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????photoshop textures????


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i really want to make a picture of my face hairy. i saw a tut on good tuts that showed how to make a tree person. but it was to hard to follow, only becuase i dont know how to make texutres.








i think all i have to do is find the texture i want, then use the stamp tool some how and edit th epic a little bit? i just dont know how to do that. im looking at tuts right now.









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You know that you shouldn't edit your own face... live with who you are and enjoy it...








If you must add textures... I suggest getting a piece of hair on skin that you'd like to use... make sure it has different shades... and then use the healing brush tool to plaster over the image... it's never easy.. but I edited out a human figure yesterday using the healing brush. It does work.

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I'd say it would be much more like pixelating than dealing with filters and blending, or even brushes or patterns.




And yes, you have to be really experienced with PS to do that :wink:


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Lieke M3!








Actually, I've never attempted to do anything like that, just blemish healing, color enhancing, feature 'exploiting', and generally making people look hotter.... ;)
















Now once I get my Nikon 4600 tomorrow.....Things might change :twisted:

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to make it look realistic, not just like a piece of hair ontop of your face, would take a lot of tallent. Definitly some big use in brushing/layer styles and perhaps/probaly mask's as well.

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