ... Eventually i'm gonna get 99... I'm just real bored of range I want to get to 70 sooo bad..but training it 4 levels sounds pretty boring at the moment. i'm also gonna get 61+ Strength and 60 attack - I'm working on it right now. I'm gonna do MM and level to 40 Defense from that... This is a little random but I also want to do desert treasure but I don't feel like getting 50 thieving(Meh)

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Ok Range is a definitely a must for me ... Eventually i'm gonna get 99... I'm just real bored of range I want to get to 70 sooo bad..but training it 4 levels sounds pretty boring at the moment. i'm also gonna get 61+ Strength and 60 attack - I'm working on it right now. I'm gonna do MM and level to 40 Defense from that... This is a little random but I also want to do desert treasure but I don't feel like getting 50 thieving(Meh)




Level defence from drag slayer not MM.

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