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to low to make barrows runs?


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so i have 77 range, 50 def and 47 prayer. my strength and magic levels are to low to matter, so i wont be using those, and my combat level is 73. is this to low to start making trips to barrows? or should i get my prayer higher first?




id like to start doing higher level stuff like this, but im not sure if i should bother yet.


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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You could do it, but you most likely will need more food and potions then someone with a higher defense and prayer levels. But it is doable at your level. If you are just going to range you might wanna look into side stepping to avoid combat. Like i said, its going to be hard but you can do it.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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this is sorta off topic..but, my freind he could make like 5m a day doing barrows? Is that ture?




P.S -- He was wayy lower stats then me.


If he does it all day, and gets lucky on chest items, he could. Other wise it not very possible.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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Yes your too low.


Barrows is only effective when using magic (veracs and GS's are ok, but not great).


With range you waste a lot of time and ammo per kill.


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Your post inspired me to do a barrows trip. Here is my post trip picture:




You could sub 1 monk for 1 prayer pot to do another run, if you feel risky.

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hm the image is blocked on this profile, ill have to wait a little later and switch accounts so i can see it.




(the computer profile im on now has some weird stuff going on with it, almost all images wont appear, and my dads has a pass which i havent figured out yet -.- )


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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I would strongly recommend getting your magic and prayer higher. The only barrows brother that is weak against range is ahrim, and a range lvl much lower than yours can easily take care of him. Prayer pots restore about 40% of your max prayer, so the higher it is the more your pots will benefit you, the less you'll need per trip. Mage is very effective against all the other brothers, including karil (which is backwards of the combat triangle), and is your best friend in barrows next to prayer.




Yes you can make 5m a day. I actually was extremely lucky once and made 10mil in about an hour (5 drops in 4 trips) but that's extremely rare. If you play there about 2-3 hours a day, and become efficient (15 minutes per run average) you should average about 3mil a day over the long term.




At your level, I'd get mage up as much as possible. Also, check out avianses, which is actually more favored to rangers like yourself, and the money is very good there as well.

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As for the question of equipment setup, here's what I used to wear wheni just started barrows at around combat 82 (a bit higher than your stats, and I had 55 slayer)




Monk robes, mystic hat, gloves boots, broodoo shield and unholy symbol for an extra 13 prayer bonus, God cape and slayer staff. I also wore ring of life, but now I wear explorer ring for an addition prayer and mage point. And I used addy knives for ahrim along with black dragon body and chaps. Running through the tunnels I just equiped d long and granite shield and that was it. Very cheap, did the job. Cost me about 2-3 potions a trip. Inventory was ectophial, spade, deaths and minds, then my range gear and shield, then 4 pots, and the last 16 spots with sharks (later with swordies as I got more confident)




Right now my setup is different, I wear veracs and don't pray for guthan, torag or verac because my def is super high, although the mage penalties mean I sacrifice my mage offense for melee defense. I'm still looking to tweak my style to make my runs faster.




In the tunnels defense is your friend, so I'd recommend rune or raise your def lvl or stick with really good food. At your level the tunnel monsters may create problems if you stop to kill them. Beyond that its just luck and practice and you'll be enjoying the rewards

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