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Year of updates is FAIL


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(QUELMOT DO NOT post on my threads - you are spamming and your opinion is NOT appreciated.)


There isn't a facepalm big enough. Learn to rant before ranting, he knows how, you have shown that you don't yet. When you post a thread like this you have to expect disagreements; They're guaranteed.




What about this?


Mobilising Armies should be with you in the next few weeks. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you on the battlefield!


Or have you been ignoring the development diaries?

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I happened to chance upon this thread AGAIN as it has been bumped up to near the top of the forum.




All I have to say is: :roll:




Firstly, I am NOT spamming.




10/10 i agree with everything thsat was said. rs is like a big quilt and jagex staff just add their little updates. now the quilt is ugly and makes no sense. also whats with penguins in runescape! mega lame!




This is spamming.




Dumb analogy, no evidence to back up, horrible spelling and grammar.




I might flame, but its because some points are ridiculously stupid. If you can't take flaming, please, scram off the forums.




I am an f2p player, so what? You mean I can't comment on this? Most of the issues in this thread are related to f2p in some way or other.




Please, state some evidence where I am illogical.




What about you contradicting yourself, hypocrite?




I would quote it, but its too far in the thread. You'll find it on page 2, where you contradicted yourself.




























Month 7...




Less than half a year to go.


I hope Jagex surprises us all by making better upgrades.




(QUELMOT DO NOT post on my threads - you are spamming and your opinion is NOT appreciated.)




Please leave this forum immediately. You write on a rants forum and then complain because someone has a different opinion than you. Screw off, if you can't take the heat get out of the rants forum.




Quelmotz, please continue to enlighten this idiot.




Thanks! :thumbsup:

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