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also lets explore the benefits of having a hot gf.


1. she gets hit on a lot, thus making you feel better about landing her

2. she's not clingy or jealous



now the cons

1. she can get any guy she wants.. you're not that attractive are you? you get jealous.

2. she expects you to do stuff for her and work harder

3. for whatever reason you have, getting her jealous is hard work.

1. thatd more likely piss me off, but I'm a pretty tolerant dude within limits.




1.I am a beacon of physical excellence but your point is valid

2. no. she doesn't like it, too bad, everybody gets what they get.

3. I don't think most guys try this underhanded jealousy stoof. or if they do they are just as bad as women. and pathetic.


Edit: shower time brb



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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god i am tired

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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I slept in math again today.


Before this class I had never slept during school. Even on the day in health class where we were supposed to. I got yelled at.


I needed to be in Honors so bad. [bleep]ing full classes and horrible scheduling.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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*kick Halo's balls*


Why did you do that for?

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Sorry. Every time I see a naked dude, I get the urge to kick his balls. They're just so dangly and crazy. It's just like man.


I don't look in the mirror when I'm naked very often.

My skin is finally getting soft
I'll scrub until the damn thing comes off

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You guys aren't making any sense.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Sorry. Every time I see a naked dude, I get the urge to kick his balls. They're just so dangly and crazy. It's just like man.


I don't look in the mirror when I'm naked very often.

This implies you see naked men on a regular basis, other than yourself.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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