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Semi afk'able spot, 60k+ exp/hour?


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I'm looking for a semi afk'able spot to train def, I have bandos tassets and chestplate along with a dfs. I have all the works, and 5.5m cash, and if need be I can sell my SS for the time being. I want to be able to gain 60k defense exp or more per hour, I will be using super sets. I like to look at the forums, watch TV and whatnot while I'm training, which is why I need a semi afk'able spot.




All responses are greatly appreciated, thanks! ::'




~ Sumondskull6

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zombie monkies are at most 80k exp/hour, and they are not that afk'able since your using prayer pots. When I mentioned 5.5m + SS I meant more towards armor. I will however try them, in a few minutes, until I have a better option. Also, do you use piety?

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No check this guide: viewtopic.php?f=103&t=751956




And it is quite afkable, i mean what i do is wait for your prayer to drain to about 5 and then pot twice, that will last oyu a good 2-3 mins, then all you do is click twice and wait another 2-3 mins, easily done if al your doing is viewing forums/watching T.V.

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